Prime Minister adamant to avoid discussing his crisis

Lawrence Gonzi says historic 5+5 meeting of Mediterranean should not be sidetracked by his government's troubles.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi did not answer to questions that dealt with his political crisis.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi did not answer to questions that dealt with his political crisis.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi faced questions from journalists who seemed less interested in the meeting he will host for the Mediterranean states' leaders, than the political troubles that beset him in one fell swoop today.

In the space of a few hours, Gonzi had instructed his Cabinet to jettison the plan to privatise public car parks after Nationalist MP said he would vote in favour of a Labour motion to repeal the plan; then had to learn that Debono will be calling for a vote of no-confidence in Austin Gatt; and that former Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando was supporting the call to have the Labour motion debated with urgency.

Making matters worse is Debono's unadulterated declaration that he is not going to vote for the Budget, a move which could dead-leg Gonzi's administration.

But the prime minister refused to be drawn into discussing the implications of the day's events with the press at Castille today.

"It is a pity that on the day we are getting ready to welcome these leaders to discuss something as historic as the Arab Spring, some people are trying to deviate this event to the local political scene," Gonzi said to the first question he fielded, after briefing journalists on the 5 5 meeting of Mediterranean states to be held in Malta.

"It doesn't make sense to discuss some car park when we are going to be discussing such historic events," Gonzi said in an attempt to belittle a question put to him on Franco Debono's decision not to support the government any longer.

He was also evasive on whether he will be taking his Budget to parliament in November. "We will discuss the budget another time," he said.

On Friday and Saturday, Malta will host the first summit of North African and southern European states, the first between leaders of the 10 states since last year's Arab Spring uprisings.

The 5 and 6 October meeting is expected to address several aspects of enhancing political and economic cooperation in the wake of the revolts in several Arab and North African countries. Also on the table are security issues and irregular immigration.

The summit will bring together leaders from France, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain along with those from Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia.

Gonzi said the meeting will be attended by French President Francois Hollande, Italian premier Mario Monti, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy and Portugese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho.

Libyan President of the Congress Mohamed el-Magarief, Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki, Moroccan Premier Abdelilah Benkirane, Algerian Prime Minister Abdelmalak Sellal and Mauritania's president Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz are also expected to be present.

The Prime Minister said all heads of states have confirmed their presence although he warned that any of these could be cancelled if more pressing matters emerge.

The summit will start on Friday with a working lunch at Castille and other meetings will be held at Verdala Palace.

Jose Manuel Barroso, the European Commission President and Stefan Fule, the EU commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy will also be attending the meeting which will also discuss the region's stability.

