‘History would judge Mintoff positively, even if his methods were debatable’ – Fenech Adami

“Overall, Mintoff’s place in history is positive, albeit critics may find his methods debatable,” former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami.

Eddie Fenech Adami.
Eddie Fenech Adami.

Eddie Fenech Adami has described Dom Mintoff as a man of "strong character, who knew what he wanted and fought to bring about great changes in the country, even if the methods he used were debatable."

Eddie Fenech Adami who led the PN in Opposition during the tumultuous 1970's and 1980's said that he remembers Dom Mintoff in his beginnings, and his role in the Labour Party split back in 1949.

"Overall, I believe that Dom Mintoff's place in history is a positive one. He wanted the best for Malta. He sought to lift the lower classes and brought about social changes, but again as I said one still questions his methods," Fenech Adami said.

Asked whether he remembered any particular moment with Mintoff, Fenech Adami spoke about his stormy meetings with the former Premier shortly after the 1981 General Elections.

"I remember meeting Mintoff after that perverse result, and my party's decision to boycott parliament. On one particular occasion, I went to meet Mintoff accompanied by my secretary John Camilleri, and Mintoff insisted that he sees me alone.

"On that day Mintoff had lost his cool, slamming his fist on the table spilling a large cup of tea all over his papers.

"I asked is this an earthquake? And he replied that all was ok and calmed down," Fenech Adami said.


