Forum calls for battle against tax evasion in electoral proposals

Unions’ confederation want to raise social stigma on tax evasion as part of national clampdown.

Forum president John Bencini (third from left) flanked by Paul Pace (right).
Forum president John Bencini (third from left) flanked by Paul Pace (right).

The 11-union confederation of unions Forum presented a manifesto of proposals for political parties that spanned the entire gamut of public issues, from education to health, to government finances and even immigratio

Forum president John Bencini said the union believed more had to be done on tax evasion and reducing frivolous government expenditure in a bid to balance the books, and perhaps even cater for the unions' own proposals. Amongst these were such expensive proposals to bring the Delimara power station powered on gas, rather than on heavy fuel oil.

"I have seen so many expensive consultancies - €1 million from the ministry of education alone - being commissioned by the government. Why can't department and ministry officials carry out this work instead of paying out this kind of money?" Bencini asked.

Coupled with their request to have less cash spent on ministerial vehicles, entertainment and perks, the union said they want a general campaign against tax evasion - citing the Italian government's publicity campaign to raise the social stigma on tax evasion.

In Bencini's words, tax evaders were "parasites":

"We want a national campaign and clampdown on tax evaders with greater control on all professionals, so that Maltese workers and the middle class do not take the burden of tax evasion."

Bencini also said Forum wants the government to encourage couples to buy their own homes by deducting their interest payments on home loans, from their income tax returns.

Forum vice-president and nurses' union boss Paul Pace said the unions wanted to see the next government solve waiting list problems in the national health service and increase bedding.

Pace, who said he was not in disagreement with a plan by the government to lease more beds from the private sector to accommodate patients currently in hospital corridors, said more transparency could lead to reduced waiting times.

"We need to take away the diary for surgical interventions that consultants currently keep, and put it in the hands of the health division, so that they determine a proper date for patients. Waiting lists have to become transparent."

One of Forum's proposals is already part of Labour's plans: make Malta demand that burden-sharing of irregular migrants become mandatory across Europe, not voluntary.

Forum president John Bencini was particularly animated on this point: "It is simply not possible to have Malta not use its voice and strength at EU level to make this burden-sharing mandatory. We believe in caring for migrants that arrive in Malta irregularly, but these people also need the same resources we need. So the EU needs to do more."