Grima shrugs off PL disapproval, ‘I’m only answerable to Joseph Muscat’

Party disapproves of One TV presenter’s reaction to critical Mintoff obituary, but Joe Grima says he is not answerable to party’s spokesperson.

One TV presenter Joe Grima said he is only answerable to Labour leader Joseph Muscat.
One TV presenter Joe Grima said he is only answerable to Labour leader Joseph Muscat.

A former Labour minister whose abusive comments against a highly critical opinion piece on Dom Mintoff made headlines last week, has seemingly ignored a party statement that Labour did not approve of his disparaging comment

Joe Grima, who presents political chat-show Inkontri on Labour television station One, made headlines last week when his expletive-laden tirade against the author of an obituary on former Prime Minister raised a few eyebrows.

His online rant was a reaction to an obituary published by the Catholic Herald, penned by Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith, in which he told the priest to 'fuck off' in his online comment.

Since then, the Nationalist party media has sought to exploit Grima's comments, asking Labour to explain its position over Grima's comments.

But in a Facebook post, Grima has shrugged off the Labour party's and Joseph Muscat's spokesperson's comments to the PN media that the party did not approve of his commentary.

"Kurt Farrugia told [Net TV] that the party does not approve this type of language. He has every right. What he forget to tell them was that I am only answerable to Joseph Muscat and certainly to no employee of the Labour Party."

Asked for his comment, Farrugia said he had nothing to add to what he told Net TV.

Grima also said he would not apologise for his reaction to Fr Lucie-Smith. "When the priests apologies for the hurt he caused to thousands of Maltese mourning the death of a great leader they loved, I will apologise for what I said."

In his obituary, Lucie-Smith said Mintoff caused great harm to Malta, describing him as a "a friend to Mao, Gaddafi and the Khmer Rouge, he was no harmless eccentric, and knew when to send in his thugs."

Joe Grima was Mintoff's special envoy for Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Following the 1981 perverted electoral result, in which Labour remained in power despite winning less votes than the PN, he vehemently defended Labour's right to hang on to power. Grima was appointed industry and commerce ministry in 1981. He then became tourism minister in 1983.

Grima will be remembered for his militant views and controversial stands in the 1970s and 1980s: calling Fenech Adami a 'puff' in public meetings... only to later make a public apology.

In the years following Alfred Sant's election as Labour leader in 1992, Grima re-emerged from the political wilderness and anchored a discussion programme on the Nationalist Party's television station for seven years, openly supporting his former nemesis Eddie Fenech Adami.

This defection was borne out of Grima's sour relationship with Sant. However, following Sant's resignation and Joseph Muscat's election in 2008, Grima was once again welcomed back to the Labour Party, hosting a television show on One Television and being a vociferous critic of the Nationalist Party. Grima returned to the fold on the invitation of Labour leader Joseph Muscat.

Grima was not the only one to find Lucie-Smith's obituary objectionable. Hundreds of messages, some littered with abusive languange, have been posted on the Catholic Herald's webpage with people debating Lucie-Smith's sharp-worded and at times puerile obituary.

