Debono in privilege complaint against online comments
MP Franco Debono files a breach of privilege complaint against comments by readers published on Times online portal.
Nationalist MP Franco Debono has tabled a second breach of privilege motion in as many days, after saying that he felt offended by comments posted on the Times online website by three readers.
While insisting that he was not complaining about the report on the news website itself, Debono said he was complaining and asking for the Speaker of the House to rule over the comments posted by three persons.
Yesterday, Debono raised a breach of privilege campaign over a television programme on TVM, presented by former PN executive president Piere Portelli, on which lawyer and Times columnist Andrew Borg Cardona Breach of privilege passed comments the MP claimed where offensive.
Debono asked Speaker Michael Frendo to pass a ruling over a comment by Philip Hili, a reader who "has been persecuting" Debono for years. The comment in question described Debono as a "blackmailer."
"I have a right and duty to take up positions I have taken in the past. I swore my loyalty towards the Constitution and the Republic. I never blackmailed anyone, but I was the victim of a death threat," Debono said.
The Ghaxaq MP, who has been banned from contesting elections with the PN after voting in favour of a Labour motion in Parliament, yesterday revealed that he was the recipient of death threats which he reported to the police last Saturday.
Debono added that the police traced down the person behind the threats but that he had decided "to forgive the person".
"Calling me a blackmailer is unacceptable, it is a criminal offence. I only exercised my rights according to the rights granted to MPs by the Standing Orders to raise a breach of privilege against PBS, Pierre Portelli and Andrew Borg Cardona," the MP added.
The other comments Debono cited were posted by Michael Borg who accused Debono of "setting-up" the death threat story and another comment which cast doubt on the real reasons why Debono forgave the person behind the threat.
The Speaker said he will give the ruling in the coming days.