‘Prepared to present budget in November’ – Prime Minister

On election date, Lawrence Gonzi says: ‘I tell the curious ones to wait until I take the decision when it needs to be taken’.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi coyly avoids committing himself on an election date.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi coyly avoids committing himself on an election date.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi laughed off a request to state the date of the election, noting that this was "the question everyone is asking".

"You know, the most important question is not when is the election coming, but whether the economy is growing, whether we continue providing good health services, and whether parents are guaranteed a solid future for their children," Gonzi told RTK head of news Josianne Camilleri.

Gonzi added that election was "obviously near since the five years of the legislature as permitted by the Constituion are almost over". He went on to say that he will take the decision to announce the election date when the moment is opportune.

"I will not satisfy those suffering from curiosity. I will let them wait until I take the decisions which need to be taken," the Prime Minister added.

Interviewed on Radio 101 by RTK head of news Josianne Camilleri and financial consultant Jesmond Mizzi, Gonzi said government was working on the budget, expected to be presented in Parliament by the end of October, beginning of November.

He however evaded the question on how he expects to pass laws in parliament without the support of one of his MPs.

Backbencher Franco Debono has so far insisted he will not be supporting government while Austin Gatt remains a member of the Cabinet. Debono is also expected to present a no-confidence motion in Health Minister Joe Cassar.

But in his usual dismissive manner, the Prime Minister brushed aside questions regarding his parliamentary majority, and insisted that the most important thing for his government was the creation of jobs and economic growth.

"What others decide to do is not as important as what we decide to do for our country. We are working on the budget and we are prepared to present this strategic plan at the end of October or the beginning of November," he said.

Gonzi added that what the electorate is interested in is what the political parties are offering.

"We have statistics to prove what our policies are and how they work. What does the Malta Labour Party have? Nothing... complete silence.  Are you ready to entrust your country in their hands?"

On the other hand, the Prime Minister conceded that people wanted "change" and that "change should be given".

"Isn't this what the Nationalist Party in government has been doing? The PN has been the catalyst of change, starting from Malta's Independence and the island's accession to the European Union," he said.

"Let us not forget that the Labour Party was always against change. It opposed the EU membership. It was against the privatisation of the dockyard even though it was draining the country's coffers.

"How can we today believe Joseph Muscat when he says he wants to bring about change when he always opposed it?"

Gonzi went to add that government had brought about change by increasing the health services, the increase in the number of students furthering their studies, the increase in job opportunities, the increase in foreign direct investment to the country, the transport reform and the education reform.

"The issue of the leadership of the country is not a question of changing parties. It's a question on who do you entrust your future in."

Gonzi compared the country to a baby, where a parent must decided whom he or she trusted enough to entrust its future with.

"Before deciding the change you want for your child you have to decided what you want for their future. Would you entrust the future of your child to someone who frequently puts his foot in his mouth?"

Mr. Gonzi why don't you also tell us that our children and grand children and our great grand children will still be paying the interest on the money your incompetent government borrowed and wasted on stupid projects.Alas you and your children would not need to worry with the 600 euros you stole.
AND THEN WHAT ?????????????????????????????????????????
This response from the PM is pathetic as his cronies. I believe that today year the PN will be long forgotten and just be present in the pews of the Opposition.
"I tell the curious ones to wait until I take the decision". Same to you when you ask Joseph Muscat how he will lower the utility bills and how he will govern.At least he will be the one to take the decisions but the election date may be taken by JPO or Franco Debono and not by you.
"I tell the curious ones to wait until I take the decision". Same to you when you ask Joseph Muscat how he will lower the utility bills and how he will govern.At least he will be the one to take the decisions but the election date may be taken by JPO or Franco Debono and not by you.
Zack Depasquale
Tajjeb u prosit, issa jressaq il-budget kollu cejca ghal qabel l-elezjoni, umbghad ikollu jirrangah ghax hekk tghidlu l-Ewropa u jwikki Gvern gdid ikun min ikun bit-tahwied tieghu. Jekk vera ried iressaq il-budget u jghaddi il-hafna ligijiet li qieghed johlom bihom kuljum ma missux ha 3 xhur holidays mill-Parlament. Wisq nibza li l-elezzjoni isir fix-xahar tal-Milied biex ikun kissrilna il-festi wkoll. Wasal iz-zmien li kemm Lawrence Gonzi kif ukoll Franco Debono jieqfu jilghabu bl-ghajxien tal-Poplu Malti u jiehdu id-decizjonijiet li ghandhom jiehdu.
Luke Camilleri
"DCG" Gonzi jiproponi u FRANCO DEBONO jidisponi!
Lawrence Gonzi says: ‘I tell the curious ones to wait until I take the decision when it needs to be taken’. It is time to stop this prerogative of the PM to decide when to call an election. Besides giving government an unfair advantage it also leads to a state of uncertainty and instability which leads to an early election mood which slows down the economy. In the UK they repealed the prerogative of the PM to call an election last year with the Fixed term parliament act. Now unless the government loses the confidence of the house or two thirds vote for dissolution the term of parliament is fixed for five years which leads to a more orderly and planned election which does not derail business and the economy.
I don't intend in indulge in silly remarks which have now become archaic. Everybody in his right mind is bound to agree with the PM's intention to present the budget for the coming year. The annual presentation of the Budget in Oct/Nov has been the usual way; so why should not this happen this year? Some would say that Franco Debono might be tempted to vote against it. But that threat, and plenty of others, have been with us for months now; indeed there is nothing new in the way he has been behaving him. So should any administration refrain from presenting the Budget because of threats of non-support from somebody whose only interest in life is to promote himself?
@ rcasha Correction. Lawrence Gonzi is the Prime Minister of Malta and it is up to him to decide how long he will make us suffer. Franco Debono has done his part by unveiling the clique and by campaigning for the good of the country. We'll wait and see to what extent our PM will go just to hang on to power.
Igor P. Shuvalov
It's seems that this time Dr Gonzi accepted the historical fact that the Labour Party was in favour of independence as he did not repeat the historical falacy which he tried to impress on the public the other Sundays.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi laughed off a request to state the date of the election, noting that this was "the question everyone was making". To tell you the honest truth, I am not interested in the date of the election, because I am sure that your days are counted. Our interest is that “Justice” be done. ......Good helth services is when one wants to make an appointment and is told that the appointment is for 2014. ......"I will not satisfy those suffering from curiosity.....”. Are you also not satisfying those whom you descriminated, ridiculed, abused and threw in rubbish bins. Gonzi added that what the electorate is interested in is what the political parties are offering...... What did you offer during the last years, a power station working on HFO, precarious jobs for the unmployed, depriving the maltese worker of four days leave yearly during the last 4/5 years, voting against the will of the majority in the divorce issue, taking €500 weekly while giving the workers and pensioners €1.16 weekly, explosion in the price of gas, fuels, utility bills and food, deficit and debts etc etc. "Before deciding the change you want for your child you have to decided what you want for their future..... We have had a 25 years experience of what the Nationalist can do, now we want change which I am sure it will be for the best of us ALL.
"On election date, Lawrence Gonzi says: ‘I tell the curious ones to wait until I take the decision when it needs to be taken’. " Doesn't he mean when FRANCO takes the decision that needs to be taken? :P
'Are you ready to entrust your country in their hands?' Tiċċajta!! Le nafda lilek u l-sħabek mela!!!
kamikaze suwicida fi stat ta dillirju.