Labour congress ‘intended to disrupt Independence festivities’ - Gonzi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi dismisses the Labour congress as a diversionary tactic while sustaining the ‘minimum wage freeze’ broadside on Labour

Speaking during a recorded interview on Radio 101, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi accused the Labour Party of holding the Congress activities in an attempt to "disrupt the Independence festivities." He insisted that Labour was trying to "alienate the population from festivities that celebrate the birth of the country."

Gonzi also reiterated the PN's version of the 'minimum wage' political tug of war currently ongoing between the PN and the PL.

He noted that despite Muscat's Living Wage proposals only two years ago, Muscat is now advocating a total wage freeze across the board reminiscent of restrictive Labour policies in evidence 30 years ago, during the 80s.

Repeating Muscat's statement uttered during the Labour congress no less than three times throughout the interview, during which the statement was also directly broadcast, Gonzi insisted that Muscat's statements were "clear" and spoke for themselves.

Gonzi claimed that despite his assertions, Muscat is well aware that the minimum wage freeze will result in economic stagnation. At the same time, Gonzi questioned Muscat's competence, and insisted that Muscatwas making such statements unaware of the consequences.

"Labour's roadmap will drive the country into a wall," he insisted, dismissing Muscat's announcement that he would be suing Gonzi and the PN for their claim. "What you see is not what you get," Gonzi insisted.

Gonzi also reiterated that the PN does not agree with the wage freeze policy, and said that the PN government took various initiatives while in government to provide benefits to those people on minimum wage.

Gonzi reiterated the PN's claim that the minimum wage increased by €1,000 in the past four years, and also pointed to training incentives to those workers on minimum wage. "At no point did we spoke of a freeze." He again recalled the wage freezes of the past 80s Labour administrations.

Gonzi also insisted that Muscat's Labour intends to implement "Mintoffian politics", claiming that statements by Labour candidate and MEP Edward Scicluna "prove" that Labour has not moved on since the economic policies of the 80s.

Gonzi also claimed that Muscat is busy "creating a cushion for the hole which he intends to create", and that he intends to fund the decreases of energy bills through a total wage freeze across the board.

At the same time, Gonzi did not refer to how the PN has been consistently avoiding committing itself on whether it plans to increase the minimum wage beyond the annual COLA increase in the upcoming Budget.

"That is why Labour Won't Work," Gonzi said, reiterating a PN electoral slogan inspired by a political campaign first unveiled by the UK Conservative Tory Party in 1979.

As the programme played statements by Labour MP Owen Bonnici where he spoke about the undesirability of increasing minimum wage as it would have unwelcome economic repercussions, Gonzi reiterated that such statements speak for themselves.

He insisted that the PN never believed in wage freezes "because it brings about a freeze in the whole country. With Labour, you never know where you stand."

At the same time, Gonzi made no reference to how the PN Government opposed minimum wage increases on similar grounds.

"Is the Labour party approaching the election without the economic competence to fashion a solid and reliable economic policy?" Gonzi asked, insisting that Labour is succumbing to populism.

Gonzi said a new PN government will "see to it that wages increase and that people have more wealth", without however dealing in specifics. He however spoke of how pensions have been extended, and referred to incentive schemes and tax break schemes such as how people are encouraged to have more children through tax breaks.

He insisted that the PN's policies have yielded results which have been recognised by the EU as well as other international entities. He referred to Moody's overall positive certification, but noted that "this does not mean that everything is perfect, but it means we're doing better than other countries."

"If you listed to Labour, everything is disastrous," Gonzi said, criticising Labour for, in his words, "painting everything in black and white and not recognising the good work done by this administration."

Gonzi said that a future PN government would be investing further on health and education, and those areas which overlap with them. He also dedicated a considerable portion of the interview to promoting the achievements and investments of the Nationalist Administration with regards to capital investment, national projects, and job creation.

He also juxtaposed what he described as "extraordinary achievements in education" with Labour's track record. He insisted that it was Labour that closed MCAST and obstacle entry of youth into university, and also pointed to how Sant's administration turned the stipend system into student loans.

He insisted that the PN's formula works because it withstood the test of the financial instability and economic slowdown, and the results achieved by a small country in a difficult situation surrounded by bigger countries which fared worse speak for themselves.

Gonzi also praised the word of teachers and emphasised the manner in which the PN Government was able to offset the proportion of early school leavers from 34% in 2000 38% in 2012 (an increase of 0.3% every year), describing this as a "huge success."

"Education is the leading sector of the Nationalist Party," Gonzi insisted.