The labour party has still to decide whether Dom was a traitor or saviour.
il-pedamenti ghamilhom borg olivier meta investa fil-lukandi u fabbriki fis-sittinijiet. mintoff ghamel gid ukoll. mintoff ghamel il-bonus u kienu jghidu li jekk jitla l-pn inehhieh. mhux talli hekk talli meta telgha l-pn zied ta' marzu u settembru. l-istess ghac-children allowances il-pn ta lit-tfal kollha u mhux l-ewwel tlieta. rigward il-vot lin-nisa u dawk ta' 18 dan kien gie moghti ghax hekk kien jaqbel lil partit laburista dakinhar. din hija l-verita' ghax kieku ma kienx jinghata bhal ma huwa jigri issa il-pl ma jridx li wiehed ghax idum gurnata u sitt xhur ma jistax jivvota. ara kieku jaqbilli ara kieku x'inhu jaghmel.
@thorny - kif qatt ma timbidlu!! iddoqqu diski li tivvintaw u li tibilaw. nhar is-sibt se naraw fejn huwa dawk il-laburisti li ghajruh traditur u zmagat fost affarijiet ohra. issa qed tfahruh tridu tuhduh katavru d-dar centrali laburista meta f'hajtu cahhattuh milli jidhol. tbusu l-id li tixtiequ maqtuha.
@thorny - kif qatt ma timbidlu!! iddoqqu diski li tivvintaw u li tibilaw. nhar is-sibt se naraw fejn huwa dawk il-laburisti li ghajruh traditur u zmagat fost affarijiet ohra. issa qed tfahruh tridu tuhduh katavru d-dar centrali laburista meta f'hajtu cahhattuh milli jidhol. tbusu l-id li tixtiequ maqtuha.
Luke Camilleri
@doha X'vera demokrazija? L'Anqas tafu xi tfisser veru dik il-kelma ghax kieku kontu tohorgu intkom kontra l'imperu Ingliz biex Malta tkun veru Indipendenti! Il-"demokrazija' ta' Eddie hija li hu u ta' madwaru jaghmlu li jridu, jonfqu ( mhux min taghhom) kemm iridu u jimxu bla sens ta' dixxiplina u kontrol! GHALHEKK QIEGHED FL-ISTAT LI QIEGHED IL-PAZZIZ, IL-FINAZZI TIEGHU u li baqa' mill assi tieghu! Tkun gudikat int uloll Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami u mhux mill-istorja biss imma mill -Hallieq li jaf KOLLOX X'HEMM VERU FIL-QALB, X'HEMM VERU FIL-MOHH! Jekk xi darba inti saqsejt 'FEJN HUMA IL-LABURISTI?" issa tkun tafa ir-risposta, nhar is-Sibt jaghtu gieh il-veru MISSIER TA' PAJJIZ!
mintoff kien ihobb jghid ta spiss MALTA L-EWWEL U QABEL KOLLOX. MIN MHUX MGHANA HUWA KONTRA TGHANA. u allahares dak iz zmien kont tghid li int kontra mintoff ghax miskin int. sa ftit taz zmien ilu dawn li qed jikkumentaw u jikkritikaw u jzebilhu lil EDDIE kienu qed jghajjru lill mintoff TRADITUR. issa dar kollox rega.
Arcadia semma lil Daphne Caruana Galizia, il hnieg tal pajjiz. Morru naqra fuq il blog taghha u taraw il-hmieg li hireg minn go l-istonku taghha, jekk ghanda. Qatt f hajti ma hadt skandlu u ma skantajt b xejn u b hadd, imma b din il-moqzieza ta mara, jekk hi mara, mhux xitan forma ta mara, niskandalizza ruhi. L-anqas fuq l-iktar bniedem exxellerat ma tghid dak id diskors ahseb u ara fuq bniedem li hlief gid ma ghamilx. Il-veru fossa tal koko, u ta hdura li bhalha f hajti kollha qatt ghadni ma rajt. Nikkundanna lilha u lil min qed jibbekkja u qisu ma hu jigri xejn. Xi hdura ta kliem li anqas fuq annimal ma tghidu ahseb u ara fuq bniedem li ghamel il gid u issa halla din id dinja. Possibbli li il-knisja ma titkellem xej? Jew ahna insara sa fej jaqblilna? Xi hmieg ta blog jaqq. Mara hadra, imxajtna zgur ghax anqas l icken valur ma ghanda. Possibli ma ghawn hadd li jwaqqafha? Il veru spiccajna ghal gol hajt minn tlett nahat.
@doha: The decriminalization of homosexuality, the set up of the welfare state, the right to vote at 18, the vote to women, the pension system, free housing schemes, the stipend system, obligatory education, the set up of parastatal organizations, the set up of FDIs...and above all: the separation of church and state and the removal of all British colonial influence..are these not the fundamentals of democracy; the tools for people to decide their future??? As far as I know these were all accomplished under Mintoff "tyranny" (sic). Perhaps you have an pseudo-intellectual meaning of the word and maybe you're not so practical; I wonder whether you would have accomplished even a fraction of these? And history will show that EFA's best mentor in his later political career was no one else but Mintoff! If EFA became politically anyone, he owes it to Mintoff...when you have a tough opponent you need to become similarly tough to survive. We call that social contagion in psychology...look it up mate!
gentlemen act like gentlemen. dr sant described mintoff as monumental while dr fenech adami also said that history will judge mintoff positively.and after all they were speaking the truth. but even in malta it appears that not everybodys mind have evolved,most propable the theory of evolution worked backword for them. we pity them.
Issa indunajt Dr. EFA? Issa tard wisq. PROSIT XPRUN.
Raymond Falzon
History will judge you as a liar who caused the death of Hunters and Trappers EFA.
Dom Mintoff eradicated poverty from this country. Malta had NO DEBT in his time. Unlike you, you and your party, you bankrupted the country. Look at us now up to our necks with debt!!!! Debatable methods??? look who's talking!!!
Dom Mintoff was the king of Malta Welfare State.
From 1971 to 1977 there was no violence in Malta.Then you were elected as leader of opposition and hell broke loose.You were guilty for violence because you instignated it and never stopped the people infront of you when they were calling 'salbu,salbu,salbu"he was a great statesman not like you.
@xprun mintoff wegga hafna nies u ghamel zbalji u fjaski kbar. efa gab il-vera demokrazija f'malta
History will judge Mintoff who rid us of the obscurantist Church,as the one who introduced and built a welfare state, as the father of Malta'real independence', and as the one who left Malta's coffers full.....unlike GonziPN who's only heritage is that of a legacy of 6 billion euros of debt, a divided PN party, a roofless theater and a Parliament that is surplus to requirements+ he lifted a few good men to billionaires status!
Luke Camilleri
History will judge everyone and not only Mintoff! The methods Mintoff used may have been debatable to EFA but the end justified the means! That is called "NEGOTIATION"! ONE THING FOR SURE WITH MINTOFF, YOU ALWAYS KNEW WHERE YOU STOOD AND THERE WERE NEVER ANY CLANDESTINE MEETINGS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.... not necessarily stormy but surely secret! If there were any earthquakes caused, these hit, cracked and emptied the countries coffers and assets with the 'MONEY NO PROBLEM' mentality of spending by EFA as if there was no tomorrow!
Dr. Fenech Adami History will remember you as Negative person Bully and you Hated other People of your same Religion your past History talks
Dear Eddie, tell this to Daphne Caruana Galizia Please.
Reuben Sciberras
The true pillars of Democracy were Borg Olivier and Mintoff. They were the true statesmen. Fenech Adami and Gonzi are just pathetic shaddows next to them.
As history would judge you, Dr Fenech Adami. We certainly don't need you to tell us that Dom Mintoff's role in history was a positive one. He was a colossus, the greatest Maltese statesman that ever lived. As for using "methods that were debatable" let's not forget on the methods you used when you were PM. Let's also not forget that you were always a PM, and later a self-appointed President, of only 50 per cent of the population and you made every effort to keep the divisiveness and lack of reconciliation very much alive throughout your political career.