Updated | Malta out of recession, PN takes Joseph Muscat to task over ‘false prophecies’

Quarter on quarter growth of 0.9% in gross domestic product gives slight relief.

Finance minister Tonio Fenech had played down any structural factors in Malta's brief recession.
Finance minister Tonio Fenech had played down any structural factors in Malta's brief recession.

Quarterly figures issued by the National Statistics Office today confirmed Malta's 0.9% growth in gross domestic product for the second quarter of 2012 had taken out the island of the recession it encountered at the start of the year.

The provisional figures appear to confirm finance minister Tonio Fenech's optimistic outlook he told a pre-budget meeting back in June that Malta's results in job creation, wage increases, exports and tourism had shown an upward trend despite negative economic growth in the last quarter of 2011 and the first quarter of this year.

Malta experienced two consecutive drops in growth of its gross domestic product of -0.3% and -1% between September 2011 and March 2012, indicating the economy's slowdown may be experiencing a recession.

Fenech had attributed Malta's recessionary slide due to some €22 million in losses incurred at Enemalta, and a drop in exports for ST Microelectronics.

Fenech had said the fact that the utility rates had not been increased had contributed to further losses at the national energy corporation. "But this confirms the position taken by the government at the start of 2012, that the deterioration of the international economy, particularly in the eurozone, and the increase in the price of oil would impact the country."

In a statement, the finance ministry said the government's economic policy had created new jobs and attracted more investment.

Amongst the best performing sectors were IT and communications, with a growth of 8.5%, financial services (7.9%), arts and recreation (6%), and professional services (5%).

Salaries increased by 2.6%.

"These results confirm the prudence government exercised during these internationally difficult times, in strengthening aid to the private sector to invest more, diversify its produce, export more and create more jobs," finance minister Tonio Fenech said.

"New financial schemes for factories were provided, as were for hotels and restaurants, in a bid to make them more competitive."

Fenech also said that employed people had increased by 1.5% to 150,700 over the past 12 months, while unemployment at 6% was the fifth lowest in Europe.

In another related statement, the Nationalist Party took Labour leader Joseph Muscat and MEP Edward Scicluna to task over their 'false prophecies'.

"Today's news confirms Labour and Muscat are false prophets who foresee economic disasters when positive economic results are being reaped," the PN said.

"Edward Scicluna himself predicted Malta would not fulfill the euro criteria or reap any new growth in the last months. This is the same Scicluna who claims we should adopt Mintoff's economic policy, which only resulted in more unemployment."

Provisional estimates indicate that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the second quarter of 2012 amounted to €1,658.8 million, an increase of 3 per cent compared to the corresponding quarter last year. In real terms, GDP went up by 0.9 per cent.

Total final consumption expenditure in nominal terms increased by 1.5 per cent. In real terms, total final consumption expenditure decreased by 1.4 per cent. Gross fixed capital formation increased by €8.7 million in nominal prices.

In real terms gross fixed capital formation declined by 1.7 per cent. Real exports and real imports increased. Details on developments in the Expenditure Approach components of GDP.

The year-on-year increase in GDP at current prices amounted to €48 million, and is estimated to have been distributed into an €18.7 million increase in compensation of employees, a €22.9 million increase in gross operating surplus of enterprises, and a €6.4 million increase in net taxation on production and imports.

Considering the effects of income and taxation paid and received by residents to and from the rest of the world, Gross National Income (GNI) at market prices for the second quarter this year is estimated at €1,670.3 million.

