Joe Grima's abusive rant over Mintoff obituary

Former Labour minister Joe Grima posts an offensive comment on Facebook in reaction to a sharply-worded Mintoff obituary published on the Catholic Herald.

Former Labour minister and broadcaster Joe Grima.
Former Labour minister and broadcaster Joe Grima.

Former Labour minister Joe Grima's expletive-laden tirade against the author of an obituary on former Prime Minister has raised a few eyebrows.

Joe Grima's online rant came in reaction to an obituary published by the Catholic Herald, penned by Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith.

Grima - a former Labour minister and Mintoff acolyte - wrote on Facebook: "I read your article Fr Lucie-Smith and your comments about Dom Mintoff. Do you want to have mine? Certainly. Fuck you Father. If you're not already used to it there are enough pedophiles (sic) in your clan to show you the ropes."

In his obituary, Lucie-Smith said Mintoff caused great harm to Malta and added "a friend to Mao, Gaddafi and the Khmer Rouge, he was no harmless eccentric, and knew when to send in his thugs.

Joe Grima was Mintoff's special envoy for Europe, North Africa nd the Middle East.  Following the 1981 perverted electoral result, in which Labour remained in power despite winning less votes than the PN, he vehemently defended Labour's right to hang on to power. Grima was appointed industry and commerce ministry in 1981. He then became tourism minister in 1983.

Grima will be remembered for his militant views and controversial stands in the 1970s and 1980s: including calling Fenech Adami a "Buda" and a "pouf" in public meetings... only to later make a public apology.

In the years following Alfred Sant's election as Labour leader in 1992, Grima re-emerged from political wilderness and anchored a discussion programme on the Nationalist Party's television station for seven years, openly supporting his former nemesis Eddied Fenech Adami.

This defection was borne out of Grima's sour relationship with Sant. However, following Sant's resignation and Joseph Muscat's election in 2008, Grima was once again welcomed back to the Labour Party, hosting a television show on Labour's One Television and being a vociferous critic of the Nationalist Party. Grima returned to the fold on the invitation of Labour leader Joseph Muscat.

Grima was not the only one to find Lucie-Smith's obituary objectionable. Hundreds of messages, some littered with abusive languange, have been posted on the Catholic Herald's webpage with people debating Lucie-Smith's sharp-worded and at times puerile obituary.

A Catholic priest and a doctor of moral theology Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith was not so forthcoming with nice words to say about Malta's former Prime Minister.

"The Telegraph has an obituary, as has the Guardian, neither of which are as interesting as they might have been. [...] As for Dom Mintoff, his private life was kept private too, though there was lots of gossip, much of it well founded," Lucie-Smith wrote in the Catholic Herald.

The article carries the headline, "Dom Mintoff, a dominant figure in Malta for 30 years, did great harm to his country" already indicating what is to follow.

Openly expressing his dislike for Mintoff, Fr Lucie-Smith pinpoints Mintoff's destruction of the Maltese environment as the main reason while criticising his contradictory arguments regarding integration before later campaigning against Malta's accession into the EU.

"But he never really had any principles. [...] If he hated Britain, there were other countries and leaders he loved. He fawned over Mao Tse-tung and Colonel Gaddafi; he sent the Khmer Rouge a telegram of congratulations on the "liberation" of Phnom Penh. The former were generous with their aid," Fr Lucie-Smith says.

A friend to Mao, Gaddafi and the Khmer Rouge, Fr Lucie-Smith says Mintoff was no harmless eccentric, and knew when to send in his thugs, and was political posturing.

"He would send his thugs into action when a little muscle could yield results. His thugs burned down the Times of Malta building, a newspaper that not even the Luftwaffe was able to put out of business. His thugs beat up striking students at the university.

"His thugs attacked the Archbishop's Curia, and his thugs attacked the house of the Leader of the Opposition, Dr Eddie Fenech Adami, and assaulted his wife," Fr Lucie-Smith says.

