Gonzi insists budget is ‘moment of truth’

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says government will go ahead and present budget, which he describes as the “moment of truth.”

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi being quizzed by a student in St Venera.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi being quizzed by a student in St Venera.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi insisted that the government will go ahead and present the budget despite the Opposition's attempts to bring government down.

"We are at an important point. We have navigated all the way to the end of the legislature and all that is left is the Budget. This budget is important. The captain must take the ship to port and be ready for another voyage," Gonzi said.

The budget is expected to be presented by mid-November. The government is however facing two stumbling blocks in Parliament, in the form of a motion tabled by the Opposition asking for the repeal of the privitisation process for public car parks and a no-confidence motion in Transport minister Austin Gatt tabled by Nationalist MP Franco Debono. On Monday, the Speaker Michael Frendo is expected to decide on the Opposition's request to have the two motions fast-tracked. 

"We are working on the budget and we will present it in Parliament. Labour is playing a game to stop us from presenting the budget. The Opposition wants to bring government down but will do what is right for the country."

The PN leader said the government is determined to do "what is in the best interest of the country, workers, investors, families and young people."

"That is why we want to present the budget. It will be the movement of truth. Everybody will then have to carry responsibility," Gonzi said, in clear reference to rebel MPs Franco Debono and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando who could bring government down if any of the the two MPs vote against the Budget..

He insisted that "history will judge who was with the country and not with someone else. History will judge who was with the PN and not with somebody else. At the end of it all, good will always prevail, [Is-sewwa jirbah zgur]," Gonzi said as he concluded an impassioned plea.

The Prime Minister was answering questions posed to him by a number of post-secondary students, in Santa Venera.

Talking about the current political impasse, the bellicose PN leader said: "We will not stand still in front of this situation. Everybody has to carry his and her responsibility."

"Let's talk on serious things again. While we have weathered the storm and other countries were brought to their knees, some want to discuss car parks," Gonzi said in reference to this weeks manoeuvring in Parliament to have an Opposition motion calling for the repeal of the privatisation process of public car parks discussed urgently.

"We are weeks away from a general election, where the people will be asked to make a decision. I urge the people to judge us on what we have done over the last for years. We have brought jobs, education, we have enhanced our reputation, We have survived the Libya war, achieved economic growth and record tourist numbers."

"But our leader of the Opposition has told us that we have had a troubled four years. [EU Commission president] Barroso does not agree with Muscat," Gonzi said to great applause of the party faithful.

Urging everyone to keep things in perspective, Gonzi said the government will discuss such things but warned against ruining the country's good reputation abroad.  "The leader of the Opposition cannot distinguish what is important and what is not for the country."

On the 5 plus 5 dialogue meeting which ended on Saturday, Gonzi said he felt proud for the successful organisation and stressed that the meeting confirmed the respect the country enjoys in the international scene.

A number of ministers and MPs were present in the audience, however under fire transport minister Austin Gatt chose to stay behind the scenes, running the event together with other party officials.

The Prime Minister said Malta's economic success, despite the country's geographic isolation, is down "to the talented students and workers that give Malta an edge over the rest of the world."

Urging parents to encourage their daughters and sons to take up sciences, Gonzi said: "we must not rest on our laurels, the life sciences campus next to Mater Dei hospital will need hundreds of graduates in traditional and less traditional fields."

Recalling his initial experiences at the beginning of his legal career, Gonzi pointed out that "the educational system should not only provide theoretical training but also practical training."

During the debate in Santa Venera, a number of video clips highlighting the successes in the educational field achieved by the "government led by Lawrence Gonzi," were screened.

Commenting on these successes, Gonzi said the PN "was, is and remains the party of education," stressing that unlike the Labour Party, the PN always invested in education and put it at the centre of its politics.

Answering a question on the IT sector, Gonzi insisted that "even the IT sector is the brainchild of the Nationalist Party," and went on to attack the Opposition for its historic reluctance to introduce technology.

"That is why we believe that the Labour Party will freeze the minimum wage. They [Labour] have now said they will only increase wages when the economy is on a sound footing. On the other hand we will achieve economic growth and increase jobs and wages."

The Prime Minister pointed out that the Maltese government is currently spending 6,000 euros per year for every child in education in Malta. Gonzi said the country has achieved so much in education despite not having any natural resources and also having "people within creating obstacles," in a clear jibe at the Opposition. 