doha & e azzopardi Intom bis serjeta? B` li qal Joe Grima qed tiskandalizzaw? Mela qatt ma qrajtuhom il- bloggs ta daphne caruana Galizia? Hlief hdura lejn kull min ma jaqbilx maghha u ma gonzipn, gossip,u kliem baxx ma tiktibx, u dan kollu bil barka ta gonzi. Kif jghidu, qabel tara it tibna f ghajn haddiehor, nehhi it travu min ghajnejk.
Sur Camillu , Jekk ħanzir taqtalu denbu veru li jibqa ħanzir , pero daqstant huwa veru wkoll li ħanzir jagħaraf ieħor . Naħseb li ma għandix għallfejn nispjegahielek għax konvint li taf xi tfisser . Huwa veru li is-Sur Joe Grima qabez daqsxejn il-linja , pero huwa veru wkoll li dan is-suppost qassis mhux biss qabez il-linja tad-diċenza izda qabez ukoll dak li suppost jippritka bħala qassis , jiġifieri il-maħfra u il-ħniena . Rigward dak li jaċċetta il-PL , tinsiex lis-saħħara tal-Bidnija fi ħdan il-PN .
Sewwa...meta Malti jghajjar Malti iehor bi hdura tan-NET u il-pupazzi tieghu (bhal doha u E.Azzopardi) ma jghidu xejn imma ghax 'qassis' barrani joffendi is-sentimenti ta'hafna Maltin u jiehu rejazzoni pjuttost naturali ghall-hmieg li jkun qal, jitkazaw...Kemm ghandhom qalbhom tahraqhom. U lil tal-MT nghidilhom illi qeghdin taghmlu storm in a tea cup. Dan hu il-kwalita`ta'gurnalizmu? Ghax ma taghmlux features fuq kemm hawn ingustizzji skont il-kulur li thaddan, kemm hawn faqar u xoghol prekarju? Dak huma news ta'veru li tikxfu il-veru faccata tas-socjeta`Maltija jew x'qal bicca speci ta'qassis u xírrispondih Joe Grima (li kien haqqu Lucy). Ara veru pajjiz tan-nelh!
I think Joe Grima should apologize on the exact date and time when Joanna Gonzi,and Daphne Caruana Galiza apologize!
Micheal Bonanno
Mr. Grima answered in his own personal capacity. He's no official in the PL. He was insulted, as was a major part of the Maltese people who had some respect for Dom Mintoff. It's all political smokescreen to say that Mintoff was friends with this and that. Mintoff, in the name of our country, had every right to be friends with anyone deemed fit to help our country without being a puppet! As long as its for our nation, then anyone in government should be friends with other countries, no matter what. Although Mintoff has gone to greener pastures, his slogan "MALTA L-EWWEL U QABEL KOLLOX"
I just cannot figure out what all this fuss is for. The priest aired his views and did not care about putting Mintoff in a bad light. And Joe Grima, rightfully so, answered back. What do these priests think they are ? Maybe they think that they are untouchables and rightly so because they have evaded justice many a time for .... (everybody knows).
Grima did"t not say any thing wrong, it is freedom of expression, keep it up.But in his time in power freedom of expression was punished very bad.Watch out Malta.
Grima did"t not say any thing wrong, it is freedom of expression, keep it up.But in his time in power freedom of expression was punished very bad.Watch out Malta.
Well done Guz. He asked for it.
I wonder how long someone with such a big head, figuratively and literally, will remain answerable to Joseph Muscat! Here we go again - it's going to take a while to weed out such people in the PL. I too disagreed with what that priest said - the point is the rebuttal should've been done with some argument in it not an expletive which is actually meaningless apart from it gives a cheap vent in a 'hamallu' way!!
Jurgen Cachia
Il-punt hawn mhux x'naħsbu dwar l-istorja politika ta'Grima imma kellux raġun f'dal-każ. U raġun kellu biex ibiegħ. Il-ħamallu hawn kien il-qassis. U l-PL żbalja bl-ikreh jipprova jidher ma jaqbilx ma' Grima.
Mr Grima is a timely reminder of Labour showing its true colours again..... Vote Labour - for a return of intollerance, repression and suppression !!!
Prosit, Camillu.
