Updated | Pre-negotiated price for St Philip’s Hospital acquisition

Government has option to buy private hospital over coming eight years.

St Philip's Hospital.
St Philip's Hospital.

The Maltese government could acquire St Philip's Hospital, a private hospital which will reopen its doors following a public-private partnership lease, within the next eight years at a pre-negotiated price.

The finance and health ministries announced an agreement with the owners of St Philip's Hospital on the lease arrangement of the same hospital for a period of eight years.
Government has an option to buy the facility, at the end of every year, from the third year up to the eighth year. The purchase value after three years, inclusive of all lease payments, has been calculated on the final negotiated price of €12.4 million, with the first option to buy at year 3 starting from around €11.3 million to €9.8 million on the eight year. The annual lease cost starts from €825,000 per annum.

Following an expression of interest issued by the owners of St. Philip's Hospital, the health ministry expressed interest in acquiring the hospital which allows for the occupation of the facilities without the need for any major infrastructural works. Following extensive negotiations with the owners by a joint negotiating team between the finance and health ministries, agreement was reached.

The original asking price was of €20 million.

The value of the property was based on a detailed valuation carried out by the technical team of the Foundation for Medical Services (FMS) that took into consideration the state of the property, equipment and development potential.
"The decision to consider the St Philip's facility was based on the lower cost it offered to the public purse in developing the originally planned 280-bed rehabilitation facility," the ministries said in a statement. "The overall assessment indicates that expanding the rehabilitation full requirements with the St. Philip's Hospital would be a cheaper option than to build all the facility from scratch. However, since this requires a development permitting process that has a number of uncertainties, the government thought it wiser not to make an outright acquisition, but only to do so if the planning process allows for the facilities' expansion."

Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers, for the government, and KPMG acting on behalf of Frank Portelli's Golden Shepherd Group, the owners of the hospital, have negotiated a price at which the health ministry would purchase the hospital within the next eight years if it elects to do so.

The agreement will add 110 beds for the national healthcare system but the likelihood is for an extension to the hospital to provide a total of 275 beds on the same footprint without encroaching on the hospital grounds, which are approximately 10 tumuli.

The hospital has four operating theatres and MRI equipment.

Portelli is a former Nationalist MP who last contested for the PN ticket in the European elections of 2009.

Frankly, not bad at all is it? Well, if you happen to be an ex-President of the PN, and you spend four year whinging, whining, moaning and letting off the occasional broadside at GonziPN's government, then you are in line for a hefty dividend. Not bad, Frankly! To be frank, all one needs to do to show one's gratitude is to hold those eleventh hour meetings with the disgruntled PN voters and the lost sheep. Not bad indeed for spending a few hours 'entertaining'. All this of course at the tax payers' expense! Frankly, this is good one indeed!
I agree with Toninu. Yesterday Dr Simon Busutill kept saying that PL will bankrupt Malta. I think that what he meant is that PN will bankruot Malta in the last few weeks before Election. Dr. Busutill all you are doing is crating more instability for business in Malta. You really had a false start in local politics. Stop harming Malta nd go back to your poshy job as MEP
This is outrageous. We let St.Luke's go to rot and then rent a private hospital which has to be refurbished and extended! Whilst with tht money we can refurbish SLH and get over 800 beds. One other point....The rehab hospital was supposed to be part of the Mater Dei project. So we're paying twice for getting nothing. This government has reached the pits. It is high time to get rid of them and hold them personally accountable for misappropriation of public funds. We break our backs paying taxes so that Gonzi & Co. waste our money.
Ghasfur zghir qalli li qabel l-ahhar elezzjoni certu frank portelli wassal lil certu frank portelli sa palazzo parisio fin-naxxar fejn l-ewwel frank portelli introduca lit-tieni frank portelli lil gonzipn li dak iz-zmien kien ghaddej minn orgja shiha ta' favuri u pjaciri u z-zewg frank portellis ftehmu ma' gonzipn li xi haga zghira jirrangaw bejniethom (dejjem bil-flus tal-gvern) biex lit-tieni frank portelli jaqilghuh minn zokk kbir hafna li kien dahal fih .... meta ghal zi zmien gonzipn nesa din il-weghda, it-tieni frank portelli kien imur fuq is-super one joqghod jghajjru bil-pulit ... sakemm fl-ahhar gonzipn ra li jaqbillu jzomm il-weghda ta' palazzo parisio .... and they all lived happily ever after ... naturalment, minn fuq dahar il-kaxxa ta' malta .....
U il mistoqsija standard li issir li Joseph Muscat, nistaqsuha lil Gonzi PN, imnejn ser iggib il-flus? B'taxxi godda?
IVA, Flimkien Kollox Possibbli! Xi tghid To Be Frank?
L-operating theatres ghadhom jahdmu? L-MRI ghadha tahdem? Jew il-poplu, minbarra t-12 il-miljun, se jispicca johrog aktar miljuni biex jaghmel dan l-isptar jiffunzjona imbaghad wara 8 snin nghadduh lil Frank Portelli fuq platt tal-fidda. Ahfrilhom Mulej ghax ma jafux x'inhuma jaghmlu.
So there it is. Why deny the inevitable? The government is going to buy the hospital so that Portelli will take off a big weight off his shoulders. He will either keep it and rent it at a fantastic price and after its gone to the dog s then the government will buy it. So much for having a state of the art hospital. The PN are in a state of panic and will do anything to appease anyone to get re elected. Not with my vote. I will never trust you again Dr. Gonzi. il hbieb tal hbieb..... how right Dr. Sant was!!!! The only thing i wish is for some idiot from the pn to come knocking at my door to get all the frustration that has been built over the last years thrown at him.
Sewwa qalu "Ghalihom u ghal Uliedhom". Ghaliex mhux qed jintuza St Lukes?? Nahseb issa jaghalaq halqu issa, u ma ikomplix jghid kontra il-Gvern tieghu, forsi anki issa jaghmel U TURN u jibda jghid li Gonzi qied hawn flok il-messija. Pajjiz tal-QAMEL.
Isabelle Borg
This really smells like a pre election gift. No more criticizing the present administration now, Mr. Portelli. What away to shuts one mouth.
Priscilla Darmenia
I guess that now Dr Portelli will stop criticizing the GonziPN government. HaHa