PBS chief had no role in garnishee decision on Venditti concert

PBS board of directors says Anton Attard not involved in decison or execution of garnishee order.

PBS chief executive officer Anton Attard.
PBS chief executive officer Anton Attard.

The Public Broadcasting Services has claimed that its chief executive Anton Attard was not involved in the decision to issue a garnishee order against the organiser of the concert by Italian singer Antonello Venditti at Ta' Qali, which last week was postponed to tomorrow Saturday night.

MaltaToday today reported that the concert was not postponed by organiser Antonella Vassallo because of former Prime Minister Dom Mintoff's demise,  as she said in a press conferece, but because of a garnishee order issued by the Public Broadcasting Services (PBS) against the sponsors for the event.

The garnishee order - which has been temporarily lifted after conciliatory meetings - was intended to divert the sponsor money to PBS, rather than to the organiser Antonella Vassallo, who runs Stand-Out Events, which is organising the concert.

PBS is reportedly owed substantial amounts of money from the former television producer and presenter.

In a letter to MaltaToday, PBS said it was a commercial entity which had every right to collect its dues just like every other commercial entity. "The allegation that the legal action against Standout Events as prompted by any other reason other than pure financial considerations is completely unfounded and untrue."

PBS also said it was untrue that CEO Anton Attard had issued the garnishee order. "This is a blatant lie... In this particular case where PBS is owed a considerable sum of money by a particular debtor, the issue of a garnishee order against Standout Events was authorised by the board of directors in view of the substantial sum of money owed to PBS Ltd by the owner of this firm.

"The chief executive officer of PBS, Anton Attard, was not involved in the decision-making process, execution and follow-up of such a decision due to a potential conflict of interest."

Contacted on Wednesday, PBS chief executive Anton Attard - an advisor to Prime Minister Lawerence Gonzi during the 2008 elections campaign - confirmed to MaltaToday that a garnishee order was issued by PBS, but denied having requested the order to stop the concert.

Attard said that the only reason behind the garnishee order was for PBS to collect monies which have been long overdue.

Meanwhile, talks between PBS and Antonella Vassallo led to an agreement over a repayment programme. The action raised eyebrows as PBS took the unusual route of blocking payments from sponsors, rather than issuing the garnishee order directly against Vassallo or Stand-Out Events, especially since chief executive Anton Attard happens to be involved in NnG Promotions, which organises A-List artist concerts.