What about the PN telling DCG to apoligise They should explain their position on this evil piece of filth who gets away with saying whatever she wants with the PN backing. I agree Joe should not have swore but on the other hand it shows this mans true feelings and he said what a lot of people were saying only he said it in the media. I say well done to Mr Joe Grima, and Thank you for answering that playdoh priest.
Why all the fuss???????????????? Just read PN bloggeres comments which contain much worse foul language, hatred and what not.
ma ghandi ebda dubju li s-sur Grima, dak li dam tant snin jinnamra man-NET TV u jghajjar lil mexxej tal-partit laburista ta' dak iz-zmien, jaf kif kien jirreferi ghalih il-perit mintoff !!! - kien isibu bhala "xkora hara" - qal dawn il-kliem fuqu mitt darba !!!!! U nahseb li kellu ragun !!!!
I do not agree with any sort of irrational statements from any end, which lead to nothing whether they deserve it or not is an other issue, the only thing one can say is that at least the PL Stated that the party does not approve this type of language. On the other hand I am still waiting for PN or Dr Gonzi to condemn DCG for the way she has and is still insulting a large part of our society.
Lino Camilleri
Sewwa ghitlu Joe. Min jikrija irid joghqod ghalija. Kurt Farrugia missu staqsa lill tan net tv x'inhi l-pozzizjoni tal partit nazzjonalista fuq dik il hdura u mibgheda li qeda tikteb Daphen Caruan galizia.
Luke Camilleri
U tan-Net xi jridu jitkazzaw ta' OQBRA MBAJDA u IPPOKRITI li huma meta il-Kap taghhom Lawrence "DCG" Gonzi jaghti il-barka bis silenzju tieghu lill Blogger DCG u l-fossa taghha! Prosit Joe, il-kumment tieghek kien veru naturali u f'postu .... anzi baghtu jaghmel bhal ma ghamlu shabu lill tfal fdati lillhom!
Mela skont camillu jekk ħanzir taqtalu denbu ħanzir jibqa , pero tajjeb jiftakar wkoll li hanzir jagħaraf lill ieħor . Barra min hekk , jekk Joe Grima qabez ftit il-linja tad-diċenza fil-konfront ta' dan is-suppost qassis , mela kemm qabez il-linja mhux biss tad-diċenza izda anke tal-kristjanita' nisranija dan is-suppost qassis , li mhux biss ma għandux joħroġ dik il-ħdura kollha fil-konfront ta' Dom Mintoff , izda suppost għandu jippritka il-maħfra . Għalli jista jkun , dan il-qassis ma jiġix mis-saħħara tal-Bidnija ?
So much for his claims of impartiality !! LOL
meta jien kont go kullegg tas sliema fis sittinijiet it tfal hlief hobz u martudella ma kienux jieklu u il fathers u il brothers kienu jieklu pranzu kulljum u is swat li qallaw it tfal bil cane kienet tal misthija u dan kien issir bil barka tal knisja u tal gvern nazzjonallista li dak iz zmien kien haga wahda mal knisja u dawn il qaddisien nazzjonalisti qedin jistagbu ghax is sur grima qallu fuck off.issa wasslet lahhar tad dinja.
As a rule, i do not condone such replies but in this particular case, the stupid priest deserved it and deserved even worse words.
I urge Joe Grima not to retract one single word, comma and/or full stop from his abrasive reaction to the Lucy's article. The Lucy priest had it coming, and the reaction by most Maltese was fully merited whether any PL/PN official likes it or not, or whether one liked Mintoff or not. We have yet to be transformed into a nation of colourless slobs!
mr grima kellek kull ragun tibghattu jixxjejel lil dixipplu ta kristu jekk minnallieh hu perit ghamel mal fqir u mal batut aktar milli gthamel dan il qassies u il knisja tieghow.
One is only answerable to God, and I am sure he found you amusing.
I cannot understand what truly all this fuss is about. Mr Grima just wished a self-proclaimed deity spokesman to accomplish his priesthood's main objective. I would have advised his holiness Rev Smith to stop screwing with people's minds. Mr Grima should not apologize because he just reacted to an offence by who should censor offences. Rev Smith has the right and opportunity to reply. Mintoff doesn't. Is this censurable too Mr Editor?? Two thumbs up Mr Grima
