Health minister says Franco Debono told him he wouldn’t file motion

Joe Cassar says he suspected Debono was toying with no confidence motion when MP told him he would never file such a motion.

Nationalist MP Franco Debono has denied claims by health minister Joe Cassar, pictured, saying
Nationalist MP Franco Debono has denied claims by health minister Joe Cassar, pictured, saying "he should seek help". Photo: Mariza Dunham Gaspar/Mediatoday.

Health Minister Joe Cassar has claimed Nationalist MP Franco Debono had told him personally he would never call for a vote of no confidence in him, in a meeting the two had in Valletta recently.

In comments he gave to the Malta Independent, Cassar reacted to Debono's intention to file a motion of no-confidence against the minster over several shortcomings he mentioned in his personal blog, saying Debono told him he would never file such a motion - an implicit warning, according to Cassar.

"When he told me so, my first thought was that Debono was contemplating it (the motion of no confidence)," Cassar said.

"There is no doubt the motion is against me as an individual, simply because there is no reason why the health minister should resign. The health sector has made great strides forward in the last years. The only, constant criticism we received was about the situation at the emergency department, and even here we took action to improve the situation."

Debono's threat to file the motion, which he posted on his blog in its full wording, came less than 24 hours after the PN executive confirmed his ban from running on the PN ticket for the next general elections.

Debono was banned from contesting after voting in favour of an Opposition motion that forced home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici to resign, after having also abstained on a motion of no-confidence the Opposition filed against transport minister Austin Gatt.

In a reaction, which he posted in a wordy blogpost this morning, Debono said he did not recall telling Cassar he would not file a motion against him.

"He should indicate if at all, when that happened [and] if it was before these recent scandals came to light. Secondly, he could listen again to my speeches in parliament where I criticised him harshly in last January's no confidence vote.

"Even if, for argument's sake I told him that I wouldn't file a no confidence motion in his regards... he should not be surprised since the Prime Minister says one thing and does another on a daily basis. The Maltese people are witness to this."

Debono also suggested that the health minister, a psychiatrist by profession, should seek help. "If he suspected I would file [the motion] just for suspicion's sake then he should seek help, because he is very unsure of himself and also smacks of paranoia. This attitude could say a lot about the government's siege mentality in the past years."

Debono's motion, whose text he posted on his personal blog, comes just a week after having filed a motion against his own government's energy policy, by calling on the House to demand that the Delimara power station ceases the use of heavy fuel oil from powering its new turbines.

"According to the doctrine of individual responsibility, and the prime minister's repeated declaration that everybody has to face the consequences of his actions, this House resolves that it has no faith in Minister Joseph Cassar who has to be censured for these shortcomings and must therefore resign," Debono's motion reads.

Debono's draft motion makes specific reference to several shortcomings in the health department, which comes hot on the heels of accusations by former oncology chief Stephen Brincat who claimed two patients had died from chemotherapy toxicity in Gozo.

