Tourists witness assault on Gozo Channel captain
Gozo Channel operations manager allegedly assaults one of the company’s captains in Ghasri, Gozo.
Four tourists witnessed assault on a Gozo Channel captain by a company manager.
The Gozo Channel operations manager, George Borg has been charged with assaulting Captain Mario Grech. Allegedly the incident happened outside Grech's residence in Ghasri, Gozo.
The case supposedly happened on 1 May but has been kept under wraps. Police reports seen by Sunday newspaper Illum show that Borg was outside the victim's residence just 45 minutes after Grech sent an email to the Gozo Channel chairman and Borg in regards to an incident which occurred a day earlier.
According to Grech, the incident was witnessed by four English nationals who also tried to pacify the situation.
Read more in today's edition of Illum

Luke Camilleri •
Issa tal-Gozo Channel jafuzgur b'dan l'incident!
Issa Malta kollha taf.... x'sejjer issir issa?
Sejra il-Gozo Channel tohrog stqarrija.... jew qedin nitolbu iz-zejjed li tintrefgha ir-responsabilita u li jittiehdu passi dixiplinari kif ghandhu jkun?
Min hu il fuq mll ligi?

Dak li jigri meta l-ARROGANCA tnixxi minn fuq ghal isfel. Kif jinghad mhux x'taf izda lil min taf. @nsammut , issa naraw x'passi ser jittiehdu fil-konfront ta' George Borg imbaghad tinduna jek gonzipn jahtiex.

Minn minnom kellu r-ragun hadd ghadu ma jaf u jekk kienx hemm provokazzjoni jew le f'din!! U wara kollox x'jista' jehel jekk veru sar hekk....inqas minn 60 euro zgur ghax il-kaz jidher li hu ferm inqas gravi minn dak ta' Marsaxlokk. Mil-kliem ghal fatti hemm bahar jikkumbatti!!!

Sewwa kien qal wiehed. Issemmi il-passat ghax tibza mil-present sur Gonzipn. Tipprova tatti ix-xemx bl-arbiel.

Last month the Maltese witnessed the marmalja at the PN's headquarters, and now we are reading how Gozo Channel is protecting a bully who assaulted a whistleblower. What's up next month?

Gonzi xghandu xjaqsam ma din il-bicca???
Mela kollox Gonzi jehel.

Gonzi xghandu xjaqsam ma din il-bicca???
Mela kollox Gonzi jehel.

gonzipn jaghjjar lil pl bil passat u x'jaghmel hu fil present imbierek ..halliena pep u tghallem isthi.