Joe Grima, il-hanzir taqtalu dembu hanzir jibqa'. Kulhadd jaf x'tip ta' Ministru kont. Ma tinbidel qatt u allahares xi darba jerga' jkollok farka ta' poter f'idejk. Int uzajt lin-NET TV biex tkisser lil Alfred Sant u ma nafx kif Joseph Muscat rega' accettak lura...veru li qed jaccetta lil kulhadd, basta li jasal li jkun fil-Gvern.
Joe, Only daphne has the licence use the 'f' word .. obviously, she owes no one an apology and her viewpoint is the only valid one.
Joe, Only daphne has the licence use the 'f' word .. obviously, she owes no one an apology and her viewpoint is the only valid one.
Kurt Farrugia should have told NET TV that he does not comment on statements made by individuals. Joe Grima is not a party official and is not answerable neither to Kurt nor to Joseph Muscat or to ONE PRoductions. As an individual JG has every right to express himslef in whichever way he likes.
Zack Depasquale
@ Doha & E.Azzopardi, gheziez hbieb qieghed niehu pjacir kemm niggzitkhom il-kuxjenza ghax Joe Grima Ex Ministru Laburista baghat qassis isaqqi il-hass.Taf x jiskantani f'nies bhalkhom kif il-kuxjenza ma niggzitkhomx meta fuq blog kuljum tohrog hdura mhux biss kontra Laburisti imma anke Nazzjonalisti.Jew membri tal-oligarkija ta'GonziPN huma above the law ghalikhom? Iva Joe Grima ghandu jitlob apologija wara li titlog apologija il qalb ta qalbkhom sahhara tal-Bidnija.GonziPN qieghed jaghmel min kollox biex iqabbizha il-xihadd Laburist biex umbghad naghmlu show bih, ghax dik l-ahhar arma li fadal.
The PN is a political party that does not believe in freedom of speech. The PN only approves and remain silent speeches dine by their supportes or anyone who criticizes the PL. It is 2012 let freedom of speech prevail. I read what Daphne wrote about Dom, I read what the people in the street said, I read what Joe Grima wrote, I read what Fr lucie wrote, i read read heared and commented. Everyone has a right to voice his opinion or his feelings what is wrong with this. Agreeing, supporting or being disgusted by comments is your choice but let freedom of speech prevail otherwise we are stuck in the Past lets all look ahead.
didn't the son of a famous PN apologist use the same word on TV during the debate at University during the 2008 elections?
Jien naqbel ma Joe Grima. Iz zmien li nigu imsawtin, SPICCA.Jekk il partit laburista ser jaqa` ghal provokazzjoni li qeghedin jaghmlu tan NET, ser jintilfu hafna voti. Huwa il qassis li ghandu jghamel l-apologija...u l- Isqfijiet ta Malta ghandhom jindahhlu f`din ghax ser terga tqum rivuluzzjoni kontra il knisja ghawn Malta.Dak il qassis QATT ma kellu jindahal fil politika ta dan il pajjiz. KIEN WIEHED MIS SITT PUNTI LI KIEN ACCETTA L-ARCISQOF GONZI, LI STAT U KNISJA HUMA DIFFERENTI...Mela ghaliex qassis kattolku indahal fil politika ?
Ara tal-PN ma jiskandalizzawx ruhhom mill-kliem skandaluz li tuza is-sahhara fil-konfrnt tal-laburisti u kull min ma jaqbilx maghha ! Mhux kulhadd jaf li wara is-sahhara hemm il-magna ta GonziPN b'team imhallas mill-PN biex jigbru data personali fuq dak u fuq l-iehor...specjalment jekk din id-data tkun fuq il-hajja privata? U min hemm wara l-attakki vili kontra Mugliet, JPO,Debono u ohrajn...u kif iggib ritratti mill-arkivji mhux bil-permezz ta GonziPN? U haga ohra, peres li l-Maltin ma jidghawx-kemm laburisti u kif ukoll nazjonalisti... imnalla inqala l-fu..k you ta Grima, biex nikxfu l-ippokrezija tal-vergni Maltin! -Lbrand tal-hwejjeg '' kif ghamlet success kbir mad-dinja kollha barra Malta!!!! Viva l-gbejniet, l-bigilla, u l-ipokrezija!
veru l-grande bulldozer............ allura jekk jghidlu joseph muscat jaghmel apologija?
This is comment that Mr Grima wanted to be favourable of course, but it wasn't and the PL is right here. And what is the reaction of the PL Leader? I believe that the nation deserves an answer and an explanation. I sometimes wonder whether I should vote PL this time, but incidents like this really put me off.