The priest admitted that these events were of the past and most people wanted to "forgive and forget", he himself stating that he will pray for his soul, with even "former enemies" forgiving Mintoff.

"In many ways Dom Mintoff represents a typical post-colonial leader - of that type now only Comrade Robert Mugabe is left. Dom came from a devout family, his brother was a priest, and I shall pray for his soul. I note that the Archbishop of Malta is conducting his funeral in the co-Cathedral (one of the most lovely churches on earth). His former enemies have spoken kindly about him, including Dr Fenech Adami. May he rest in peace," he concludes.

Well said Mr Grima. To think that Fr Lucy was a pupil at St Edwards! Even there being British he would have been given a first class status. The headmaster and all the important teachers were British so what could one expect. Who knows of what he thought of the 'peasant' Maltese? I was also at St Edwards and do not say it with pride because the aim was to subjugate a person's will leaving him open to abuse and physical beatings. I will never forget the laundry women washing our clothes with steam and scrubbing boards their skirts tucked beneath them, their average age was around 75 and they worked like slaves, in an ambient resembling hell on earth. If he is short on reading matter perhaps he should read Beyond Belief by Colm O'Gorman (Hodder & Stoughton). Crimen sollicitationis
Insieh zmienu joe grima meta qaleb nazzjonalist... ara vera pinnur... issa all out mal-lejbur biex jara sejjer jakwista. Missek tisthi Sur Grima, ara vera iddiskrivtek tajjeb Daphne kienet - FAT FUCKING SLOB!
Folks, please do not be so hard on Rev Lucie-Smith, Catholic Priest and Theologian. Clearly, he is still nostalgic of the days when his ilk chased the Maltese off the Marsa Sport Grounds, when large areas of the Island where off bounds to the Maltese, when Maltese beggars waited outside his parents' luxurious apartments for some left-over crumbs from their dinner table, when he (the Very Rev Father) was one of the privileged few, when the Maltese were servants in their very own country, when... I can keep on going with no end. No wonder Rev Lucie-Smith harbours so much hatred and bile in regard to Dom Mintoff. After all it was Dom Mintoff who gave him and his ilk the proverbial kick up the backside and sent him and his packing to wherever they came from. Good riddance Rev Lucie-Smith!
Għażiż Xprun, ħa ngħidlek x'fihmna b'dak li kiteb Joe Grima; Joe żbalja għax bagħat qassis jagħmel dak li għal ħafna minnhom (mhux kollha) kienet ir-raġuni prinċipali għala daħlu qassisin. Imma nghidlek ukoll għala Joe għandu raġun . Għax Joe bħal ħafna bħali sofra l-ipokriżija reliġjuża. Kieku dawn il-qassisin jemmnu veru b'dak li bellgħulkom kieku ma jġiebux ruħhom hekk mal-proxxmu. Kieku mhumiex daqshekk arroganti ma jipretendux li huma r-raprezentanti t'alla fid-dinja. Kieku ispiriti minn Alla kieku ma kienux ibiddli fehmthom matul iż-żmienijiet. Kieku fis-sittinijiet u fl-2012 ispirhom alla, allura alla biddel fehmtu f'50 sena? Insomma jista' ghandek raġun ukoll. Fuq kollox damu 300 sena biex fehmu li Galileo kellu raçun . Meta jibdew jipprattikaw dak li jipriedkaw forsi nikkunsidra nibda nemminhom
i have already expressed my thoughs on this arrogant father of theolody writeup both here and in the catholic herald. with your permission mr editor may i add my thoughs after reading what mr grima wrote. lucie smith has again managed to open fifty years wounds. so a fuck you luciesmith is more than appropriate.
@ XPRUN jekk ghalik tghajjar lil qassisin pedofeli u tkun fuq in naha tajba ta l-istorja nahseb ghandek naqa ta problema.Jien nistqsi lill kull wiehed li qedin taqbzu ghal hanin u granndjuz Joe Grima...... nixtieqhom forsi wiehed minnkhom tikkonfermawli x'fimtu ezatt bil kitba ta ex ministru. Hawn xi hadd kapaci jintraducili ezatt bil Malti x'kiteb dan il grandjuz. Ghandi ir riservi tieghi kemm hawn minnkom li fhimtu ezatt il kitba u l-oxxenita moqzieza ta Joe Grima. It is not only the 'Fuck off Father'
