‘Mintoff sent me to buy Archbishop's Curia for party HQ’ – MEP John Attard Montalto

Labour MEP John Attard Montalto claims to have been sent by Dom Mintoff to ‘buy’ the Archbishop’s Curia to have it house Labour Party headquarters.

File MEP John Attard Montalto addressing the 2008 Labour Party General Conference
File MEP John Attard Montalto addressing the 2008 Labour Party General Conference

Labour MPs Karmenu Vella and Marie Louise Coleiro Preca struggled to deny a claim made by party colleague and MEP John Attard Montalto, who in a recorded interview on Television Malta programme 'Realta' claimed to have been sent by former Prime Minister Dom Mintoff to "buy the Archbishop's Curia" in a bid to house the Labour Party's headquarters as he wanted to move out of the Macina in Senglea.

Attard Montalto did not specify what year it was, however he claimed to have been sent by Mintoff to buy the Archbishop's Curia, adding that that was "one of the many mission impossible" he was tasked to do by the late leader.

The MEP's claim startled Karmenu Vella and Marie Louise Coleiro Preca who followed the interview from Brian Hansford's 'Realta' studio together with former PN minister Michael Falzon.

Both Vella and Coleiro Preca said that they had no idea where Attard Montalto got that story from, expressing themselves "convinced" that it was never the case that Mintoff had asked him to 'buy' or even set his eyes on the Archbishop's Curia to house the party headquarters.

Realtà is to be aired on Television Malta tonight.