I will give you one prophesy Minister, if Labour wins the next election they will inherit one heck of a failed country, on the brink of financial collapse, all thanks to you.
Excuse me, but didn`t you say we wern`t in a recession to begin with, so now how are you claiming that we have come out of a recession? "Amateur minister of Finance" is appropriate.
Cooking books must have become a full time profession; expect anything from GonziPN; even pigs flying since the election is in the hands of the Nationalist MP (on the war-path) Dr Franco Debono!
Cooking books must have become a full time profession; expect anything from GonziPN; even pigs flying since the election is in the hands of the Nationalist MP (on the war-path) Dr Franco Debono!
What about Enemalta? This alone is a bigger disaster for Malta then the banks that failed in Spain or Greece. Its rating internationally has been reduced to junk status. Did you take this into account when fudging the numbers? Tell us the truth ... that GONZIPN = PONZIPN and it will fall like a tonne of masonary on our heads any time soon. Gonzi's inner circle can always fall back on the billions stashed away abroad. We will be stuck here sorting through the rubble and our destroyed lives.
another gap in the pn memory (sic). as far as the pn media/support is concerned, when malta entered officially in recession they came out shouting that this was all a matter of statistics and therefore we were not really in a recession. now that the news that malta is out of recession came out they are agreeing that malta is OUT OF RECESSION. I sincerely hope that Malta remains out of recession, this means good for all of us living in Malta. What I do not understand and is getting me confused is this: Was Malta in a recession (as the PN is agreeing to now)? or was Malta NOT in a recession (as the PN was saying up to a few days ago)? Could the Government for once inform the people whom it is supposed to serve and by whom it is paid and maintained, be truthful to the people and not only to the PN as a party?
well done to the pn for taking us out of the recession. the only problem that the pn and its apologists have to solve now is their memory. i'm saying this as whilst accusing dr.muscat and prof.scicluna of being false prophecies, they forget that about three years ago dr.gonzi promised all while speaking on xarabank that by this time we would have been speaking about surplus and not deficit and consequently the word recession would not need to be mentioned. therefore before accusing labour of 'false prophecies', they would better fill in the huge gaps/craters in their collective memory. alas, by doing so, they would be so ashamed of their past that they would all stay indoors for at least the next ten years without any contact to the outside world whatsoever.
Lanqas wara li tkun ghadek niezel l-korsija tal-kniesja wara li tkun ghadek kif tqarbint ma trid temmnek Sur Ministru tal-bigilla.
Correct me if I'm wrong , but this is not the same clown that a few weeks ago denied that the Maltese economy was in a state of recession ?
keep it up tonio we will survive. our enemies want only to hear bad news ghax ghalihom malta tigi l-ewwel u qabel kollox.
Lovely news. Now it is time to put words into facts meaning a weekly increase of euro 20 as suggested in 1987 ( not asking for it back dated:))) . Reductions in tax ceilings and reduction in electricity bills. Come on Tonio prove yourself right and that money is again no problem as it was in 1987.
Sur Ministru, mela Malta kienet f'ricessjoni? L-ahhar li l-EU qalet li Malta dahlet ufficjalment f'ricessjoni int ma kontx qbilt li qeghdin f'ricessjoni. Iddeciedi Konna jew le f'ricessjoni?
@:charoll have you been reading the Wizard Of Oz? OMG morons are born every minute.
Luke Camilleri
Imma inhossuna barra ir-ricessjoni....nasal biex nahseb li x'imkien hemm il-loghob bi-figuri!
Luke Camilleri
Min irrid jithaq b'min? X'ghandhu x'jitlef issa jwieghed imma l'aNgli jizfnu LILL KULLHADD..... specjalment il tad-distrett!
(Fenech had said the fact that the utility rates had not been increased had contributed to further losses at the national energy corporation)So guess what if Gonzi and Tonio & Co are re-elected they will raise the electricity and water tariffs to make up the loss of our economy .Once a liar always a liar (Never trust Gonzi PN ) Sorry but the truth is always the truth.All the working and unemployed citiziens of malta and gozo can feel the recession on their own ,no need for Tonio to tell us his statistics.