I cannot understand what truly is this fuss about. Mr Grima just wished a priest to accomplish his priesthood main objective. I would have wished him to stop fucking others.
Old Timer Agree with you Joe 100%.Well said.
It would be interesting to know the connection and contacts of this Fr. A Lucie-Smith in Malta. All we seem to have heard so far is that as a child he boarded at St Edwards cottonera. My suspicion is that he was used by some local good souls he keeps contact with or a local correspondent who with the noblest of intentions pumped and primed him with a very biased and distorted biography of Dom. I hope that given the investigative reputation of Malta Today some important new information on the ALS malta connection will emerge. Then we will be better able to put his biased article in its proper perspective.
Lucie Smith's commentary was wrong and insulting to most Maltese and very un christian for a man of the frock. It focused on all of the negatives, ignored any positives and could have very easily been scripted in Pieta. Mr Grima's gratuitous language is unbecoming and plays right into the hands of the Pieta executive. This augers well for the PN moving into election mode.
Father Lucy wrote what he wrote because he cannot reside to take control at the Inquisitor's Palace at Birgu, as his mates used to do, when they tortured hundreds of Maltese! The Church then, had not discovered 'human rights; it took the local Church until the 70s to discover 'human rights' and only because it could not be a bully any more! As long as there are career priests like Father Lucy-and worse if they become cardinals or bishops-the Church will go down the drain. I am a very spiritual person, coming from a staunch Nationalist family, got used and abused by the Gonzi Church of the 60s. At the doctrine lessons they taught us how to hate Mintoffians, how to throw stones at them how to spit at them and how to ring the bells when Mintoff was speaking! Mintoff's club was considered as the 'mizbla' and so were its members. What I passed through does not compare to Frans Sammut's Gagga! They also took us to other villages with the Pope's flags in our hands waving them through the 'private bus' windows offending Mintoffians all the way! This is why I hate the likes of father Lucy Smith!
well said mr grima,this so called priest should make comments regarding his fellow priests who day in day out spend more of their priesthood abusing young boys,that it is called harm to human beings/mintoffdid wonders to malta he helped the poor and he obeyed the teaching of christ.
Oh no he said "fuck off" to a priest! Now there will be earthquakes and tsunamis and tornadoes and the price of oil will go up.... or maybe not. C'mon, Joe Grima was right and that priest is a posterior orifice. He deserved those words and more.
What an utterly disgusting and embarrassing episode. IMO this represents the trash that still stigmatizes the church and local politics but at the same time a Deja vu of Mr. Mintoff’s life. Vilified by the church and surrounded by thugs, basking in the immunity of partisan politics. It will be interesting to see how the church will react to this unprovoked attack from within its ranks and if the over-reaction and vulgar rant from Mr. Grima is in line with the so called mature way of politics by the ‘new’ PL.
@ rajah - Ghall-informazzjoni tieghek, m'ghadnek l-ebda' dritt tghid min hu fuq in-naha t-tajba u hazina tal-istorja. Skond jien, li certament nahsibha ezattament l-oppost tieghek, qieghed fuq in-naha hazina tal-istorja min jinqeda' bir-religjon ghall-finijiet politici tieghu bhal ma ghamel il-Partit Nazzonalista mill-hamsinijiet 'l hawn. Qieghed fuq in-naha l-hazina min johrog il-hdura li ghandu lejn il-proxxmu u mbghad tarah jitla' jitqarben. U jekk is-Sur Grima ghandu jisthi jikteb hekk fuq Facebook, kemm aktar ghandom x'jisthu nies bhal Daphne Caruana Galizia, Andrew Borg Cardona, Wayne Hewitt u ohrajn li kull cans li jkollhom jirrigettaw il-hdura li ghandom ghax jafu li ghandom protezzjoni minn min suppost iwaqqafhom. Li thalli din il-hdura ghaddejja mhux tolleranza imma approvazzjoni u meta din il-hdura tohrog minn fomm jew pinna ta' taparsi qassis, ikun haqqa l-kundanna ta' kulhadd.
