Gonzi says ‘controversial’ Mintoff deserved respectful funeral

Prime Minister says Dom Mintoff remains a controversial figure but deserved a respectful send-off.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

During a brief intervention on the Nationlist Party's radio station, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said "Dom Mintoff was and remains a controversial figure for the Nationalist Party. There is no need to expand on this but I am proud that Malta showed maturity and elevated itself from partisan politics and paid its respects to Mintoff."

Gonzi noted that Malta showed its respect to Mintoff and his family, adding, "all persons who dedicate their life to the country deserve respect, who ever they are."

He said the single fact that Mintoff spent 16 years as Prime Minister deserves dignity and respect.

The PN leader, currently on holiday in the UK, went on to speak about the government's investment in education.

Boasting about the Nationalist Party record in education , he could not resist taking a dig at the Labour Party by saying that "while Labour wanted to use education as a tool to create a Socialist generation, the Nationalist Party looks at education as a tool to develop the country.

Gonzi explained that the Nationalist government will maintain its investment in education at all levels in the coming months.

He said that "in contrast the Labour Party, wanted to change stipends to loans, abandoned investment in schools, closed Mcast, downsized the University, wanted to introduce the repeater class and introduced the 20 points system,."

Gonzi insisted that the PN is "the best chance for children to succeed." He underlined the "massive investment" at the University of Malta and Mcast.

The PN leader also stressed that in this legislature, 20,000 had graduated from the University and Mcast, adding that nearly all new gradates were now working.

"Had Malta followed Joseph Muscat's advice, the country would not have the funds to continue to invest in education, which is the country's biggest treasure," Gonzi said.

Ghandkhom xi thirty ukoll. Paga tab a u xhur shah ta holiday ! True most dedicated but for goodness sake majority think the best well off everything considered...... U dejjem igorru , halluna. Also if there is some lack of knowledge for example in the English language who are to blame ! Yes it's them and not the gov. Pn in government always pushed the teachers upwards and gave them the best of everything. Taf xi tridu tghidu no more talk on reducing drastically all those holidays. Both gov agree that max one month and that is saying allot is more then enough ! Then Christmas then Easter then carnival then this then that. QED ! Prosit Gonzi prosit pn. There is absolutely nothing li jhammar wicchom fejn jidhol I'd-xoghol, educazzjoni u s-sahha
Ghandkhom xi thirty ukoll. Paga tab a u xhur shah ta holiday ! True most dedicated but for goodness sake majority think the best well off everything considered...... U dejjem igorru , halluna. Also if there is some lack of knowledge for example in the English language who are to blame ! Yes it's them and not the gov. Pn in government always pushed the teachers upwards and gave them the best of everything. Taf xi tridu tghidu no more talk on reducing drastically all those holidays. Both gov agree that max one month and that is saying allot is more then enough ! Then Christmas then Easter then carnival then this then that. QED ! Prosit Gonzi prosit pn. There is absolutely nothing li jhammar wicchom fejn jidhol I'd-xoghol, educazzjoni u s-sahha
All this goes to show that the PM is cut off from the world...ask the teachers dear PM. Enjoy your holiday!