Ara min irid iparla! is-socjalisti taz-zero! kemm jinsew malajr l-aghar zmien fl-istorja tal-Maltin. Zmien moqziez ta'swat socjalista. Zmien ta' dlam komunista nord korean. Le ghal malta socjalista! Viva Malta Libera Ewropea! Viva l-Lemin!
Nahseb daqt tghidilna li ha tnehhi l-Income Tax, tabolishi il-VAT Dept, tirdoppja kull beneficju Socjali, jispiccaw il-kjus f'Mater Dejn, tirrangia l-injustizzji kollha li ghamiltu tul dawn l-ahhar 25 sena, titolbu mahfra lil poplu Malti u Ghawdxi talli sraqtuh, farraktuh, umiljatuh u zeblahtuh. Tahseb li wara 25 sena xi hadd ha jemminkom?????
How exciting.
"history will judge who was with the country and not with someone else. History will judge who was with the PN and not with somebody else." Gonzi So according to Gonzi, believing in an ideology contrary to that of PN, or rather (given the all too obvious reference to Debono and JPO) simply voicing criticisms over PN's current situation, is tantamount to being unpatriotic? Because given the placing of the two sentences right after each other, I personally understand that to be what he is so arrogantly implying.
"history will judge who was with the country and not with someone else. History will judge who was with the PN and not with somebody else." Gonzi So according to Gonzi, believing in an ideology contrary to that of PN, or rather (given the all too obvious reference to Debono and JPO) simply voicing criticisms over PN's current situation, is tantamount to being unpatriotic? Because given the placing of the two sentences right after each other, I personally understand that to be what he is so arrogantly implying.
"history will judge who was with the country and not with someone else. History will judge who was with the PN and not with somebody else." Gonzi So according to Gonzi, believing in an ideology contrary to that of PN, or rather (given the all too obvious reference to Debono and JPO) simply voicing criticisms over PN's current situation, is tantamount to being unpatriotic? Because given the placing of the two sentences right after each other, I personally understand that to be what he is so arrogantly implying.
"history will judge who was with the country and not with someone else. History will judge who was with the PN and not with somebody else." Gonzi So according to Gonzi, believing in an ideology contrary to that of PN, or rather (given the all too obvious reference to Debono and JPO) simply voicing criticisms over PN's current situation, is tantamount to being unpatriotic? Because given the placing of the two sentences right after each other, I personally understand that to be what he is so arrogantly implying.
Mr Gonzi that Euros 600 extra a week you took behind our back amounts to Euros 31,200 which is over 5 more times you spend per student.
ex ministru nazzjonalista Dalli jghid li IL PN qatt ma oghla il minimum wage allura wage freeze u l istqarrija terga isimmi il wage freeze.PN GIDDIBIEN
voting against a good and promising budget will be a fatal move for franco.
Yes I agree with you DrGonzi this is what the people are going to judge you for: 1: The 20.000 jobs most of them are precarious jobs and I was offered one of these precarious jobs' 2: The highest cost of living in our country compared to the other EU Countries. 3: The high rate of poverty that your government manage to evolve in our country. 4: The rate of water/electricity bill and gas that most of our people cannot afford to pay. 5: High rate of waiting list in our state of the art mater dei hospital 6: Defeats in parlament from some of your beckbenchers that they don't have trust in you any longer
" Dr Gonzi replying to questions from a number of students. " that is funny, because his Transportation Minister, what's his name, couldn't even take the time to answer one question put out to him at the University a while back. He shunned that student like she wasn't there. Can you believe that?
DrGonzipn pls do not fool with our intelligence any longer yes you do, you can run but you cannot hide. Your gimmicks is over whatever you can do from now onwards is disgraceful and dsgraceful for our democracy. You have one way road just pull the trigger and call it a day.Addios 'GonziDCG pn'
A good captain is a one that can able to hold a full members of cabinett on his side but it semms that you are unable to do so because you have no majority in parlament and all what you are doing is to drag your feet to survive your distructed ship to the shore [budget] that the only hopes to survive. The early to go for an early general election the better for ouir stability and democracy if you really respect our democracy