PNL. Do you say you are a floater? From what you wrote i think you either watch NET TV 1,2 or 3 only or you work with stamperija indipendenza. Land of make believe . Pls let everyone make comments and don't be arrogant like some government ministers and tell someone to shut up. In that case, if you don't agree you should shut up.
@PNL >> Your democratic credentials are "tal-lira" worth.
@ shame on you why dont YOU write a letter and hand it over to Barroso the moment he lands at luqa airport..tell him all the happenings of this minority government and the dictatorship and hardship you are living on an everyday basis ! It seems you ALL have no guts and no as mintoff had once addressed his dockyard workers...the only simple way you express yourself is by writing garbage basta against the prime minister.
Luke Camilleri
Mohhu kullimkien barra fejn ghandhu jkun! Ma ghadux tad-dahk sar tal-BIKi fl-attentati tieghu biex ma jaccettax li ma fadallux MAGGORANZA PARLAMENTARIu kemm jista jkun ma jersaqx lejn il-Parlament ghal xi vot!
Shut up and try not to be biased. Work is still going on, employment strong,economy moving nicely, projects employing thousands of people on goin, education moving smoothly...... Go and see the schools all practically new and of a high standard....we're are the usual yearly complaints just on the first few days of school, university students at a record high, now finally Arriva getting there although baqa hafna. Come on let's be fair,. We cannot blame everything on Gonzi, but the problem was always debono with his big head attitude. In my opinion the speaker should stop this and not allow any motions which are clear a witch hunt by a confused mind. Let's move on then next year let the elections come and the people decide. The people always decided well I think throughout these last 40 years! Although I am quite a floater but I am fair on this !
PM get all these people to Malta , prepare the best acomodation , best food and best stay in Malta, So on NET TV, NET TV 2 (TVM) and NET TV 3 (TVM 2) will have their positive comments on our beloved government. Dear PM do tell them you are in minority and leading an oligarchy and dictatorship government.Shame on you if you don't do so!
Is our president still in Peru ? Does anyone in power in this country respect their people. WE HAVE A MINORITY GOVERNMENT and still everyone waits and listens. Go do what the Prime Minister is not doing. Take ACTION. Put things in place. Shame on you Too?
An open letter to our Dear prime minister. No one believes you anymore. 5 + 5 has nothing to do with the situation we are living in Malta. Some attending this summit have removed dictatorship from their country and you are leading our country with a minority government as a dictator. go to our parlament and take votes that can change the terrible situation, you and your oligarchy government has put this country in .shame on all of you.
Ġej Barroso ukoll ħa jiddobba xi ikla minn fuq dari. Kif se jiddiskutu fuq l-istabbilita tar-reġjun tgħid se jkollhom kwarta ċans jiddiskutu l-istabbilita ta' Malta jew se jkunu qed jitfewwqu għal wiċċna. President ta' Malta qum mir raqda u iġbed l-attenzjoni għal din id-dittatura u żebliħ tar-republika li qed ngħixu fiha.
The PM should not seek refuge from local politics in a regional meeting of heads of state. These meetings reflect the overall national interest and whilst wishing that the meeting will turn out to a success for Malta's benefit the same efforts for such an outcome would have been made if JM was in power. For the man in the street the future parking problem is more important than a 5+5 meeting whose objectives he hardly understands. The PM should remember the most embarrassing questions on domestic issues used to be posed by journalists to tottering administrations such as those of Silvio Berlusconi and Gordon Brown at global meetings such as the G8. It is likely that the visiting heads of state and their delegations will have been briefed that there it is likely in the near future to be a change of government in Malta and no doubt they will be interested in establishing contact with the opposition to strengthen contacts and hear about the future foreign policy based one trusts on continuity which the PL will follow.
Anette B Cassar
Id-differenza bejn dawk il mexxeja u Gonzi hi li dawk ghandhom maggoranza.
kompli ahli z-zmien wenz u nies bhali ibatu l-konsigwenzi
does the european union knows that we maltese are living in a dictatorship state. does the european union knows that malta is being governed by a minority government.does the european union knows that our parlament is avoiding votes not to embarese our government. pls someone inform the eu. shame on our minority government
few months ago our prime minister said in zebbug that from now on he wants a clear vote and no more playing around. now that he is in minority he is trying to avoid votes in parlament. democracy is in danger here. mr president it's time to take over and do what this government is not the prime minister and make him call the general election. shame on this oligarchy government , stuck to power with minority. dictators do so.
pls Prime minister we are not stupid. most of us we don't care what you talk about in the summit . we care what's happening in malta and you should give priority to our more gimmicks and nice talk. come on do your job and give up, your government is in minority, go to the president and call it a day.your party talk a lot about democracy , but when it's good for your party. shame on you for being stuck to power. go on show that you really care for the best for the country.
Since our beloved prime minister is so adamant to avoid mentioning 'GONZIPN' crisis, we, the Maltese people should do our best efforts to voice our concern about what is going on here in our country, since the government is so arrogant and stubborn to stay in power. Protests is one interesting way how to voice our concerns!
Since our beloved prime minister is so adamant to avoid mentioning 'GONZIPN' crisis, we, the Maltese people should do our best efforts to voice our concern about what is going on here in our country, since the government is so arrogant and stubborn to stay in power. Protests is one interesting way how to voice our concerns!
Who is paying the expenses bill? GonziPN made sure that this conference to be held in Malta just to alleviate their profile who is going down the drain. It seems that Maltese taxpayers will be paying after all the expenses.
PM qisek Alice in wonderland
Dak li tizra tahsad. Gvern agunija.
Most probably Malta will sit next to the Arab and North African side, as we are not so much better.
Let us ensure that these leaders are made aware of the enormous problems Malta is suffering due to bad political decisions taken by the present incumbents.National protests should be held.
Luke Camilleri
Biex itellaq wahda, u biex jitkellem wahda tajjeb.....FEJN HADD MA JISA JMERIH JEW JISFIDAH! Qisghu veru wiehed minn dawk il-mexxejja tal-Comics bhal ta' Zorro fejn jigvernaw bi prepotenza u b'arroganza u jahseb li ma hu ha jmut qatt jew jitwarrab minn fuq it-troN tal-poter! Minn Republika trasforma f'Regim jew Republika tal-Banana u JAHSEB LI HU XI OMNIPOTENTI IL-FUQ MINN CIKKU POPLU B'XI DRITT DIVIN!
Veru tad-dahk u tal-biki fl-istess hin !!! -- gonzipn jipprova jilghabha ta' xi statista jew ta' xi mexxej politiku fil-mediterran meta lanqas hu kapaci jmexxi gvern b'erbat iqtates u meta mhux kapaci jsib tarf gurdien tal-imramma ..... li ilu jhawwdu aktar minn sena u ghadu ma rnexxilux jimmansah !!!! Min jaf x'ghandu x'jghidlhom lil Barroso jew lil Hollande jew lil Monti ..... dudu mal-gganti li lanqas biss jaghraf kemm hu ridikolu, kemm hu ckejken u kemm qed icekken lilu nnifsu u lil pajjizu .... l-aqwa li jkaxkar kemm jiflah biex jaqta' iz-zigarella tal-parlament ta' renzo piano, dak l-aqwa .....
Dan exempju iehor ta' SARHAN TAL-MOHH u ta' PAR IDEJN SODI!
So our own Ghandi Neru Luther King doers not want to discuss his party's problem but how he's going to make the WORLD a better place. Maybe he can always sing the gathering of the 5+5 a Michael Jackson song "Make the world a better place". Grow up mr prime minister.
Zack Depasquale
Prim Minister Gonzi has totally lost the plot and living in a world of his own.