MHRA boss says utility bills ‘crucifying’ hoteliers

Hoteliers boss Tony Zahra hails increase in tourist arrivals but slates utility bills and strangling bureaucracy.

Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association president Tony Zahra.
Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association president Tony Zahra.

The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA) survey for this year's second quarter showed that compared to last year, tourist arrivals went up by 3.6%, bed nights went up by 11.4% and tourist spending increased by 7.7%.

The association's president Tony Zahra said this demonstrates a reversal of the negative results registered in the first quarter of the year and added that the third quarter "seems to be very good."

However he called on government to lower utility bills and decrease VAT in order to help the industry reverse the negative trend registered in the last four years.

Explaining that the positive results achieved so far are the result of the good work by the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA), the tourism ministry, hoteliers and all other stake holders involved, Zahra warned that more must be done for the forthcoming winter months.

"The big question is quarter four. We are in talks with MTA and Air Malta about increasing the seat load factor and increasing accessibility to Malta in the winter and shoulder months," Zahra said.

He explained that the number of seats will not be increasing this summer however if the seat load factor is pushed up it will benefit the hotel industry and the airlines.

Zahra also said that despite the increase in arrivals, bed nights and expenditure, costs have also increased. At this point, he passionately urged hoteliers not to panic and resist calls to lower their rates.

"Do not give in to the demands by agencies asking for lower rates. Keep steady, tourists will arrive and all stakeholders are working hard to increase the number of arrivals," Zahra said.

The MHRA boss added that his previous pleas not to lower rates were vindicated by the results achieved so far this year.

Zahra pointed out three areas which will help the tourism industry reverse the negative trend which afflicted the industry since 2009. Apart from increasing the seat load factor in winter and the shoulder months, Zahra called for a decrease in VAT and utility bills.

"Hoteliers are crucified by the utility bills. The matter should be solved at a national level and should not be treated as a political issue. I have warned that if we do not get it right, Enemalta can drag Malta to Greece's levels," Zahra said.

He said if utility bills are decreased by 4c/Kw the industry will be spared up to €6 million.

On VAT, Zahra said this should be revised to 5% from the current 7% rate on hotels and restaurants. Such a measure would save the industry up to € 20 million and such funds could be used to refurbish hotels, Zahra said.

"We are not making ourselves very popular but this is our job," Zahra added.

In a parting shot to the government, Zahra lambasted the state of the roads in Malta and said: "The situation is hurting the industry. Some parts of government are shouldering their responsibilities, however some other parts of the government are not."

Bureaucracy was another target of Zahra, saying "bureaucrats have hoteliers by the neck," claiming that it takes ages for hoteliers to obtain permits and approvals.  

While urging Air Malta to increase its non-EU destinations, since the company is restricted by the European Commission's restructuring plan, Zahra announced that during the MHRA general meeting in November, Air Malta and a mystery airline will participate. The meeting will discuss accessibility and sustainability.

Electricity residential rates are higher than commercial rates. This means that every households pays more per unit of energy consumed. Worse still, energy rates increase in proportion to consumption for households whilst they decrease for commercial establishments. At the moment Enemalta has a cash deficit of app Eur700million. In all probability rates have to continue increasing.
Maureen Attard
Sur Zahra, u lil haddiem iz-zghir li jaqla paga minima jew xi ftit aktar u b'familja kbira, x'inhu jigrilha? Lukanda taghmel il-qliegh imma haddiem jaqlahha w jikolha. Naf x'qed nghid, ghax anqas inwarrab sold ma nista, anzi nohrog minn gewwa. Imma dan GonziPN ta' l-Azzjoni Kattolika jipriedka mod u ma jghinx lil fqir. Wara li ggelidna ghax-xoghol, il-gustizzja u l-liberta hekk stmana dan.
seems mystery has become buzz word number one nowadays!!!!
It does take a bit of cheek by hoteliers to complain about utility charges when so such much investment and subsidies have been given to support their industry when they were having lean times. They are doing very well this year in room bookings and no doubt making a nice profit and therefore they should be paying some back to the public coffers. It is the individual consumer who is being crucified by the utility charges and it is they who at present need to be helped with lower utility charges to ease an unbearable social burden.
Jien ma nistax nifhem tkun gejja elezzjoni , u MHRA tibda tghid gew it-turisti meta wara l-elezzjoni jibdew igergru l-hin kollu, fil waqt iridu rohs fid dawl u l-ilma, ghax qieghed inaqqsilhom mil investiment. Kif idawruha biex jagevolaw il Gvern tal Pn, hames snin jitkissru f'daqqa wahda dan Tony Zahra f'isem il lukandieri kolla jghid kemm marru tajjeb ,sa xi xharejn ilu dawn qalu mkissrin. Nahseb daqs kemm gawdew il Lukandiera taht gvern laburista qatt ghax l-anqas xejn ma kienu jigu ntaxxati doppji bhal VAT plus kif wara l-accounts ta kull sena. Gvern laburista naqqas it-taxxa ghal Lukandiera biex ihaddem u jgib ix-xoghol u ghalhekk kienu jgawdu, imma haga ta l-iskantament jfahhru lil tal PN fl-ejliet elezzjoni. Imma bniedem President ta ghaqda bhal din imissu jiehu pariri kif jitkellem ghax mhux kulhadd fl-istess keffa habib Tony Zahra, issa qieghed idurlek ilsienek , wara daqs dan tkissir li sar . Lukandi saru jghalqu fix-xitwa, mur Bugibba , Qawra u San Pawl il Bahar fix xitwa meta qabel kienu jifthu s-sena kolla mimlijien ghax kien hawn min igieb Turisti s-sena kolla u dak kien Ministru tajjeb mhemmx ghalfejn nghidu min kien . Qatt ma kien ikisser il lukandiera ghax kien jaf li l-haddiem ibghati, issa gejja x-xitwa u n-naha ta fuq ta malta bahh kulhadd ihares u Lukandi mghaluqin, Sur Zahra take note. Spjegalna ghaliex fix -xitwa bahh, issa ha tipprova ggib turisti biex minghalhiek tagevola l-Gvern, hallina tiftahar li MTA hadmet , hallina. Propaganda taz zuffjett nghidila jien.
Is this guy living in a world of his own? So let me understand, he is saying the taxpayer should subsidize €6 million on utility bills and €20 million on VAT (or alternatively throw them into the country's debt pit) to finance the hotel industry?! As if! I definitely acknowledge that there are some small hotels struggling with their finances but in general most hotels are making hefty profits and with their owners getting richer by the day including this man. Is he willing to have this money on loan and return it with interest to the people if their business does well?! I really don't think so! So how about the major hotels who turn a good profit sustain a fund for those hotels that need refurbishment. That makes sense, that is sustainability!
What about us, the middle class, and those on the fringe of the poverty line? What about the pensioners, those who are unemployed,and those who has some sort of percarious job?