Updated | Labour demands repeal of car park concessions, Gatt claims PL defending precarious jobs

Labour motion calls for wider public consultation before going for privatisation of car parks.

Labour whip Joe Mizzi and MP Joe Sammut present their motion to the House clerk.
Labour whip Joe Mizzi and MP Joe Sammut present their motion to the House clerk.

The transport minister has dubbed a motion by Labour to repeal the privatisation of car parks as a way of "abusing some of the most precarious of workers, parkers."

Austin Gatt was referring to the unpaid car park attendants who are licensed by Transport Malta to collect gratuities from motorists, in return for their assistance while manning the public car parks.

34 sites are going to be licensed to private operators on ten-year concessions, but car park attendants will have the first right of refusal to match the best offer.

In a statement, Gatt said parkers had no security and depended on a government licence with no guarantee of permanence. "Government and the UHM, the union that represents them, wanted to give security to these workers through these 10-year concessions."

The privatisation of car parks will also attract big company names who are already involved in the manning of car parks.

"It looks like Labour wants parkers to retain this precarious employment, after proposing to freeze minimum wage. These car parks are already privately operated so this is not a privatisation, does not affect residential parking, and no payment fees can be established so far because there are no established fees with today's car parks."

Labour filed a motion calling for the repeal of the privatisation of public car parks, which will see 34 sites issued for tender by private operators for 10-year concessions.

The motion demans that substantial consultation is carried out before proceeding with the privatisation.

The motion, presented by Labour spokesperson on transport Joe Sammut and whip Joe Mizzi, says the privatisation tender carries no mention of proposed tariffs for consumers who will be using the car parks.

"Such a call for tenders is taking place without wide consultation and can have a deleterious effect on residents and businesses. We are concerned that local councils have complained they were not consulted on this development and will directly affect communities around the country, in breach of the subsidiarity principle.

"This House understands the concern that families and businesses are concerned about a rise in costs and the cost of living," the motion said.

The motion demands a repeal of the privatisation process, in favour of a wide consultation process that will report back to parliament the conclusions of this consultation.

The transport authority has published concession tenders for the operation of 34 public car park sites that are currently administered by licensed car park attendants.

Car Park attendants are currently registered and licensed with Transport Malta in accordance with the Motor Vehicle Regulations. They do not enjoy a title over the car park and are only legally allowed to receive gratuities rather than actually being paid for doing a service. They also do not pay any rent to government.

Transport Malta will licence the 34 public car parks to 24-7 operators who must provide security and CCTV camera surveillance, and obtain insurance against third-party damages.

Parking fees are to be determined by the operator, who will receive a ten-year contract.

The reform includes the upgrading of the sites to include road markings where necessary, and artificial lighting which will both be done by Transport Malta.

The charging times in specific sites including those in Rabat, Mosta and Floriana, have been restricted to between 8am-6pm as habitually these sites are used by residents for overnight parking.

Current licence holders are being granted the right to match the best offer in terms of the proposed concession fee, received by Transport Malta with respect to the operation of the car park currently assigned to them.

"The invitation to tender takes into consideration the fact that the vast majority of the existing licensed car park attendants currently carry out this operation as their source of livelihood," TM said.

"If any of the car park attendants are not capable of, or interested in matching the offer, the successful tenderer will be bound to offer them a job at a wage which is not lower than salary scale 20 as published by the government for the public sector."

