PBS files counter-protest over Claudette Pace

PBS files counter-protest stating it was ‘following orders’ from its editorial board when asking presenter Claudette Pace not to continue with her programme ‘Sellili.

PBS has claimed that its editorial board followed the National Broadcasting Policy, when stopping Claudette Pace from presenting her programme as of October 1
PBS has claimed that its editorial board followed the National Broadcasting Policy, when stopping Claudette Pace from presenting her programme as of October 1

State broadcaster PBS has claimed that its editorial board followed the National Broadcasting Policy, when stopping Claudette Pace (now Buttigieg) from continuing to present her popular afternoon programme 'Sellili' on TVM as of October 1.

Buttigieg has recently announced that she will be contesting the General Elections with the Nationalist Party.

She filed a judicial protest earlier this week against PBS, insisting that the editorial board should not have taken such a decision.

She added that the editorial board's decision was "arbitrary and without any basis."

Buttigieg insisted that the candidature will not have any impact on the quality of the show and Buttigieg also noted that her programme does not deal with political and current affairs.

The presenter said broadcasting was her only source of income and PBS was denying her livelihood by barring her from presenting the show on TVM.

In its counter-protest, PBS said that its editorial board's decision was taken in line with the National Broadcasting Policy.

The company said that the board, which had its powers defined by the same policy, was not a judicial or quasi-judicial body, and had no obligation to listen to any of the different parties, and in view of such a policy, PBS had no choice but to adhere to the direction it given.



Rita Pizzuto
So Claudette says that her programme does not deal with political and current affairs. Go tell that to the marines Claudette. The way the programme runs gives the impression that the schedule is set up by the government, particularly the health ministry, where just before starting the programme on PBS, Claudette was PRO. How could she decline that cushy job for a tv programme many must have asked at the outset. But then the jigsaw was concluded. She got the programme and kept pushing the ministry's agenda. There must have been a very good reason for leaving her position with the ministry to take up that of programme presenter. It was her chance to push forward even more the government's agenda. She also gives the impression that broadcasting is her only source of income. She could always go back to her old job at the ministry for sure. The same people who employed her in the first place would certainly employ her again for the service she has been giving them! What right has she to get the advantage of appearing on tv every day to the detriment of other election candidates, including her own party's? What is good for the goose is good for the gender and if there are rules to must be obeyed. Claudette had a choice. She knew about the rules and if she now feels that she she has been given a kick in the ass, it is her fault, but you cannot have the cake and eat it ALL THE TIME!
Another principle PN candidate who sees no problem with conflicts of interest.
U issa jkollok income. Stenna sa wara l-elezzjoni.