I honestly never realised you were this stupid.
Hi Mr. Attard Montalto, Why did you not claim this when Mintoff was alive?? Why now?? Or maybe you could have stated this before you decided to represent the Labour Party in Europe. Of all the cheek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am disgusted with people like you .... Again why did you not say it before the European elections???
Fin-Navy il-bahrin il-godda kienu jghidulhom biex imorri igiebu ftit tursin mill-engine room u bhal Attard Montalto ghamlulu l-istess...
Dear Dr Attard Montaldo, Dom Mintoff certainly took you for a ride that time. I think you had better pack up your Brussels kitbag and await the MEP elections rather than try to make up these silly stories. If you thought that this was one of the stories worth telling, you should have told it when Mintoff was alive. Silly.
Dr.Montalto ergajt zlaqt fin-niexef. Ahjar tistrieh bil-kwiet
Dr.Montalto ergajt zlaqt fin-niexef. Ahjar tistrieh bil-kwiet
Montaldo - they were playing a practical joke on you and all these years you have not realized! No wonder Mintoff was always shouting 'gidra' at the people around him.
Ha ha ha......I bet Dom is laughing at this joke of the century on his way to Heaven. I bet Mr Mintoff was taking the mickey out of Dr Attard Montalto. They surely were missions impossible, and Mintoff was shrewd enough to know these facts......
Dr. Montalto , I'm very surprised that you are making such allegations now , especcially when you are a lawyer . As a lawyer , you know that you should give the other party every possibility to conferm or deny these allegations . Or you have waited intentionally all this time so that there will be no one to contradict what you'r saying because they are both dead ? Do you have any proof or someone to collaborate these allegations ? Or it is high time to have some cheep propoganda for the forthcomming MEP election ?
Lino Camilleri
Dr Montaldo one time I too wanted to be rich and wealthy but it not what one 's want that count. I ask Dr Montaldo and others why have waited so long to reveal sensational news and when they know that Mintoff has no more chance to defend himself now. For God sake Montaldo is a lawyer.
This man is no Gentleman, hes just in it for the publicity, To chicken to say anything when Mintoff was alive now hes trying to revel in it and have his name put out over the media. Idiotic person. Why is he still in the Labour party.
Drajnihom tieghek dottore. Halliena tghid Duminku ma kiex ser javda lilek. Tahseb li bil-flus ser tixtri lil-Malta, Spicca dak iz-zmien. Ahjar toqod bi kwietek mid dehra mux l-ewwel darba li hadfek il-Perit. Ser tiprova tohoda kontra muntanja, imma ftakar li int kull ma int traba hdeja. Il-Karriera tieghek spiccat fil-politika,forsi minn ikun flokok tattendi ghal- laqghat tal Partlament Ewrepew u mux immur holiday fil Carrebean
Ghall li jista jkun, ma kienx l'ewwel ta April?
Sur Attard Montalto , Li tiġi issa u toħroġ b'din l-istorja propju issa meta Mintoff ma jistax jikkonferma jew jiċħad dak li qed tgħid int , turi li jew int kodard għax ma kellikx il-kuraġġ li tgħida qabel , jew int giddieb għax taf li issa Mintoff ma jistax jiddefendi ruħu min dak li qed tgħid int . Min taħseb li ser jemmnek meta tgħid ċuċata bħall din ? Taħseb li in-nies huma bħaħan , Sur Montalto ?
John, Ghal li jista ikun ,ma kienx l-ewwel ta April hux, ghax jekk veru, ghadda passata bik sew, bhal ma qeghedin nghaddu ahna bhal issa. Biex veru konna nemmnu din il hrafa,missek ghedtilna ezatt meta bghatek tixtri lil kurja. Insomma, issa talli ghedtilna din l-istorja xi trid min ghandha ? il vot...le ghax tlift il kredibilta maghna il MINTOFFJANI.
I can't see the big fuss. Every property has a price tag be it the curia or the Vatican.
J A M hallina nahseb tnejjek bik mela ta hi. LOL
The cheek of it all this gentleman waited for Mintoff to die to reveal this story.Why not before Dr Montalto or were you afraid of losing votes for your MEP hopes. This is an eye opener.
Dr Montalto must have a very heavy chip on his shoulder otherwise why come up with a story that cannot be collaborated. It is simply his word against who, Mintoff's? Next thing we would hear is that the attack on the curia was instigated by Mintoff so they would sell it. Give us a break Dr Montalto what have you to show to back up your claim.Just convinced me to whom I will give my vote next MEP elections.
Dr Attard Montalto maybe he said it as a joke.Now you can say what you want, because he is not with us anymore.RIP Dear DOM.
John, you're sounding like Franco Debono. Stop associating with him.
Gonzi has JPO(flights of fantasy) and Franco Debono(delusions of grandeur). Muscat has the equivalent is JAM and Bland Mintoff if the electorate is daft enough to elect a pro abortionist.Well PL elected JAM so heaven spare us from these illustrious people.
Hiereg il-hama`!
Mela ghax ma ghadtiex qabel, mela issa ezatt wara il- mewt ta Mintoff ?
ma niehu xejn bi kbir. li ma tarax jew tisma ma tistax tghid mhux veru.
Luke Camilleri
Minn dejjem ihobb idahhaq.... X'gie jaghmel?
stenbah mir raqda. mhux ahjar tkompli tpappi il paga li ghandek
Jaqaw Attard Montalto thawwad xi wahda papali bis-segretarja li ghandu fl-ufficcju fi Brussels?
As Mintoff is going to trust Attard Montaldo !!!!!!! I am sure that Mintoff was pulling his leg, hehehehe funny man.
Ried jaghmel bhal Hilter meta dahal parigi! Gieghel lill francizi jiffirmaw il kapitulazzjoni fl-istess vagun tal ferrovija li kien intuza biex il germanja tiffirma li cediet fl ewwel gwerra dinjija!
I find it hard to believe that JAM would really mean this in the way it was published. Just in case he did however I find it even harder to understand what sort of a headquartes the Arch Bishop's Curia would make. In addittion it is truly a pity the Hon. Dom Mintoff, may God rest his soul, does not get a chance to reply, isn't it!!
Of course he would never have offered to buy it, what rubbish. Requisition or " acquired" not to use a stronger word, like he did to the National Bank would have been more his style.