(Fenech had said the fact that the utility rates had not been increased had contributed to further losses at the national energy corporation)So guess what if Gonzi and Tonio & Co are re-elected they will raise the electricity and water tariffs to make up the loss of our economy .Once a liar always a liar (Never trust Gonzi PN ) Sorry but the truth is always the truth.All the working and unemployed citiziens of malta and gozo can feel the recession on their own ,no need for Tonio to tell us his statistics.
Priscilla Darmenia
It is funny how the Hon Minister Fenech and Prime Minister Gonzi always insisted that we were not in a recession and now Minister Fenech is stating that we are out of the recession. - Hon Minister, please explain to me, an ignorant citizen, how we can get out of something that we were never in.
BLA BLA BLA !!!! Dear Minister, you may be an accountant or an economist ... but we the people will tell when our country is out of the recession, when our salaries last the hole 4 weeks and more and not act like acrobats over a trapeze to make ends meet!! Till then, these are just statistics that one can play with as he please, as you did on presenting the badgit and the EU send it back to you because they didn't agree with your numbers!!!
Din hi konferma ohra li l-elezjoni hi ' round the corner'. Il-mistoqsija hi, baqa mzazen li se jemmnu lil Tonio Fenech? L-gimgha l-ohra Moody's hlief down sides u negative A3 outlook ma semmietx: to make up hareg b'din l-ahbar!
Nationalist Party took Labour leader Joseph Muscat and MEP Edward Scicluna to task over their 'false prophecies'. PARTIT NAZZJIONALISTA NAHSEB LI QIEGHED TGHODD IL FLIELES QABEL IFFAQSU ...TGHID MHUX SEJJER MA NHEMMINX LI Profs Scicluna hu lil J Muscat .....Saqsi lin nies hu ara humiex qedghin ihossu dal gid kollu fdaqqa wahda li qedghin tejdu li hawn !!! Kif tigikhom xi haga tajba malajr tkunu lesti tghajru lil PL IMMA AHJAR TARAW IT TRAVI LI GHANDkhom ga ghajnejkhom
This revelation has to be very good news for Malta, so let’s hear praise. With other countries of All Sizes still suffering variously the decline it is indeed a welcome piece of news that proffers well for the future. Now we will see how the steadfast stewardship of the Economy will encourage inward investment to Malta. The various Companies that are in discussion with the Government about bringing inward investment here will now gather momentum It is known that the comments by the ratings agencies have caused much anguish in a number of quarters so no we will see that this has passed and those companies such as the one proposing the €100+ Million Biomass to Biofuels development which will generate 140 permanent jobs return to commit itself finally to its position in Malta within the next few weeks. I am also aware that there are others around that are now going to move towards setting up business here so creating more jobs and be a vital mechanism for export-orientated businesses in Malta. The World of Economic fortitude between Countries at this time is so thwart with problems that for Malta to be able to stand up and be at the threshold of new enterprises is good, and we welcome the good news.
BLA BLA BLA !!!! Dear Minister, you may be an accountant or an economist ... but we the people will tell when our country is out of the recession, when our salaries last the hole 4 weeks and more and not act like acrobats over a trapeze to make ends meet!! Till then, these are just statistics that one can play with as he please, as you did on presenting the badgit and the EU send it back to you because they didn't agree with your numbers!!!
donnu fl-ahhar twieled il messijja, hux ???? din id-darba jismu "GONZIPN WITH HIS RIGHT HAND SUPER TONIO".
@ toninu & gonzipn Zinnnnnnnn!!!! Min ghadu jemminkhom lielkhom? Kif jista ikun li l-ekonomija qed tikber meta il- gvern gabar inqas taxxi ghax id-deficit spara il fuq? Xejn ma jghamel sens, mela hsibtuna boloh u mazzuni jeww??
VERU Amiture,sewwa qallek Joseph Muscat
Il-problema tal-PN hija li ic-cittadin sar statistika. Huwa minnu li trid tara xinhu jinghad minn kumpaniji li ikejlu l-ekonomija, izda imbghad trid thoss dak li qeghdin ihossu n-nies. Nahseb li jekk tistaqsi hafna nies, kullhadd l-istess kelma.
lies, damn lies and statistics
It is very easy to quote statistics and figures and derive many conclusions. It is well known that statistics do not actually reflect the real situation. It is very nice to say that we are out of a recession but whoever has a mind to think can figure out the real truth for themselves.
Zack Depasquale
Good for Tonio, now we expect the overdue promise of the tax cuts. This is the least we can expect after GonziDCGPN and company gave themselves 600Eur weekly increase.
I don't believe one single word.How moody's didn't upgrade us then? Bla bla bla
kulhadd qal li tonio fenech qiad it tela in numri tat tombola, daqs kemm ilu iffajar numri, FLAHHAR FATA, give us a break toninu, qadgh ma thajjart ghal palk.