Well done Joe Grima. You have my full support. People in glasshouses should not throw stones. Comparing Mintoff with Mugabe is utterly tasteless and unacceptable. Anyway comparisons are odious and obviously they should not come from someone who should know better. Mintoff may have had enemies but he had hordes of friends , as amply testified by the thousands attending his funeral.
Zack Depasquale
Sorry but this is like making a mountain out of a molehill. How come there was no reports from any newspaper even this one,on what was written by a certain trash blogger were this blogger sent Mintoffjani jiehduh @#***.
Joe Grima's comments are the kind of straight talking we are well used to in Australia. Lexi Lucifer-Smith deserves all she can get! Mind you, I already made reference to paedophiles in the Catholic Herald but was soon blocked.
Mill-kummenti li qied naqra , support lil ex minsitru socjalista Joe Grima ( li huwiex xi vergni pur) qedin turi intom stess li wara kwazi 25 sena ghadkom ma indunajtux li dejjem kontu fuq in-naha il hazina ta l-istorja, u li b'tghajjir ma taslu mkien. Lanqas ghadkom indunajtu xi tfisser li tkun tolleranti....... nahseb il lejber ghad ghandu problema li ahjar joqod attent ghax jerga jaghmel xi 5 snin ohra fuq il bankijiet ta l-oppozzijjoni. Is sur Joe Grima imissu jisthi jikteb oxxenita li kiteb fuq " facebook".
We love you too, Lucie-Smith. Good luck. And do put some Rouge on that Khmer inside Tse-Tongs.
Ian Sammut
At least Fr. Lucie Smith stated the very truth about Dom MIntoff's notorious friendships. None can deny it. Yet he did not offend Mintoff as did many of those labourites who in 1998 branded him as TRAITOR and a couple of days ago went into Valletta shedding tears for his loss. Hippocrates.
Mark Anthony Enriquez
always taught that if god really exists ,there should be hell specifically for bishop gonzi ,for the divide he done to the maltese in his name , this sorry excuse of a priest should be a fitting bedfellow
Fr. Lucie has surely done much bigger harm to the Catholic Church than Dom Mintoff could ever have done to Malta ! The local Church is already experiencing plummeting attendance at Sunday Mass. So the last thing the Church in Malta needs, are priests such as Fr. Lucie ! Anyway , his upbringing could only have shaped him in an anti-labour mould, quite common in the local clergy !
Joe Grima did nothing wrong i support him.What a great catholic priest is this one.The church never harm anybody?
Mela tan NET news,haduha bi kbira ghax Joe Grima wera il fehma tieghu dwar dak li qal dan il qassis.Trid tkun ipokkrita u ftit aktar ta, sabiex flok tikkundana lil min indahal fil politika interna taghna, min kaspar lil l-aktar persuna importanti ghalina, li wegga is sentimenti ta akar min 85% tal poplu Malti...u flok ikkundannaw lil dan il qassis, iridu lil Joseph Muscat u lis Super One jikkundannaw lil Grima.Tista tkun ipokkrita aktar min hekk ? Mela Fr.Lucie, seta jghejd li irid imma Joe Grima ,jien ( li ghanke email bghatlu ) u dawk kollha li iddefendejna lil demmna ma stajniex ghal tan NET....Min jghejdilkhom OQBRA IMBAJDA... haqqu il prosit...Isthu jekk tafu...
B'daqshekk x'qal hazin.....veru kaz ta' storm in a tea-cup. Fejn jaraw it-tibna u mhux it-travu.
Luke Camilleri
Well Done Joe! As usual Mintoff got the last word or shall I say the Last BLESSING by none other than this pathethic effigy of a priest from his BIG BOSS on earth , none other than Pope Benedict himself! He can now swallow all and stuff his article,his one moment of glory , his prayers! The Papal Blessing and STAMP at Mintoff's funeral is more than enough for us!
Luke Camilleri
Well Done Joe! As usual Mintoff got the last word or shall I say the Last BLESSING by none other than this pathethic effigy of a priest from his BIG BOSS on earth , none other than Pope Benedict himself! He can now swallow all and stuff his article,his one moment of glory , his prayers! The Papal Blessing and STAMP at Mintoff's funeral is more than enough for us!
