Austin Gatt surveys new parliament, takes no questions on prospect of no-confidence motion

Minister Austin Gatt says he would know if he did not have support in parliament over a prospective no-confidence motion.

Transport Minister Austin Gatt (centre) could be facing his second no-confidence vote in the coming weeks.
Transport Minister Austin Gatt (centre) could be facing his second no-confidence vote in the coming weeks.

Transport Minister Austin Gatt appeared calm and collected while visiting ongoing works at the City Gate Project in Valletta this morning, despite facing the possibility of a second no-confidence motion in less than a year.

A Labour motion for the repeal of the privatisation public car parks could be scheduled for urgent debate in the House before the upcoming Budget, and carry with it the support of Nationalist MP Franco Debono who said he will amend th emotion with a no-confidence motion against Gatt.

“I would know if I didn’t have support,” Gatt told reporters today during his visit to survey works at the new parliament building at City Gate, when asked whether he enjoys the support of the House if he had to face a new no-confidence motion.

Earlier this week Gatt announced that the privatisatio of car parks was being suspended pending further consultation with local councils. He also stressed that the privatisation of the 34 car parks was a Cabinet decision and that the repeal, which came after Labour filed its motion against the privatisation, was also a Cabinet decision.

His future appears compromised if Franco Debono includes an amendment callling for his resignation in the Labour motion, after the Nationalist MP declared in the House Business Committee on Monday that he would not be supporting his government in the next budget. Debono has specifically pointed out he won't vote for the Budget if Austin Gatt - who was expected take the reins of the party's electoral campaign when he steps down as minister - stays in the Cabinet.

Gatt survived a motion of no confidence moved by Labour back in November 2011 over the Arriva fiasco earlier that summer, but Franco Debono had abstained on the vote. At that time, Gonzi had declared the no-confidence motion was one of collective responsibility for the government, taking the hit for Austin Gatt if he was voted out.

Gatt today would not answer any further questions from journalists unless related to the City Gate Project, which has to date cost around €44 million and remaining within the budget and time frame predicted so far. “This is the second anniversary since the first stone was laid for the new parliament building and theatre. It is only appropriate that we show the public the progress to date and the artistic work of Renzo Piano,” Gatt said.

This will be the first time Maltese hard-stone cut from Gozo is used for the facade of such an important building and each slab of hard stone weighs in at around 200 to 300 kgs. Gatt was shown around the new House of Parliament and pointed out the layout of where MPs will be sat. “The MPs will be set out in an almost triangular way facing the speaker and a visitors’ gallery and press box will overlook the entire room. A lot of work still needs to be completed but we are sure that the project will be completed in December 2013 as predicted,” Gatt said. 

Of course this loser does not enjoy support from the majority of his fellow parliamentarians. He might frightened many on his side of the fence, but he has found formidable opponents from the younger, more honest members of his own party. His antics has taken Malta over the precipice. What, with the new hole in the bastions, the completely unnecessary, pigeonhole, "flash gordon" parliament building, smokey, deadly BWSC, Arr-iva(le), ghost Smart City, Smart Ass meters both hard and software, (call to) ARMS by indigent citizens etc, etc.
WILL FRANCO DEBONO: VOTE YES, VOTE NO, OR LIKE HE DID BEFORE, CHOOSE TO ABSTAIN? Franco Debono can be assured that he will not get another chance and this time it is a do or die situation. The whole parliament is waiting in suspense, as a matter of fact the whole people are waiting. The suspense is killing us. Will JPO and Mulliet join in the ousting of Austin Gatt?
Joseph MELI
Check out the 3 stooges in the photo-none of them would work even in an iron lung!Nice to know the country is in such safe and capable hands.
Jekk qed nara sew fir-ritratt hemm il-gustuz manwel delia avolja libes safety helmet biex forsi ma jintgharafx !!!! Ma jidhirlux dan il-bravu li issa ilu ma jitfacca x-xhur li kien ikun ahjar li flok qaghad jitkessah u jippoza fil-parlament il-gdid mexxa ftit metri u mar ftit fit-terminus tal-arriva halli jara d-dizastru, l-konfuzjoni, it-tahwid, it-tgerfix, in-nuqqas ta' puntwalita li l-famuza riforma tat-trasport pubbliku li welled minn bejn is-suf ohxon li ghandu ma' geddumu f'hiex wasslitna? Kemm hu sabih li tgerfex u thawwad wahdek f'ufficcju u tipprova tiehu l-mertu u mbaghad tmur tinheba u ma tiftahx halqek meta l-qassata li tkun hrigt biha tibda ttektek ... mhux hekk ... issa halliena nghumu fit-tahwid tal-arriva li gab fuqna u hu dabbar rasu, jippretendi li ntuh il-vot ... tghid mhux hekk ... hekk nibqghu sur manwel !!!!!
Dan x'qed jara hemm fuq? Kemm hu u Dr Gonzi se iwekkulna aktar dejn?
RESIGN AUSTIN!...and take Delia down with you!!!!
Who the heck really cares at what stage the building is? It is a bloody waste of money - dreamt up by megalomaniacs who have nothing better to do than waste public funds on white elephants.
In the meantime Palazzo Caraffa stays empty in Bakery Street which would have been ideal as a Parliament removed from all eyes!!!
Maureen Attard
80 miljun mahruqa hekk, kapricc. Ahjar intefqu f'affarijiet aktar ta' importanza milli hlejniehom f'teatru bla saqaf, bieb bla xatba u barumbara tal-hamiem. Dan kollu biex ikunu komdi 69 ruh issahhnu is-siggijiet tal-parlament meta jattendu...
Tkun l-akbar ironija li freezer austin gatt ma jkollu ebda cans iehor wara llum li jidhol fil-parlament il-gdid ... forsi lanqas fil-qadim ukoll .... avolja ma ghandi ebda dubju li d-debate dwaru min jaf kemm se jinxtehet 'il boghod u 'l boghod ... u 'l boghod ... u 'l boghod ..... u forsi sa dak iz-zmien ikun "irrizenja" minn jeddu biex jikkoncentra fuq l-elezzjoni ....
How much money do you think Austin Gatt put in his pocket out of this Project?? Any answers??