Lawrence Gonzi promises Health Minister his full trust

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says Health Minister Joe Cassar enjoys government’s full backing if no-confidence motion is presented.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi embracing Health Minister Joe Cassar.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi embracing Health Minister Joe Cassar.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi this evening said that Health Minister Joe Cassar enjoyed his full trust and government would be behind him to vote against a looming no-confidence motion.

Addressing the party faithful at the Granaries in Floriana, Gonzi said that Malta’s health system was the envy of others and a no-confidence motion in the health minister will not be enjoying the support of the government MPs.

The no-confidence motion in Joe Cassar is expected to be presented in parliament by backbencher Franco Debono.

“The head of the World Health Organisation said that we have one of the best health systems in the world. What better certificate of trust in Joe Cassar is that?” Gonzi said.

Starting off the Independence festivities discussions at the Granaries in Floriana, today’s activity focused on the health sector. The discussion was marked by a number of interventions from the public and a number of recorded interviews with persons who benefitted from the health services.

Gonzi insisted that as long as the Nationalist Party remained in government, free health services were guaranteed.

Even though the health sector costs the country €1 million every day, Gonzi said that this would remain sustainable as long as the economy continued to prosper and grow and investment is attracted.

“It is also possible because it is a question of choice. Everything is a choice... means nothing else than it’s time to make a choice. I am convinced that the PN has always made the right decisions,” the PN leader said.

“It chose the country’s Independence because as a party we always believed in the people. The same can be said to Malta’s accession to the European Union. One choice after the other, the people were always our priority.”

Gonzi added that whether the health sector was sustainable or not boiled down to government’s priorities.

 “For the PN your health is important... so important that it costs us a €1 million every day.”

Gonzi spoke about the environment as one of the factors that affect health and the importance of preventing health problems.

“That’s why we invested in health education for both young and adult. We closed down the Maghtab landfill to give this country clean air,” he said.

Gonzi invited the public to his hometown of Wied il-Ghajn to "smell the fresh air” brought about by the development of the Sant Antnin waste recycling plant.

“I was sorry that the Labour Party tried to hinder plans for the development of this plant,” he added.

Gonzi also referred to government’s investment for cancer patients and said that through the breast-screening programme, the lives of over 100 women were saved.

On the criticism levelled by the Labour Party on waiting lists, Gonzi said no one better than the thousands who have received the services at Mater Dei would be able to give them an answer.

“We have the best machines at Mater Dei because we bought the best machines,” he said, through a round of applause.

Gonzi also spoke about government’s plans, in collaboration with the Malta Community Chest Fund, to help patients suffering from eating disorders problems.

On the development of the new oncology hospital, Gonzi said this development couldn’t be made at the Boffa Hospital because the premises weren’t adequate.

A round of applause was also made for former health minister Louis Deguara, whom Gonzi saluted.

In a side comment, Gonzi said it was ridiculous that Labour MP Joe Debono Grech said that the Independence festivities were the “PN’s festivities”.

“Independence is the feast of Maltese and Gozitans alike. Even though 48 years have passed, they [PL] still cannot accept it,” Gonzi said.

Concluding his speech, Gonzi said it was part of politics to raise criticism, but people should understand what a Nationalist government can achieve.

“We achieved good results during turbulent times... imagine what we can do during the good times,” he said.