Well done Mr Grima. With your reply to Fr Lucie- Smith you hit the nail on its head. He is one shitload of many of his kind. A priest full of venom and hatred.. Well done once again.
Well done Mr Grima. With your reply to Fr Lucie- Smith you hit the nail on its head. He is one shitload of many of his kind. A priest full of venom and hatred.. Well done once again.
Why all this fuss? If Fr Lucie-Smith had the audacity of spitting venom and bile at others why should others treat him with decorum and respect. He deserves every bit that he is getting, especially since he is a Catholic priest and a theologian who should preach and practice love and forgiveness and not instigate slander and hatred. He now has no choice but to turn the proverbial cheek and suffer the consequences of his vile comments. Frankly, I feel Joe Grima has been uncharacteristically mild in his response, especially in view of the hatred that has been spewed at Mintoff and his memory this past week by good Church-going Catholics. As to Fr Lucie-Smith, you reap what you sow!
Kevin Mizzi
I also posted an abusuve rant after reading Father Alexander Lucie-Smith's obituary which was not published on Malta today. I fully respect the decision of Malta today not to publish my comment but I have no respect towards Father Lucie-Smith and I fullly concur with Mr. Joe Grima's rant.
l-istess ghal fr.joe borg talli jippermetti lil habibtu dcg.tikteb il hnizrijiet.PROSET JOE
That priest had it coming. Just look at the comments posted on MT. I think the general feeling to the priest article was one BIG HEART-FELT 'SCREW YOU'.
Proset Joe, zmien li l-knisja tbezza nies spicca,ghax ma qalx li daqs kemm ghamlet hsara l-knisja hadd qatt maghmel,min jaf kemm hadu artijiet "biex tmur il-genna". Ghan wiehed kella l-knisja LI L-POPLU IZOMMU INJORANT HA JEMMEN DAK KOLLU LI TGHIDLU.
Proset Joe, zmien li l-knisja tbezza nies spicca,ghax ma qalx li daqs kemm ghamlet hsara l-knisja hadd qatt maghmel,min jag kemm hadu artijiet "biex tmur il-genna"
It would be eye opening to know who his friends in Malta are. I have a suspicion its those who blog their venom against all that is labour on a daily basis.
I strongly support Mr Grima in his condemnation of this so-called priest. i also wrote to the Fr Lucie-Smith and gave him a piece of my mind but he never bothered to acknowledge or defend himself. It's people like this idiot that do a lot of harm to the Catholic Church. No wonder so many people who have a mind of their own to reason things out are leaving the church. Pity, but they're proving very adept at self-destructing themselves.
Patricia Marsh
What do you expect from a traditional priest? They hate Mintoff and they have their reasons why. Well said Joe Grima but next time don't waste your time answering someone who hates the poor.......anyone who hates Mintoff (not anynone that disagree with him on a policy or a number of policies), hates the poor. FR LUCY-SMITH SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!!!!
We did not hear anything the the PRO of the church or Fr Joe Borg about whats this priest had to say regarding DOM MINTOFF, is this real a priest of God? If the Archbishop means good, and means well what he said last Saturday he should reply to this priest and make known his reply.His obituary was in a church newspaper .Does these people represent God ? Yes I agree with Joe Grima, we was very mild and after all he said the truth.
Joe Grima may have overstepped the mark, but to call Fr Lucie-Smith's turgid tirade "sharply-worded" is the understatement of the century. It was a vile, hate-filled attempt at character assassination. The man is no journalist and very probably should not be a priest.
Can anyone understand what PNL is trying to write except "They never change" nothing else makes sense like gonzipn.
