‘GonziPN is good at winning elections but bad at governing’ – Muscat

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat says the policies of a Labour government would focus on providing a solid future from one generation to another.

At Lija, Labour leader Joseph Muscat says PL will be serenely facing the coming elections.
At Lija, Labour leader Joseph Muscat says PL will be serenely facing the coming elections.

Describing it as the "electorate's natural choice", Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat called on his movement to open its door wide open to disillusioned Nationalists and welcome back dissenting Labourites.

Addressing a political activity in Lija, Muscat warned party faithful that the Nationalist Party were very good at winning elections.

"GonziPN is good at winning elections, but bad at governing... A Labour government can bring the peace of mind you want. But we have to open our doors wide open because we are and must be the natural choice in this election," Muscat said.

He told his supporters that he understood it would be difficult for them to accept that a Labour movement has become the natural choice of disillusioned Nationalist.

"I know this is a difficult message. But, just as I am standing here telling you how we can improve this country, I am also saying that we will be leading this country from one generation to another."

Muscat said that Labour's past leaders had always seen their party as a movement fighting for a change. He said that the PL had gone from one extreme challenge to the other, with its head held high.

"The PL has become the natural home for Maltese and Gozitans. We will welcome even those who were never active within the PL or left. We will not hold it against those who left us: come back whenever you want. Your place is here."

Muscat added that if elected, a Labour government knows it will inherit a "difficult situation", but added that it will not lament.

"We will be working on a future that unites, that safeguards each and every one of you. A labour government, unlike GonziPN, will not be working on getting elected from one election to the next but how a solid future can be provided from one generation to the next."

He said that the Labour party would serenely face the coming elections: "For us, elections are not our ultimate goal. Our aim is to bring about social justice, which can only be done through the distribution of wealth."

Muscat added that a Labour government would focus on creating wealth, to be distributed among everyone "and not among the few or a clique".

But Muscat's flagship proposal remains building a new middle class. "Businesses and families know we cannot promise everything to everyone. People are no longer gullible and can see difference between false promises and clear strategies," he said.

He added that politicians were there to serve: "This doesn't mean saying yes to everything but it means being responsible. Of thinking about the long-term future of your country."

Muscat also said that the electorate shouldn't trust a Nationalist government that first created problems but then asked people to trust it in solving that same problem.

The Labour opposition has filed a motion in parliament for the repeal of the privatisation of public car parks, which will see 34 sites issued for tender by private operators for 10-year concessions.

The motion demands that substantial consultation is carried out before proceeding with the privatisation.

Today, Muscat said he hoped that tomorrow's meeting of the House Business Committee places the motion on the top of parliament's agenda as the deadline for the submission of tenders is set for the 26 October.

Muscat criticised government for not setting any parameters or guidelines over the fees which consumers will be made to paid once the new car park system starts operating.

Meanwhile, Nationalist backbencher Franco Debono has made it clear he will be voting in favour of the PL's motion.


@fenea: And your point is?
GonziPn is good for NOTHING let alone for winning elections.
Muscat called on his movement to open its door wide open to disillusioned Nationalists and welcome back dissenting Labourites. S'hawn kollox sew. imma dik il maggoranza gdida li jkollok wara l-elezzjoni issir duhhan.
If the Labour Party was really the choice for saving money in the Government then they would table a further motion to stop the spending of money on the €1000 Million incineration project proposed by WasteServ under the Ministry of Resources and Rural ASffairs. This will be a real message that will really help save money. The first round of tenders is due in on 29th September 2012.
Milli jidher hadd ma fehem x’ried jghid Joseph Muscat. Jekk is-silga qeda f’idejn Joseph Muscat dak ifisser li harget mill-Friza u mhux sejjer jiffriza. Barra mill-friza s-silg idub u mhux jiffriza. Kif tista tiffriza xi haga li hija frizata? Is-Salarju u l-arroganza ta’ Gonzi u shabu, u l-partit Nazzjonalista iridu jigu iffrizati u nispera li mhux fil-boghod. Taf x’imissu gab tal-Lejbour, il-fridge li kienu juruna n-Nazzjonalisti, meta kienu igibu fridge vojta. Tghid dik il-fridge li kien jghidulna li kienet vojta taht il-Lejber, illum x’sar minna, kemm minhabba l-kontijiet tad-dawl u kemm minhabba l-prezzijiet ta l-ikel kif splodew. Illum hadd ma ghandu bzonn fridge ghaliex kulhadd imur jixtri dak li sejjer jiekol jew isajjar dak il-mument u mhux dak li ghandu bzonn ghal diversi granet. Rajt familji jixtru zewgt tadamit, 4 laringiet, nofs pastarda, nofs kabocca, nofs kilo patata u zewgt qarabaliet. Dik il-Friza Sur GonziPN.
Luke Camilleri
Ghax l-elezzjonijiet JIXTRIHOM mill finanzi tal-pajjiz u bil-pjaciri li jaghmel! Ghalhekk irridu is-siggu tal-poter! The Power of Incumbency IRREBBAH l'Elezzjonijiet il-Gonzi!
"What you see is not what you get," Gonzi insisted. For sure Gonzipn knows what he is saying, because he is the expert in WHAT YOU SEE IS NOT WHAT YOU GET. The proof is the wild promises and jobs guarantees, signed by himself before 2008 election. The result......instead of job guarantee, workers lost their jobs, like the shipyard workers, bus drivers and Air Malta worker. Now its time for the workers to say "what you pretend is not what you will get".