Hey everyone in the picture will get preferential treatment if they get cancer. No queues for the party faithful. Guess Gonzi got the idea from the bible - 'the faithful will be saved'. BTW Gonzi - screw your 'independence' activities. We stopped being performing monkeys for the British when they physically left. We were their monkeys with the connivance of your uncle who they made a knight (same person who fought to make sure we do not get the same rights as the British). My question now is for how long will us Maltese suffer being monkeys to your corrupt and evil regime.
Lawrence Covin
Lawrence Gonzi promises Health Minister his full trust: jaghmel li l-qahbec irid; n-nies ma' jahsbuhiex bhalu! Mhux li l-qahbec irid jghid u jaghmel dan?
Sur Editur, Min erbgha kummenti qeghed igibli wiehed biss. Jekk ma ghandekx pjacir biha, please ghejdli, halli ma nahlux hin xulxin...grazzi.
Abdullah alhrbi
'On the development of the new oncology hospital, Gonzi said this development couldn’t be made at the Boffa Hospital because the premises weren’t adequate.' Can Dr. Gonzi give the realistic time frame for the completion of the oncology hospital? Can Dr. Cassar come up with a credible timeframe for the shut down of Boffa hospital? Perhaps we can then evaluate if the total neglect of Boffa hospital which is daily becoming shabbier and more Kafkaesque then ever is justified. Dr Gonzi can laud Dr Cassar to his heart's content , but I doubt the amount of burnout visible at MDH and Boffa Hominister bears out his is faith in this minister's managerial success. Re machines : some are already obsolete Dr Cassar can write his name down in hospital management history as the minister who expected men and women working the machines to become extensions of the said machines.
Mela int ghaziz gonzipn tissaportja lill min ghamel il-frejjeg fl-izjed haga deelikata ghal-bniedem li hi is-sahha. Ghaldaqastant ma nivvutalekx din id-darba ghax lill-ommi ghaziza, anzjana ta' 86 sena, grazzi ghal-Ministru Cassar damet 24 (ERBA U GHOXRIN)siegha tistenna sabiex jtuha kamra denja ta' pazjenta. Grazzi tassew Gonzipn u ghaziz Ministru, Ibqaw sejrin hekk hlief titnejku bil-poplu u titpaxxew bin-nuqqasijiet taghkom , ma tafux taghmlu.
Jista il-Ministru Joe Cassar jikkonferma jekk hux minnu jew le illi ghal dawn l-ahhar sentejn kient qieghed jistudja ghall-PhD? U jekk hu minnu, jista jghidilna kif jista jiffoka fl-istess nifs f'qasam daqshekk sensittiv? Jista jkun illi tant hu mehdi b'affarijiet tieghu illi l-qasam tieghu spicca zona ta' kritika biss minn nies TA' VERU!?
I thought that some bully had said that "zmien il-buzullotti spicca". As regards the Sant Antnin I think that the PM is in urgent need of the Health Services.
Mr Gonzi too little too late, after 25 years of p.n governments the people are sick of your vain promises,your corruption, your hatred towards us labourites. The p.n never wanted independence ,what Borg Olivier wanted was dominion status.
Prim Ministru, Qeghedin f`sitwazzjoni li dak li tghejd int ma jiswa TOTALMENT XEJN .....Franco Debono il bully bhal issa, huwa jikmanda il futur tal P.N. KOLLU.....
Bis-sahha tal-PN li ivvota kontra s-servizzi tas-sahha b'xejn li ghandna health system the envy of others!
Is-support ta' GonziPN lil ministru tas-sahha jikkonferma kemm GonziPN ihobb il-frejjeg.
Firstly Gonzi I waited 3 years to have a camera put in my knee, then when i saw the consultant for the results was told I needed a knee replacement but they will not do it till Im over 60, I am only 50 now, and to curb the pain take catafast plus panadol and do not walk. What a life I have ahead of me, as the waiting list for knees is 4-6 years. Also secondly has gonzi driven past the waste development? I have and it stinks, can he tell me where you can smell the fresh air because it certainly is not coming from there. And yes gonzi you believe in the people , so much so that you gave yourself and your ministers 600euro a week pay rise and gave the people who you believe in 1.16, Wow that really shows how much you care about the people. Lastly if the Independence celebrations were for everyone, then it should be politically free and not a sounding board for the PN.
How can give full support to Health Minister Joe Cassar?We need to change the country with more competent minister than joe cassar with all respect the results are waiting list still there,patients in the corridor.Hope things go better.
How can give full support to Health Minister Joe Cassar?We need to change the country with more competent minister than joe cassar with all respect the results are waiting list still there,patients in the corridor.Hope things go better.