"... Fenech Adami a "Buda" and a "pouf" in public meetings... only to later make a public apology." At least Grima apologised unlike Eddie who lied on National TV about Dr Alfred Sant and was fined by a local court Lm2000 for libel and defamation. @PNL how convenient to forget that Grima was given a weekly talk show on NETTV by gonzipn as long as he was anti-Sant. What a bunch of hypocrites make up gonzipn/pn.
@PNL Ara you are ashamed that an ex-Labour MP used the f word???? You are using this excuse to convince people to vote again for the PN?? Nonsense my dear, don't you remember that all the maltese people in the last general election where given a lecture from a former student regarding the f word??? His surname was Caurna Galizia and he teached us Fu... you dude!!! ( and I am certain you voted for the PN!! )
They never change ! This proves li ma tistghax tafdhom watt sakemm lantiki ta mien late 70s and 80s jisparixxu mix Xenakis politika. Then maybe ! IAEA kola iridu jitiqu ibex very mop gist misdated ! Poplu agent sew.... Better the devilta Issa milli dawn ta dak iz-mien fahxi flistorja politika maltija. Iva let us not forget !war a kollox gonzi improve ghamel shakil IAEA mhux bhal dawn u ghamel hafna tajjeb !!!
People who live in (catholic) glasshouses (especially priests) should not throw stones!
After reading Fr Lucy's article I could not help wondering what the whole point was about. It seemed he grew up in Malta and did not manage to distance himself from his childhood views to a more mature and objective one -- especially for a doctor of moral theology writing in a catholic newspaper. It is indeed this lack of sensitivity, also exhibited by many clergy in Malta itself, that can elicite such strong reactions from those around them. Yet these same clergy would then look bewildered that their words caused this reaction, and retreat into their safe havens and call the attackers anti-clerical or anti-catholic. Dom Mintoff suffered such strong attacks by the church in Malta, and he was demonised for calling a spade a spade! Fr Lucy also blames Mintoff for being mature enough to change his position if the situation warrants it, e.g. the integration. Fr Lucy seems to be unable to understand that it is only the really strong who are capable of such changes, and that is far from a weakness or a lack of character steadfastness as he more or less tried to picture it. In the issue of the negotiations for integration with Britain, there is a lot to be said about this -- but we should not forget the secret weapon they had in the Maltese camp: no other than Archbishop Gonzi who made part of the Maltese delegation and would divulge to the British what the Malese delegation was discussing behind closed doors. No wonder the negotiations failed with such traitors in our midst! Yes I too strongly believe that integration was the best solution for Malta at the time, and barring that the second best solution was total independence -- exactly what Mintoff wanted! How Malta is now being really treated within the EU is also a story waiting to be written ... whether we are really equal partners is more than debatable -- and maybe I should not be so surprised seeing that another Gonzi, the nephew of the traitor who torpedoed the integration negotiations, is again in the midst of things.
Ill mama mia what an exaggeration !! We heard so much worse this week about Mintoff, his family and all those that ever supported him, this comment is making headlines !!! We rally live in a pathetic poor country that is brainwashed by the PN and it's master RCC !!
Well, Joe Grima put it very lightly! I am sure that this pseudo-Catholic priest deserves much more considering that some of his colleagues have gone untouched after scandalous paedophile cases. I am sure that this psuedo-Catholic priest does not represent the majority of the priesthood and many do sterling work without wasting time vomiting their hatred on an amateurish newspaper called The Catholic Herald. Btw, Fr Lucy, like you, I'm an Old Edwardian and who spent many more years than you at the College of which I am very proud. Surprise, surprise! No, I'm not a Mintoffian product...I'm the product of my own brains!