Debono to vote against Budget, car parks privatisation halted

Under pain of embarrassing showdown in parliament with Franco Debono supporting Labour motion, Austin Gatt repeals privatisation plans.

Nationalist MP Franco Debono's threat to support a Labour motion has temporarily stalled an imminent privatisation process.
Nationalist MP Franco Debono's threat to support a Labour motion has temporarily stalled an imminent privatisation process.

Nationalist MP Franco Debono has declared on his personal blog he will vote against the Budget, less than an hour after the government announced it was suspending the privatisation of the public car parks.

Debono said that he would be filing an amendment to the Opposition's car parks motion, turning it into a no-confidence vote against Transport Minister Austin Gatt.

"This morning I will be filing an amendent to the PL Car Parks motion turning it into a no confidence vote in Austin Gatt. When will this man resign? What other blunders must he commit to be asked by Lawrence 'DCG' Gonzi to resign?" Debono wrote in his blog. "I have the courage to stand up to the Oligarchy and the Evil Clique and I will do it."

In his blog, Debono accused transport minister Austin Gatt of setting upon his one of his sons in "waging a dirty war of personal attacks" against him, while Gatt's cousin - Bondiplus presenter Lou Bondì - had according to the MP used public broadcasting to harm him, and that the TV presenter was also canvassing for Gatt's head of secretariat Manuel Delia on the fifth district, where Debono contests.

Government today U-turned on its plan to privatise 34 public car parks under pain of a Labour motion to stop the tender process, which attracted the support of Nationalist MP Franco Debono.

The transport ministry said the government had given instructions to Transport Malta to suspend the 10-year concessions it was planning to give to private operators.

"Transport Malta has been directed to consult the Opposition on its reservations and to continue discussions with local councils. The TM tender is similar to that issued by the Labour-led Hamrun local council. TM will also update the Union Haddiema Maqghudin over any developments," the ministry said.

Earlier today morning, government whip David Agius announced on TVM breakfast show TVAM that the Cabinet was reconsidering its decision to steam ahead with the car park privatisation.

In a blogpost, Nationalist MP Franco Debono noted the volte-face, which comes just over 24 hours of his announcement that he would support a Labour motion to stop the privatisation. "Every few months there is a parliamentary motion against Austin Gatt. Now even [the] PN whip is appealing to Austin Gatt to realise he has annoyed everyone. GonziPN is no longer a government. It has become a shame."

In a statement, Labour MP Joe Sammut said the privatisation process had been an example of the lack of subsidiarity employed by the government in its relations with local concils. "Although the Local Councils Act stipulates the responsibility of councils to provide parking space, governmnent ignored them and forged ahead with a privatisation of public car parks. Subsidiarity in the devolution of powers to local councils is being eroded."

Sammut, who tabled the motion in parliament, said the privatisation of car parks would create problems for residents who do not have residential parking zones.

David Agius, who was speaking on TVAM this morning ahead of today's House Business Committee which will set the agenda for Parliament which reconvenes today after a long summer recess, said that it his invitation to Cabinet comes in the wake of what Opposition leader Joseph Muscat and Franco Debono said over the weekend.

Speaking in Lija on Sunday, Labour leader Joseph Muscat said that the Opposition expects the House Business Committee to treat with urgency its motion calling for the car park tenders to be withdrawn since the tender was closing on October 26. Muscat said that the tender was grossly irresponsible in proposing a monopoly without setting any parameters for charges.

"We want to safeguard consumers. We do not want the people to have another burden," he said.

On its part, the transport ministry has claimed that Labour's motion which calls for the repeal of the privatisation of car parks was a way of "abusing some of the most precarious of workers, the parkers."

Gatt was referring to the unpaid car park attendants who are licensed by Transport Malta to collect gratuities from motorists, in return for their assistance while manning the public car parks.

