PN takes umbrage at Gonzi-Gaddafi spoof and condemns Labour ‘extremism’

Facebook grab of Labour candidate’s photo of Gonzi as Gaddafi sees PN demand apology from Joseph Muscat.

Labour equal opportunities officer Rachel Tua.
Labour equal opportunities officer Rachel Tua.

The communications office of the Nationalist Party released a screen-grab of a spoof image of Lawrence Gonzi's face, pasted on the ceremonial uniform former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi sported on his visit to Italy, allegedly posted by a Labour candidate on Facebook.

The screen-grab captured a conversation between Labour candidate Rachel Tua and other Facebook friends posting comments on the photo.

In a brief statement, PN communications director Frank Psaila said Tua, who is Labour's equal opportunities officer and a Labour candidate, should be ashamed of having posted the picture.

"Muscat should be ashamed of having chosen somebody like Rachel Tua to be an official and Labour candidate," Psaila said.

"The PN condemns this senior official and expects that Muscat immediately issues an apology. This is real face of the MLP [sic] - extremist officials and candidates who make personal, base and vulgar attacks on who they don't like."

Forsi Gonzi kien jippreferi dan ir-ritratt.
Rita Pizzuto
What hypocrisy! These GonziPN people don't even have straws to clutch on to. They are lost and appear to want to shift their sins on others. So now labour supporters don't even have the right to state what they think of these people who have devastated the island. We must not let them make it a one-party stat and the quicker we kick them out the better. If we could do so by using their own medicine so much the better.
kemm tixraqlu l-uniformi.
Luke Camilleri
U meta Gonzi kien werzaq u jsabbat saqajh fil-Parlement " JIEN IL-PRIM MINISTRU, JIEN IL-GVERN..... min kien qisghu ? Louis XIV? L'ilbies differenti, l'atitudni l'istess!
Christopher Briffa
Oh don't be ridiculous Mr. Prime Minister, get yourself a sense of humour and stop taking yourself so seriously.
Krista Sullivan
la daqshekk qieghed idejjaqhom lil tal pn aktar se naghmel share bil qalb ta dan ir ritratt
It was not a candidate but the Gonzipn who depicted Alfred Sant as hitler beforelast election. True Also they where fined 230 euros for doung so. Might aswell Tuagives the so much needy pn 230 euros to equalize the damage? Two weighs two measures for the Pn they can be funny but no one else can.
Why the shocked reaction. This goes on to show that the electorate is simply getting what they voted for. The shame is the grotesque amount of funds wasted to built a new kindergarten cum parliament within the portals of Valletta
Ara veru il-Q_hb_ milli ikolla tghiek. Mela in-Nazzjonalisti qedin ibghatu bid-dimenzja? Kien hemm min qal li Gonzi huwa Dittatur, jaqaw qedin jithajru li lil-Gonzi jaghmluh qaddin qabel l-ellezzjoni???
PROSET DOTTORE, gonzipndcg qedin jitkasaw u jitolbu appologija, il hmieg u il vulgarita tas sahhar madejqux lildal bravu frank psaila.Insejtu xkontu taghmlu lil Dr. Sant, jaqaw franki ibati bid dimensja, fil kas imur ikelem ftit li joe cassar.
Firstly how did the pn communications office get into her page, Did they hack it? makes you think who elses page they are hacking into. Guess the photo is actually a true likeness of a dictator and his clikk,
And what about the Daphne Caruana Galizia Blog?? Nothing was seen on any news...
Kemm saru dojoq tal PN. Iridu apologija minghand Joseph. Dawn huma l-istess nies li taw Standing Ovation lil Austin Gatt meta fil kunsill generali taghhom ghajjar lil Dr.Sant Sakranazz u Drogat. Ipokriti.
Zack Depasquale
GonziDCGPN are incredible, this the taste of some of their own medicine. Was Rene Rosignuad a GonziDCGPN counsillor in Swieqi ashamed when he called Labourites stupid, did he resign? What about a relative of the PrimeMinister wishing that a Labour Councillors mother suffers a heart attack, she was a mayor representing GonziDCGPN. I am not going to mention the trash blogger, but do they remember how they photoshoped one of their own, Franco Debono or how they depicted Dr Alfred Sant as Hitler.Now I am ready to bet every cent I have that GonziDCGPN will twist this story that Dr Joseph Muscat has taken steps against Joe grima.
Umbrage eh? taste of your party's own medicine, Mr.Psaila? just three words...POT.KETTLE.BLACK
Vulgar attack my a**. The more the PN do these stupid things the more they show they have nothing to offer.