Jekk hawn xi hadd illi ZGUR m'ghandux jiftah halqu bhalissa hu Austin Gatt!!! No other comment is needed!
Jekk l-Onorevoli Ministru Dr.Austin Gatt jemmen li ix-xogħol tal-parkers hu xogħol prekarju , jew hu miġnun jew inkella giddieb prim . Min sempliċi spazju tal-parkeġġ li hemm qabel tidħol Beltissebħ u li jesa' xi 300 karozza , gie ikkalkolat li il-parker idaħħal madwar €1000 kuljum . Jekk dan l-Onorevoli Ministru iqisu bħala xogħol prekarju , mela dawk il-ħaddiema li jaqilgħu il-paga minima jew anqas , x'isejjaħlu ?
Unbelievable how champion A Gatt is now defending car park attendants & state precarious jobs. In the past we had always had people competing for a car park attendant. Are you aware that most of these persons make an average of 250 Euro a month? if this is precarious than in the last 20 years most of the Maltese workers had been paid for less than expected and PN Has never raised a finger about this matter. I feel that some are defending a different agenda now that election is so near. Hokkli dhari u ihoklok dahrek
Meta titressaq il-mozzjoni se nkunu nafu min hu mal-poplu u min hu mal-KLIKKA. Jista JPO jghidilna jekk kienx ikkonsultat u jekk qabilx? Franco parole, parole, parole.
Luke Camilleri
Infakkar lin-Nazzjonalisti u min ma ghandhux afiljazzjoni politika , jew jghid hekk, li jekk jigi il-parking bil-hlas kif propost, bla konsultazzjoni u tariffi imposti mill-operatur bal kontrol- it-tariffi MHUX IL-LABURISTI BISS HA JHALLSUHOM imma KULLHADD , BHAL MA JHALLAS KULLHADD tariffi bhal tal- Park & Ride tal- Furjana li kienu wedghu li ha jkunu B'XEJN, imma qabel elezzjoni!
@san pawli.....naqbel mieghek mija fil mija li il parking areas ghandhom jinghataw f'idejn il kunsilli u l-qlieh kollu jkun ghal kunsill.
Perhaps one of the Gaming companies could let us bet on who is going to get these tenders and the huge sums they will be offering. If there is any truth that some 'parkers' are earning as much as 1000 euros a day the big boys might even fix up the places nicely,get 4 men at well above the frozen minimum wage, to run the place .....and still make a huge profit. Then there is one last question: what will they make us pay for their great service to the public? Will this too be frozen for x years?
So Dr Gatt believes that these Parkers are not earning well over the National Minimun wage!!! Why weren't these car-parks given to the Local Councils to manage with the attendants being employed by the same councils??? This way any profits derived would be utilized by the council for the benefit of the community!! U mela biex jintlew il bwied ta xi nies!!! What we need is a system that is managed properly with receipts being issued at pre fixed prices which are clearly visible to one and all. So all you need to do Dr Gatt is to twick the present system and not change it completely. Didn't you learn the lesson from the Arriva fiasco do you want to do another one???? Do you think that the right of first refusal by the car park attendants will work? Some of these attendants are illiterate so how do you expect them to make use of this proviso! As tax payers we already pay to use all roads and to park our cars in all roads so now you are asking us to re-pay to park our cars in some of the areas that up to now were included in our annual Car License fee!!! and all this to give someone a get rich quick scheme!
Of all people dak il-blokka ta' marsalforn se jitkellem fuq min jghix hajja prekarja !!!! Ghax ma jarax kif irrenda lil kull min juza xarabank tal-Arriva f'sitwazzjoni mill-aktar prekarja bid-dizastru li gab fit-trapsort pubbliku !!! - trips li ma jsirux; hinijiet ta' trips li ma jfissru xejn; taparsi sistema elettronika fit-terminus tal-Belt li hi l-akbar pastazata; ..... insomma wara li fil-bidu tant dam jiftahar bil-bravura li ghamel, issa hu u dak li ilu ma jqaxxar il-lehja xi ghoxrin sena sparixxew mix-xena u qed ihallu lill-passiggiera maltin jaqdfu ghal rashom .... ghax ma jmurx jistahba mela jitkellem fuq min qed jghix hajja prekarja ........ veru champions tal-gideb, qziez, ksuhat u arroganza .... imbaghad jiftah halqu franco debono u kulhadd jiskot u jaghmel tahtu bil-biza ghax jafu li qed jghid il-verita u jumiljahom quddiem pajjiz shih !!!
Jista xi hadd jghejdli jekk meta inhallsu il licenzja tat triq, il parkegg hux inkluz????