Aussie traveller says Labour MP cut airport queue and swore at her

Traveller writes in personal blog and pastes photo of Joe Debono Grech.

Labour MP Joe Debono Grech.
Labour MP Joe Debono Grech.

An Australian resident who lives in Malta has reported on her personal blog that Labour MP Joe Debono Grech regaled her with unkindly words, after she called to his attention the fact he had skipped fellow travellers in the line to check in at Malta International Airport.

According to Michelle Sullivan, Debono Grech cut the queue at MIA - which until then only had two persons in the line - and walked straight up to the check-in desk.

When it was Sullivan's turn to check in, Debono Grech moved right in to hand his passport and suitcase.

"To my amazement the guy stepped forward and put his suitcase on the conveyor belt and handed over his passport. I immediately called, "excuse me! excuse me! There is a queue here you know?!?!" to which the reply was, 'I see no queue'," according to what Sullivan wrote in her personal blog.

"I repeated myself with the addition, 'are you really such a rude person that you will jump the queue whilst there are others waiting?' The reply, came under his breath, 'F'oxx' [sic] (I did not hear the second word but am fairly sure it was "ommok'," Sullivan claimed.

According to Sullivan, the check-in attendant said Debono Grech was a Flypass member, but the Air Malta website does not give any information about Flypass members given the right to skip queues. Sullivan also noted that Debono Grech flew on her same flight to Frankfurt in economy class.

Sullivan later showed a photo she took of Debono Grech inside the airport to her friends, who informed her that it was none other than the Labour MP.

"One would expect public figures to be the example, certainly in other countries those in public office, rock stars, actors and generally anyone famous has to set an example for others... how does the Maltese political parties fair in this game of showmanship?"

The news item also appeared in the Nationalist Party's news bulletin on Net TV.



If he behaved as described - he is not fit for public office. Dr Muscat, please take action against these people in your party - i think 25 years in opposition is long enough.
So what? Is this 'news'? The next time I am elbowed in a queue and swore at for good measure (which is practically every other day) I will give your Staff Reporter a ring. What a waste of good space and readers' time.
CORRECTION the blog is bt MICHELLE SULLIVAN and not Bertha Sullivabn. sorry for the mistake.
Dik news value. Joe Debono Grech qabez queue ta zewg min nies. Semaghtu jghid "f***" izda ma sematghux jghid it tieni kelmma imma hija zgur li kienet "ommok", u tkazat ghax kien fl-economy class. mamma mia x'ahbar sensazzjonali dik. Din dejjem il verzjoni taghha naturalment.
Something about this story is fishy and Maltatoday has been taken for a ride because a blog that goes by the name of michelle sullivan also posted the same story ,which seems the same but different details.Here is the link: I guess Maltatoday you have been had and by the way why was the story reported by a "Staff Reporter".
Something about this story is fishy and Maltatoday has been taken for a ride because a blog that goes by the name of bertha sullivan also posted the same story ,which seems the same but different details.Here is the link: I guess Maltatoday you have been had and by the way why was the story reported by a "Staff Reporter".
OK fine, maybe as a Flypass member Mr Grech has the right to skip the line but he has no right to tell somebody " Mur hudu foxx Ommok and I mean nobody, because the only time somebody dared to say that same phrase to me, I floored him right on the spot and I would have done the same thing to this rude MP if he said something like that to me. Politicians are not above the law and they have no right to insult others. All he had to say was I am a Flypass Member and I am entitled to jump the line, the rest was uncouth.
Luke Camilleri
THIS AUSSIE TRAVELLER MUST CERTAINLY NOT HAVE HEARD OF DAVID AGIUS AND AUSTIN GATT to mention a couple well renovened for setting examples...... one in hooliganism, and copying in exams and getting caught three times at it ... anw nationally renowed Austin gatt for arrogance and where he goes to have a piss-off...and all on tape! Maybe Net News should just update her ; ) -------------------------- One would expect public figures to be the example, certainly in other countries those in public office, rock stars, actors and generally anyone famous has to set an example for others... how does the Maltese political parties fair in this game of showmanship?"
Luke Camilleri
Kemm sirna dojoq f'daqqa wahda, ara ha mmur l'hemm naghmel pipi u wara immur nitkellem naqra hazin qaqt xi loghba basketball ha nikkalma ftit! Din l' "Aussie traveller" mill Bush qatt ma semmghet il xi hadd jigbidha xi naqra Malta..... jew l'Awstralja taghha??? Trid issir popolari jaqaw u tkun xi naqra funny??? nahseb ghada ma telghetx jew esperjenzat xi QUEUE state-of-art fuq xi stage tistenna l'Arriva ha tkun taf veru x'inhu queue U X'INHU IL-VERU LINGWAGG KULURIT MALTI!
Luke Camilleri
Kemm sirna dojoq f'daqqa wahda, ara ha mmur l'hemm naghmel pipi u wara immur nitkellem naqra hazin qaqt xi loghba basketball ha nikkalma ftit! Din l' "Aussie traveller" mill Bush qatt ma semmghet il xi hadd jigbidha xi naqra Malta..... jew l'Awstralja taghha??? Trid issir popolari jaqaw u tkun xi naqra funny??? nahseb ghada ma telghetx jew esperjenzat xi QUEUE state-of-art fuq xi stage tistenna l'Arriva ha tkun taf veru x'inhu queue U X'INHU IL-VERU LINGWAGG KULURIT MALTI!
Something I have done tens of times, yes a Flypass member has the right to jump que except other Flypass members. Personnally I have jumped ques that were over 20 pax long and I am no MP. Much ado about nothing. In fact the flypass pax have a counter especially open for them and if this lovely lady was at the counter she shouldn't have been than I guess it was her fault and Airmalta check in who should have drawn her attention to it. Now as regards the explicatives there is no excuse for that but is she sure about what was said knowing how many maltese who were abroad for so long hardly speak proper maltese.Well that is something very maltese and she should know this being maltese herself.
Xarukaza, shame on Labour!
According to the flypass info I found on Bov's website, members of the flypass club can skip the queues: Fast Tracking Late for check-in? Want to check-in quickly? With the BOV VISA Flypass Business card you skip the queue. Check in through Business Class desks at the Malta International Airport for a speedier service.
I hope Debono Grech is not going to be a candidate for the next election.
Zack Depasquale
Quote 'The news item also appeared in the Nationalist Party's news bulletin on Net TV.'It's true than, that when someone is drowning he cluches at straws.
I travel often for business; yes travel pass passengers have aright to jump the queue;otherwise what is the pass for? Check in on the electronic information alternate between ordinary and fly pass/and or business class passengers.
ohhhh x news value din...... din l istorja tfakkarni meta fl antik , il Partit Nazzjonalista unqeda b sakranzz li gelluh jaghmel affidafit li ra lil Strickland diehel fil logga tal Mazzuni fis satra tal Lejl !! kumbinazzjoni wara l elezzjoni instab li ma kienx veru.....