As a ten year old i used to trek all the way from zebbug to hamrun for private lessons for the secondary education exam entry which was a feet in itself in 1961. my tuitor mr messina was always harping in our head that we will reap what we sow. obviously he was referring to our work ahead of our exams. but this can also be applied to Dr Gonzi. his propoganda machine sowed spins and lies about dr sant and look what’s the result. a four and a half years of hell which he could not muster. he is reeling from rope to rope from punches meted out to him not by his opponents but his own folks. li tizra tahsad.
Another humiliation for Gonzi & Gatt at the able hands of Franco Debono MP. The longer they grab at the throne, the bigger will be their loss at the hands of a Maltese electorate aggressively biting at the bit to vote these b*****ds out.
This is turning into a pantomine . I cannot understand how the prime minister can go to sleep every night knowing that the next day this primadonna could come out with something new just to feel good about it and himself obviously plus the fact that we do not look good as a country within the EU .... not that i do not agree with certain arguments he presented in the past but to publicly state that he will vote against the budget when it hasn`t even been presented or even drafted is taking it to far and if i were Debono i would be very careful in what he says or does from now on . With this latest outburst he is making himself a very big enemy of the maltese and gozitan poulation . Enough is enough 2 options left ...... call an election and get rid of FD and JPO who have kidnapped the goverment OR kick them out of the PN asap ...from now on its Joe Publc who is suffering and will suffer the consequences .
Joe Tanti
Poor Gonzi, he has turned into a puppet on a string/s manipulated by others ,so much for " par idejn sodi"
Sur Austin 'Pipi' Gatt qtajt qalbek quddiem il-par idejn sodi ta l-onorevoli Dr:Franco Debono. Kellek toqghod ghal-dak li jrid Franco hu uriek kemm inti zero hdejn il-par idejn sodi tieghu [Franco Debono] il-veru waqqhek ghaz-zufjett ghax il-mozzjoni tieghek tal privatizzazjoni tal-car park kellek taghmel U-Turn hu tinzel gharkubbtejk titlob skuza lil-onorevoli Dr:Franco Debono.
Bhal sajjetta fil-bnazzi it-tmun ta gonzi par idejn sodi hu Austin 'pipi'Gatt dawru rotta hu sospendew il-mozzjoni ta ipprivatizzar tal-car park.Il-par idejn sodi f'idejn Franco Debono qeghdin hu mhux f'idejn Gonzipn. Austin 'pipi tahtu' jrid joqghod ghal-kundizzjonijiet li jghidlu onorevoli bravu Dr;Franco Debono.
Anette B Cassar
l-emenda gahndha tkun li titnaqqas Euro mill-paga tal ministru. Dak jiegi Money bill zgur u b'hekk jaqa' lgvern jekk Il-PL jivvota ma' Debono.
Luke Camilleri
IRRASENJAW IRWIEHKOM Gonzi & Co. , il-Franco Debono mhux sejrin tehilsu minnhu hlief b'elezzjoni meta jghazel il-poplu! Diga qedin bla MAGGORANZA PARLAMENTARI ,x'intkom taghmlu hemm hlief biex issibu SKUZI biex tehduha OFF! Just Buzz OFF and FREEZE your TIME OFF!
Dr Muscat and Dr Debono dictates and gonzpndcg follows. gonzi taparsi priministru.
Anette B Cassar
Dan iffiser li ghanda Gvern li ma jistghax jigbor il-flus kif irid. Dan ifisser li il-Gvern ma jistghax jigbor il flus li ghandu bzon kif irid. Din sfiducja fil gvern. Fil-fatt l-anqas hu stess ma ghandu fiducja fih innifsu.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Who is really governing the Islands: the so called 'strong pair of hands' or Dr Debono and the Opposition?
L-ewwel darba li nara lil gonzipn fuq it-television, se noqghod attent ghal haga wahda: ghal kemm twalu difrejh ghax tant ilu jitkaxkar u jiddendel u jiggebbed biex jibqa' imkahhal mal-poter li min jaf kemm twalulu !!! IMMA POSSIBBLI DAN IR-RAGEL (!!!???) ma jisthix minnu nnifsu meta jhares lejn il-mera? Possibbli dan ir-ragel ma jisthix juri wiccu barra l-bieb tad-dar? Possibbli dan ir-ragel ma jisthix juri wiccu fil-parlament? Possibbli dan ir-ragel ma jisthix juri wiccu brussels? Ghax trid tkun veru xahmet l-art biex taqa' daqshekk ghaz-zufjett u tigi umiljat b'dan il-mod u tibqa' taparsi titbissem !!!!!!!!
Jista xi hadd jillumina lil poplu Malti min huwa l-Prim Ministru, u kemm il-Prim Ministru ghandu dan il-pajjiz. Prosit, Franco, int biss tista ggib naqra dinjita lil dan il-pajjiz. Shame on P.M.
Stefan Mifsud
If any additional proof was needed that we have a strong, united, coherent and stable Government this last bit of news of Transport Malta (sic) doing a flip flop is it. As if any Government agency initiates anything here in Malta without the blessing of its superior. Meaning its Minister meaning in this case Austin Gatt. This Government is no longer able to give instructions to its own agencies about policy (leaving out the merits of the policy decision itself). How can it Govern??!!
Il gvern irtira l pozizzjoni tieghu ghax Dr France debono kien se jivvota mal PL u ried izid li mozzjoni hija ta sfiducja fil Ministru Austin Gatt. Alura biex il ministru ma jkollox jirrizanja, ippfeferiu li jaghmlu U turn
Dr. Austin Gatt ghamel irtirata kbira ma kienx kapaci jmexxi l-principju tieghu bha meta General jaghmel f'battalja malli Dr. Debono qal li ser jivvota kontra f'Kastilja sar terremot. Pero' xorta l-PL ghandu jibqa sejjer bil-mozzjoni tieghu halli d-decizjoni tal-Parlament tkun rabta soda mhux coff ghax issa li Dr. Gatt ghamel l-irtirata xorta wahda ghada pit-ghada jista jerga jibdielu. Ghalhekk issa l-PL ghandu jkompli jinsisti li l-mozzjoni tieghu timxi l-quddiem u titressaq ghal vot.
Kwazi kwazi lanqas ha nibqa imhasseb dwar min qed jibza minn min!Anzi tista tighid li Dr Gonzi ghamel call fuq din il mejda tal poker
Zack Depasquale
Time's up. If there is any decency left in GonziPN he should do the right thing and go to the polls, this to save us from an election in December.