Reducing Enemalta tariffs is impossible, finance minister says

Minister says S&P rating confirms tariff reduction makes it impossible to sustain Enemalta debt predicament.

Finance minister Tonio Fenech said reducing energy bills was impossible considering Enemalta's financial situation.
Finance minister Tonio Fenech said reducing energy bills was impossible considering Enemalta's financial situation.

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech said a new rating analysis by Standard & Poor's has shown that any reduction in energy tariffs is impossible, due to the rising price of oil and the sustainability of Enemalta's operations.

"S&P's analysis shows talk of reducing tariffs is not feasible, because they are not even enough to cover Enemalta's operations," Fenech said.

Credit ratings agency Standard and Poor's yesterday said it would keep Enemalta's rating of B after having downgraded the corporation from BB back in February 2012. The outlook is still negative, reflecting the "very high" likelihood that government aid would continuing supporting Enemalta's operations, now wracked with over €600 million in long-term debt.

But S&P also conceded that given the already high energy costs in Malta, any move towards a tariff that reflects fully the cost of purchasing oil would be a "risk for the local economy".

"We consider Enemalta's business risk profile to be 'vulnerable', reflecting its poor profitability, high cost and old generation portfolio based mainly on fuel oil, exposure to oil prices, and lack of timely cost-reflective adjustments in the tariffs it is allowed to charge consumers. The tariffs weigh significantly on our view of the company's credit profile, especially in the current high oil price environment," S&P said.

In a comment, Tonio Fenech said the rating confirmed that reducing tariffs was also impossible.

"This comment clearly shows all populist discourse about reducing tariffs is not possible due to the rise in price of oil," Fenech said.

Fenech said government was committed to sustain Enemalta's operations in a bid to ensure no further burden from increased tariffs is passed on to households and businesses.

"S&P's report notes that government is subsidizing Enemalta so that tariffs are not increased against a rise in the international price of oil. This bears witness to the responsibility of this government when faced with higher fuel prices, by choosing to reduce spending on other items," Fenech said.

Referring to the €40 million cuts in spending announced back in January on the back of a Cabinet reshuffle, Fenech pointed out that the Opposition had been critical of the cuts.

Fenech also said the Delimara power station extension had been nominated as one of the Platts finalists for energy-efficient plants, and that the special purpose vehicle for the restructuring of long-term debt would be discussed in the coming days.

Luke Camilleri
Reducing Enemalta tariffs is impossible FOR Minister Fenech, after all he is one of the Cabinet from Gonzipn's limited pool of talent! Lawrence "DCG" did once confide to the American Ambassador that he was finding it difficult and was limited GonziPn talent to form a Cabinet! TONIO FENECH ghal commissions tajjeb, jew biex immmur jara xi loghba football b'xi Private jet, jaghti ZIDIET IL -BOSS TIEGHU GONZI & CO.... u ma jhallas il-bolla lis-seftura! Le mhux Cuc!
Basta tghid kemm tiftahru li "flimkien Kollox Possibli". Ghal haddiem kollox impossibli, ghalikom kollox possibli. Sewwa tghidu "ghalikom u ghal Uliedkom", u "Id-Dejn ihalsuh uliedna u ulied uliedna". Tafu tisthu?? Meta ha tasal ir-Rebbiegha ghal-Poplu Malti. F'kollox ta' l-ahhar ahna.
Halluh jifrah ftit ohra lill dan toninu fenech miskin ghax ftit granet ohra ser ikollu jirrispondi ghall hafna affarijiet li ghamel wara dahar il poplu. Ghandu panic kbir miskin, ghax jekk jitilfu l- elezzjoni tal pn jinkixef kemm kien ministru inkompetenti!!.
Tajjeb general tieghek GonziPN.DCG dejjem qallilna li `KOLLOX POSSIBLI` Taht il Partit ta Terrinu...possibli li ghalik mhux possibli li jorhos xi naqra il kont tad dawl...
Paul Sammut
Ara x`kull wahda. Mela issa ma bqajniex "Flimkien kollox possibli'? Ghall l-interessi ta` GonziPn kien kollox possibli? Fejn jidhol l-interess tan-nies le?
"Reducing Enemalta tariffs is impossible, finance minister says"...but giving yourselves 600E BEHIND OUR BACKS WAS NOT IMPOSSIBLE! Paying RCC an astronomical amount was not impossible; paying your head of Secretariat 60K a year as a consultant because he was not given the post he had been promised for was not impossible. Tridx l-anqas kapaci tmexxi kunsill lokali ma kont ahseb u ara tmexxi il-finanzi tal-pajjiz!
Mr know all minister, the only thing that was possible while the whole world including Malta was in resection was THE 600 EUROS PAY RISE THE PAR IDEJN SODI PM GAVE HIMSELF AND TO YOU. IF THAT WAS POSSIBLE THEN THE REDUCTION IN TARIFFS IS POSSIBLE AS WELL. You better start looking for a job because your days are counted.
" Reducing Enemalta tariffs is impossible, finance minister says" This means that under a new pn government we can only expect higher utility bills.
And may I ask Minister Tonio Fenech: Who reduced Enemalta's to the state it is in? Joseph Muscat no doubt! Tonio (Pinocchio) Fenech at it again - spinning and weaving all sorts.