franco you are the most arrogant mp i have met and known in the last 50 years. please shut up and let all the other mps to work and act in their best way for malta. you must do as mugliett and pullicino orlando had done. keep quiet and silent and say mea culpa.
I do not trust either Franco Debono or Minister Cassar. They have said so many silly things in the past months that their credibility is ZERO. The Minister is living in a world of his own - perhaps he needs a psychiatrist himself now - and does not really realise that Mater Dei, in spite of the effort of the staff, is clogged. And not just the Emergency, as the Minister thinks.
Franci Debono can never be trusted...he has reached the lowest levels a person can reach with what he wrote in his latest blog. Imissu jisthi jaghmel mistoqsijiet bhal dawk lilll-Ministru Cassar dwar jekk huwa, bhala psikjatra, ikkurax lil certi persuni? Very bniedem irresponsabbli u jmissu jisthi johrog fit-triq. Ghandu jiftakar li d-deni li jixtieq lil haddiehor, jista' f'kull mument jasal fuqu. Franco, issa tabilhaqq messejt il-qigh.
Dan Franco imissu jibdel ismu ghal-MERI ! Se jghallem lil-psikjatra kif jahdem il-mohh. Qallek fejn iltqajtu , Mer , u qallek li int la ghidtlu hekk ,kont qed tmahmah (toying) li taghmel vot ta’ sfiducja kontrih. Li kieku Franco kien diga iddecieda li se jaghmel il-mozzjoni qabel il-laqgha tal-ezekuttiv , kieku bniedem efficjenti u energiku bhal Franco kien jaqbad u jaghmilha dak in-nhar li hasibha, mhux joqghod jistenna l-ezitu tal-laqgha mal-ezekuttiv. Cafcaf papru ghax sibt l-ilma!
atitudni ta' tifel li tilef il-boxla. il-kaz li ghamel plejtu aktarx li sar fi zmien il-mlp fil-gvern.lanqas kien ministru cassar. fd ahjar jaqsam il-kamra darba sar laburist.
Ifhem, il-ministru Cassar missu jaf li din li jgħidu ħaġa u jagħmlu oħra hija fid-DNA tan-nazzjonalisti! Wara kollox hu wieħed minnhom! Eżempji hemm kemm irid.
Luke Camilleri
UZGURRR JISTAGHEB DR. Cassar ghalhiex forsi ma ghamilx bhal ma qallu Franco Debono, GHX FRANCO DEBONO GHANDHU KREDIBILITA, ghalhekk baqa' sorpriz il-Ministru Cassar! Ara lieku allu xi haga "DCG" Gonzi dik storja ohra!......
The physcological doctor-cum-minister who was in the thick in the destruction of Alfred Sant, now couldn't even save himself!
Joe Cassar if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen. Don't play stupid.
Veru maqtugh mir-realta' biex tghid li l-unika kritika fl-isptar hija l-emergenza. U xi nghidu ghall-waiting lists?? Per ezempju biex taghmel test tal-bone density trid tistenna xi 11-il xahar minn meta tibghat l-applikazzjoni. Dan il-waiting lists qeghdin f'hafna testijiet ohra.
Look who is taling about paranoia and siege mentality
".... simply because there is no reason why the health minister should resign." ........... Is this dodo for real, no reason why he should resign!!! We have a very good competition who says the funniest joke of the year leading the list are: 1. gonzi with " ... what instability?" 2. Joe Cassar "... no reason to resign" and number 3. George Pulicino "...the Flood relief Project ..........." what flood relief project?
Zack Depasquale
Dr Cassar you should take Franco Debono like we take all your promises regarding the health sector, with a pinch of salt. U dawn GonziDCGPN bejniethom ahseb w ara kemm jitmellhu bil-poplu
Hon Minister, the question here is not what Dr Debono told you but whether you deserve a motion of no confidence or otherwise.
Joe Cassar said that Debono told him about he would not seek a Vote of non confidence after he invited him to share the joys of his new outdoor hot tub. Apparently as the two relaxed in the warm waters - they found they had much in common - including a very hefty salary
Ministru sa issa Cassar, Jekk int kont wiehed li min qabel ipjanajtu li lil Franco Debono ma taccettawhx wiehed min hutkhom, kif tridu issa izomm il kelma li tak li ma jghamilx mozzjoni kontrik...`GHAJN GHAL GHAJN....U..SINNA GHAL SINNA...Go on Franco ...FETCH...
Mhux hekk sew, kullhadd jaghmel dak l irid u kullhadd jehles ghaliex ghandhom rashom kbira. Din Gustizja Hon Gonzi. Jekk int veru temmen fil gustizja gahndek tara li din issir. Jekk int ragel honest bhal ma tghid int, allura nehhi l-immunita min fuq kullhadd f'dan il-pajjiz ghaliex minn jaghmel il-hazin ghandu jiehu dak li haqqu. Nispera li ghad tiddahhal il-Ligi tal Whistle Blower halli hafna nies ikunu jistghu jersqu il-quddiem u jirrapurtaw dak li sar fid-dipartimenti u issir GUSTIZZJA. Hemm tkun qed isseh id-Dimokrazzija u dak li tghid li temmem fih int Dr Gonzi u Dr Joseph Muscat. Gustizzja, Gustizzja, Gustizzja.
Igor P. Shuvalov
When one reads such conflicting statements and stories one wonders how can the Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi state that his government is stable and that the country has no uncertainty!!!!