PN approves second batch of candidates – Debono insists he ‘doesn’t care’

TV presenter Claudette Buttigieg and MEPs Simon Busuttil and David Casa among the approved candidates as rebel backbencher Franco Debono initiates yet another scathing attack against the Prime Minister.

Backbencher Franco Debono insists the Prime Minister will not force him to do
Backbencher Franco Debono insists the Prime Minister will not force him to do "something" outside its time.

The executive of the Nationalist Party has approved the second batch of candidates for the general elections.

The short list of six includes MEPs Simon Busuttil and David Casa, TV presenter Claudette Buttigieg, PN executive president Marthese Portelli, Joanna Agius and Anthony Bezzina.

It is expected that David Casa will be contesting the fifth district, a clear message against rebel backbencher Franco Debono.

On the other hand, Simon Busuttil - who had earlier denied that he would be standing - has yet to announce his district.

While it is expected that Busutill will be contesting on Birkirkara, this will be a clear threat to Beppe Fenech Adami, the son of former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami.

In his blog this evening, backbencher Franco Debono insisted that he "didn't care" who the PN chooses to approve for its candidates.

Reacting to the PN's decision to push forward new candidates on the fifth district - where Franco Debono has always contested - Debono wrote that the party could approve whoever it wanted.

"He [Gonzi] thinks that he can use the new candidates to provoke me, forcing me to do something when he wants," Debono wrote. "But when will he grow up?... he's a lackey, he incites, he plays the saint while fomenting bad blood."

Debono added that the PN could approve whoever it wanted: "I was elected despite all the damage they tried to cause me. I did my work and I pushed forward my ideas."

The backbencher added that now, all was left for the PN was to try and vindicate itself against him.

"You're in a panic, consumed by rage and confusion. Because you'll never keep up with my timing."

Stopping short of explaining what, Debono insisted he would do "that thing" in his own time. He however called on the Prime Minister "to grow up", insisting Gonzi was panicking "because I am keeping him guessing".

He also warned the PN that he had already declared he will be presenting the motion against Health Minister Joe Cassar.

"He [Gonzi] was always wrong in his timing. And that is why he's making a mess. And he will continue making a mess," Debono added.

The Nationalist MP also referred to the January Cabinet reshuffle and insisted that it was Gonzi reacting to his criticism that prompted the reshuffle.

"When I declared that Gonzi was surrounded by the clique, he announced the reshuffle. His aim was to make people believe I was reacting because I hadn't been appointed a minister. But today, everyone knows he was reacting to my declarations," he said.

In a direct message to the Prime Minister, Debono said: "You are a born leader, you don't become one... he only knows how to tease and incite. He thinks no one can see through his act. He casts the stone and hides his hand. Qualities that are appalling."

Lino Camilleri
@Fenea Sejjer zball jekk tahseb li Mintoff ser jibqa imfakkar bhala traditur. Mintoff jibqa imfakkar bhala l-ikbar politiku u statista li qatt rat Malta. sahansitra anke barranin qalu dan id diskors. Mintoff kien il fundatur ta servizzi socjali u tnehhija tal-faqar min fostna. Erhila li illum ergajna gejna fil faqar.
Claudette pace!!!!!!!!!!!!!Qabel l elezzjoni se tkanta Desire u wara l elezzjoni se tkanta You never walk alone
It looks like that the next participant for the forthcomming Eurovison Song Contest will be Claudette( Pace) Buttigieg with the song " Desire for Votes " . I bet that she wouldn't make it to the final .
It looks like that the next participant for the comming Eurovison Song Contest will be Claudette Pace with the song " Desire for Votes " . I bet that she wouldn't make it to the final .
Lill dawn il-qabda pampaluni ta' Gonzidcgpn, jien nghidilhom li il-pajjiz kellu bzonn xi nofs tuzzana rgiel ohra bhal Franco Debono. U mela issa noqodu najjruh u ninsulentawh ghax qal il-verita sacrosanta fuq it-tbazwir u tkaxxkir tas-saqajn ta' gonzidcgpn. Kunu rgiel maghkom infuskom u ghidu li Franco ghandu ragun. Car daqs il-kristal.
These candidates are confirmation of the PN's disastrous, future showing in the coming elections. As well as the clique's overpowering need to silence combative critics after next elections huge loss, i.e. when the battle for the PN's soul will really commence.
I doubt very much he will ever bring down the government. In any event, now that the PN has its candidates and has had time to work on an electoral strategy (thanks to Debono's dithering), whatever Debono does is irrelevant. A gutless wonder!
I do not agree with most PN bloggers and others who comment on e-newspapers that Franco's political career has become history because of the position he has taken. Franco has managed to bring to the fore Gonzi's weakness, together with those of other minister like Dolores Cristina and Tonio Borg. If GonziPN loses the forthcoming election, he will be kicked out of the party, together with a considerable number of those who are supporting him with their eyes closed. In will come Dalli and many others like him who have been sidelined. Franco would be crowned king. The present posturing is between Gonzi and Franco, as Gonzi badly needs another scapegoat similar to JPO in the last election. Franco is not JPO, he will not act on instructions from the clique. Franco has more guts than a lot of Maltese think he has. He is gaining credibility amongst disgruntled PN supporters by the minute.
kemm int bravu franco. issa qed togrog il mibeda u l-hdura kollha. u dan ghaliex??? ghax ma irnexxielekx tasal fejn ridt u bqajt bla ministeru. haga wahda baqalek xtamel li bil vot tieghek twaqqa il-gvern halli tibqa tissemma fl-istorja politika bhala traditur bhal ma gralu duminku mintoff.
The chosen one.....ha jifhem minn ghandu jifhem. Cioe minn mar jigri u jipperswadi u approva lil Franco Debono. Insomma bhall kull decizjoni ohra li ha BANANA. Dawn l-ahhar sitt snin tkun fit-triq tisthi tghid li int Nazzjonalist. Prosit Wenz keep it up. Wara erbghin sena ser nivvota Laburisti. Vera ghandek biex tkun kburi.
Dr. Franco Debono gave a perfect picture of Lawrence Gonzi ! Those who intend to vote GonziPn, this is the man you will be voting for, as one of his own MPs has declared TODAY !
Kulhadd l-istess kelma: Setghu sabu xi haga ahjar! Imhatra li Claudette Buttigieg, Marthese Portelli, Joanna Agius u Anthony Bezzina ma jigbrux 1000 vog bejniethom?
Luke Camilleri
Will Claudette Pace continue with her Sellili program on the National Station or is it Sahha Claudette from PBS???????? There might be some conflict of interest getting free airtime and a voice on the national station not to mention "chosen" guests on Sellili on a "chosen agenda"!
Luke Camilleri
Will Claudette Pace continue with her Sellili program on the National Station or is it Sahha Claudette from PBS???????? There might be some conflict of interest getting free airtime and a voice on the national station not to mention "chosen" guests on Sellili on a "chosen agenda"!