Dr Gonzi, The Captain, which CAPTAIN? Austin, RCC, or the leader of oligarchy. Whoever is the captain doesn't have much to talk about. Same as there was a captain on the Titanic and the latest Costa, both sunk, because of mistakes done by the captain. Same as the captain that was in the seat of running this country, with regular mistakes you made the people of this country feel depressed and carrying to much burden that one cannot carry. shame on you
during the last four there were only instances of moment of truth for your government, dr Gonzi. one when you voted with all your heart to rise electricity bills and put most of your people in deep trouble, second when you and your cabinet increased your salary Euro 600 and gave the rest Euro 1.16c and when you voted against the majority of your people regarding the introduction of the civil right of divorce. the rest no truth just land of make believe. Same on you
Zack Depasquale
Dr Gonzi’s speech this morning confirms that he is living in a world of his own. What concerns families are bread and butter issues, such as car park charges which are more significant than a meeting between heads of states that lead to nothing.
U żgur li 'Is-sewwa jirbaħ żgur!', din id-darba! Għax mhux se jgħaddi l-budget u jkollok isejjaħ Elezzjoni Ġenerali bikrija, trid u ma tridx sur Gonz! Ma xbajtux titnejku bin-nies, u tagħmlu farsa wara l-oħra. U din tal-multi tal-Mepa x'inhi? Togħodd għal min ilu b'enforcement notice for direct action aktar minn 12 il-sena? Min flok waqqajtulu kollox, kompla jibni razzett bla permess u jrabbi l-fniek u jbiegħhom u jieħu r-relief ukoll, għax dan tal-qalba! Iżda jekk jinbidel il-gvern, jien inkun tal-qalba u nieħu l-inizzjattivi li hemm bżonn ha ssir ġustizzja!!!!! Ħalluna ta' GONZIDCGPN, qażżistulna l-b**d! Ħlief ħ*x* u tixħim m'hawnx! M'hawnx qasam wieħed li mhux imċappas! U tridu tilagħabuha tal-qaddisin! Kollkom knejjes u kummiedji, u ġakbini w ipokriti u faċċola daqskom m'hawnx!
Rasu iebsa l-boy. Don't you realize that for you it is game over?
So Gonzi is quoted as saying that 'his government is determined to do what is in the best interest of the country, workers, investors, families and young people.' So we are about to see whether Gonzi deems that having Austin Gatt retained as a Minister is MORE important than passing through a Budget that is the climax of 5 years' work of GonziPN. Joe Grima was taken to task for his rant against Fr. Lucie - but its seems that the PM, Ministers, and other parliamentarians (from the PNPL regime) can utter such nonesense and insult our intelligence with impunity!
Igor P. Shuvalov
The captain must take the ship to port and be ready for another voyage," Gonzi Unfortunately it is a sinking , heavy leaning ship that he is trying to get in the port.
Diskors mill-aktar patetiku, fqir, ridikolu, vojt u stupidu mill-prim ministru malti li l-aktar li gie umiljat, imkasbar, mghaffeg u mbiccer mhux mill-oppozizzjoni tafux .... imma minn shabu stess ... hemm kor shih ta' nazzjonalisti li qazzizhom u dejjaqhom ... ma franco debono zdied il-bierah b'mod mill-aktar car (mhux ghall-ewwel darba wara kollox) john dalli li wera kemm gonzipn ma jiswa xejn u kemm hu giddieb, nerga' nghid giddieb, fil-kwistjoni tal-paga minima .... jahseb li ghax ipoggi bilqieghda bla ingrevata ma' erba' zghazagh se jipprogetta stampa ta' xi zaghzugh .... u hallina gonzipn ... mur fuq il-bank tal-oppozizzjoni u ftakar kif jekk haddiehor irid jiddiskuti l-car parks, int insejt tiddiskuti l-whistleblower's act avolja ilha xi sentejn, tlieta fuq l-agenda tal-parlament ... u sadattant lil franco debono jitwerwer isemmih, qisu ma jezistix ... l-iskalda sar kankru jherrih minn gewwa u hu jilghabha ta' xi wiehed b'sahhtu, ta' xi wiehed "cool" minghalih ..... kif kellu jispicca l-kugin tal-arcisqof mikiel gonzi !!! kif it-tnejn li huma kellhom jispiccaw biex farrku lil malta !!!!
Luke Camilleri
Whenever Gonzi speaks on the moment of truth, on truth ..... I just switch channels! Who does he think he is kidding?
It is quite obvious that Gonzi will use the budget as a last desperate trick to try and save his political skin ! He will be making all sorts of promises, knowing that in all probability, he will not have to implement the promises he makes in the budget ! These TRICKS NO LONGER WORK Dr. Gonzi. You have lost all your credibility a long time ago, even with some of your own MPs !