Murdered lawyer knew her killer, did not offer resistance – Forensic expert
Detailed forensic analysis confirmed dead lawyer Margaret Mifsud drove with her assailant, and offered no resistance when ‘pinned down’ on chest causing traumatic asphyxia.
A detailed forensic analysis presented to court this afternoon showed how murdered lawyer Margaret Mifsud, knew her assailant, drove with him, and seemingly offered no resistance while she allegedly was pinned down to her seat.
Testifying before Magistrate Saviour Demicoli, forensic expert Mario Scerri said that Mifsud died after her assailant pinned her down to her seat, applying pressure to her chest, causing traumatic asphyxia.
Scerri was testifying in the compilation of evidence against Libyan national Nizar El-Gadi, who stands charged with the murder of his estranged wife Margaret Mifsud on April 19.
Mifsud was found dead inside her her Daihatsu car in Bahar ic-Caghaq a day after she went missing after she attended a farewell party for a colleague in Xemxija.
Scerri told the court that from the onset, it was clear that Mifsud had been murdered and evidence of this was that it was "more than clear that her body had been tampered with."
He explained that the body was moved, as blood was found oozing from her nose and mouth, but didn't trickle down her face.
"I found the victim found with dried blood which oozed from her nose and settled backward into the orbit of her left eye, clearly indicating that she bled while she was laid down. The same was to be said about the blood from her mouth which trickled backwards across her cheek and towards her hair," Scerri said.
The forensic expert added that dust samples collected from the rugged terrain the victim's car was parked on, together with other samples elevated from the carpets inside the car were taken to Scotland Yard for further analysis, and came back confirming that there was no contamination of any other exterior dust.
According to the expert, this proves that nobody entered the car from the terrain the car was parked, also proving that the assailant was in the victim's car when she drove to Bahar ic-Caghaq.