[WATCH] Gonzi dismisses instability claims
Watch Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi dismiss claims of instability and insist the government is on track to reach financial targets.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi toured the Handaq industrial area and visited a number of workshops.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi insisted there was no instability within the government and said this was a fabrication of the Labour Party.
Gonzi, speaking during a tour at the Handaq industrial zone, said claims of instability stand no ground as the government has weathered the storm over the last four years.
Gonzi also admitted the PN had its own internal problems, but said the party will continue addressing these problems in a democratic and determined manner.

@briffy. Nirreferik ghal dak li qal DR Stephen Brincat li kien head tal-oncologija. Issa intkom ta' Gonzodcgpn qedin tiddeciedu li min izzommu fl-sptar tal-cancer u le. Intkom bl-indhil politiku taghkom u li ma thallux it-tobba tahdmu qedin taghmlu bhal Idi Amin tal-Uganda li baxx baxx kien helles minn qabda nies li ma kienx jaqbel maghhom. U mbad tara lill Gonzidcgpn jivvota kontra id-divorzju sabiex jidher ta' xi qaddies. Possibli li f'Malta wasaalna ghal din is-sitwazzjoni? Din vera tat'tkexkiex. Mhux ta b'xejn li jghidulna li ahna ghar minn pajjiz tat-tielet klassi.

Dear PrimevMinister
If there are no financial problem, then why isn't your government paying out the millions it owns the big contractors for works carried out. You are threatening the lives of families who can find themselves jobless because you are holding to millions which are not yours. Pay up and start the circle of the economy again. Charity begins at home, the English say. Instead of using our money to bail out countries like Greece who found themselves in this situation because of the politicians "kapricci" you should insist with thE EU that we need our own money to safeguard the lives of Maltese families.

Luke Camilleri •
I's Lawrence "DCG" is giving the impression that he is unstable with dismissing claims of instability and insisting that HIS government is on track to reach financial targets!
What targets? Did not know he had any! : )

Luke Camilleri •
I's Lawrence "DCG" is giving the impression that he is unstable with dismissing claims of instability and insisting that HIS government is on track to reach financial targets!
What targets? Did not know he had any! : )

That's the way to go Hon PM. No instability within the govt. You are on the right track to...............

Gonzi qed jagixxi bhal dak il-pazjent fl-isptar Monte Carmeli li jghid li huwa normali u li kollox miexi harir. Hekk jghamlulek il-kilba ghall-poter u l-mard mentali!

You would not want your worst enemy to be as deaf and blind (bothering on dumb) as il-Gonz!

Dalwaqt jghid li d-dinja catta.

Zack Depasquale •
Has Lawrence DCG Gonzi totally lost the plot and living in wonderland now?

LOL ... ma jiflahx jaqa ghan nejk dan ... LOL ... stable as a 3-legged chair; as a car without a motor; as a motor without fuel ... or was he maybe referring to the stable which houses horses?!? more like a barn LOL