@ Gonzi Festa nazzjonali b' attakki sfrenati fuq il-pl li jirrapprezenta nofs Malta!! Tkomplix tifqghana bid dahk sur PM!!
I agree with Daniel that the Political meeting on Independence day was not a national thing but politics at its worst. The PL Congress was so good that Gonzi was left with no option but to pretend that no other party does anythoing but all Malta stops to listen to him
What a crap liar!!! When was ever the minimum wage increased especially in the past 4 years? Regarding the Independence PNfest...his fest wasn't a national one but a GOnziFest concluding with a very negative highly partisan anti-PL speech. So what Independence festivities? GOnzii the less you talk the better for you. You have become the joke of the day!!!
GonziPN riedna immorru fuq il fosos biex ikun hemm in -nies ghax bah kien.
Mr.Gonzi your independence speech was divisive and anti labour, if you really wanted the whole Maltese population to celebrate independence day you should have invited Dr.Muscat who represents the appsolute majority of these islands.Then again what sort of independence was that when everything was still under the British like the telecommunication, foreign affairs,the army,the police, airport, security and so on.Malta really became independent on Jum Il- Helsien. Amen
Nahseb mort ghall-birra Gonz il-Kazin qabel din l-intervista Jekk veru min ghandu l-minimum wage jaqbad elf ewro ghidli ta halli nirrezenja minn fejn nahdem u mmurr ximkien bil-light duties u nithallas minimum wage ghax hekk jew b hekk jiena fit 13 il-sena li ilni nahdem mal-Gvern zieda mizera kelli u ghalhekk ikun jaqbilli!!!!
Gonzi reiterated the PN's claim that the minimum wage increased by €1,000 in the past four years!is he including the 500/600euros pay rise for him and his stooges!
Zack Depasquale
Imma possibli hawn min ghadu jemmen il-Gonzi? B'liema immaginazjoni fertili l-Prim Ministru jippretendi li l-Laburisti jmorru fuq il-fosos jiccelebraw l-Indipendenza mieghu? Tal-minimum wage jaf li qieghed jigdeb u jibqa jigdeb xejn iktar u xejn inqas.
Rita Pizzuto
There is only one word that describes people who lie. It is liars. That is what Gonzi is proving to be, a liar. He was called such by people close to him like Franco Debono. One would have thought Gonzi would have had the guts to confront him an do sue him. No way! Gonzi keeps on with his lies perhaps the electorate would believe him. Nobody believes Him any more. He has lost all credibility and now all he does is fire blanks. Not even his own supporters believe him any more. Only a few are that gullible. Despite all his years, Gonzi is still babyish. Does he not know that Malta iis fed up of his theatrics? Move on and away Gonz and let us live in peace.
can anyone please tell us when was the minimum wage increased last by gonzi pn excluding the COLA. as i recall the only increased was made by the COLA therefore gonzi never increased anything to minimum wage earners. on the contrary he took more from them as he increased the tax on overtime and overtime is the only solution for minimum wage earners to have a decent check at the end of the month
Igor P. Shuvalov
Gonzi like to quote the past, yet throughout his interview, he did not mention that in the last twenty years Nationalist Government never raised the minimum wage. He did not mention that the Nationalists Opposition even spoke against the setting up of a national minimum wage when the Labour Party proposed this, trying to scare workers, as they are doing now, that the creation of a national minimum wage would lead to a lot of workers being laid of.
Independence festivities? Oh you mean GonziFest.
Gonzipn mhux biss hu l-aktar prim ministru li qatt gie umiljat, irrikolizzat, imwaqqa' ghac-cajt u imfarrak minn shabu stess imma sar l-aktar prim ministru ridikolu, giddieb, ghajjien, vojt u bahnan li qatt kellna fl-istorja tal-pajjiz !!!!! Aktar ma nkalawh 'il barra malajr, aktar ahjar mhux ghal malta kollha imma ghad-dinja kollha ghax issa xebba' lil kulhadd kemm hu buffu !!!! - hlief cucati, hmerijiet u ftahir ma jghidx !!! veru halliena !!!
M'għandux xi jgħid dan! Mela għax jiċċelebra l-indipendenza hu il-pajjiż għandu jieqaf jew! U ngħd jien €1.16 mhux friża jew!!! U għalih u sħabu tajjeb li jieħdu 600 ewro żieda fil-ġimgħa. Proset tal-Kungress Joseph! Dejjqu u tah fastidju mid-dehra.
Luke Camilleri
U hallina Gonz.... dur dawra madwarek u iftah ghajnejk u widnejk u tara min harbat il-festi ta' li baqa' mill Indipendenza ta' Malta! "Celebrazzjonijiet li l-Partit tieghek jaghmilhom ghal Partitarji Nazzjonalisti u mhux celebrazzjonijiet Nazzjonali! Anki it-ton tal-vuci tieghek waqt id-diskors tieghek kien PARTIGAN ghal-ahhar u aktar xerred firda milli ghaqda! Ma hemmx post ghal kullhadd meta jkun hemm int fuq il-Fosos!
"What you see is not what you get," Gonzi insisted. For sure Gonzipn knows what he is saying, because he is the expert in WHAT YOU SEE IS NOT WHAT YOU GET. The proof is the wild promises and jobs guarantees, signed by himself before 2008 election. The result......instead of job guarantee, workers lost their jobs, like the shipyard workers, bus drivers and Air Malta worker. Now its time for the workers to say "what you pretend is not what you will get".
If gonzi is so concerned about the minimum wage freeze he has every chance to increase this in the coming budget or is he sure he will not be able to present it? Therefore promising to increase it as an electoral gimmick? Beware of gonzi's promises which no better than empty words, just like the Income Tax decreased he promised and never delivered he will find an excuse not to increase the minimum wage. Was a hypocrite, is a hypocrite and will die a hypocrite.