Transport ministry clarifies car park reform

In an attempt to explain the car park reform, the transport ministry accuses Labour of opposing private enterprise.

The transport ministry gave an explanation for its plans to reform the management of 34 car parks.
The transport ministry gave an explanation for its plans to reform the management of 34 car parks.

The Labour Party is "intrinsically opposed to private enterprise," the Transport Ministry said in a statement issued today.

The Opposition was also accused of exploiting the political timing of the car park privitisation tender. The ministry said Labour and its allies have a common cause; targeting the Transport Minister Austin Gatt.

 "This ideological controversy is not surprising because the Labour Party remains ingrained in the belief that the state should be and control everything," the transport ministry said.

While claiming that the government wants to regulate the tariffs of privately run car parks, the ministry accused Labour of wanting to decide the tarrifs and at the same time hit out at the Labour-led Hamrun local council for not regulating the tariffs.

The ministry issued a statement explaining the "facts" behind its decision to issue a tender for the management of public car parks and insisted that the decision was taken at Cabinet level.

The tender was initially issued by government two weeks ago, however following the Opposition's Parliamentary motion demanding the repeal of the process, the government suspended the call and has since then been the cause of Parliamentary unrest. 

The statement says that the initiative did not originate solely from Transport Malta "but was approved by the Cabinet because it conforms with the government's policy."

The ministry pointed out that "this is not a privitisation process," as the car parks are already operated privately and have been so for years. The statement also stressed that the government had the right to terminate current agreements and kick parkers out at its own discretion.

It described this state of affairs as "unjust" and explained that the government wanted to introduce management contracts which however "do not change the private nature of the service."

The transport ministry also underlined the fact that the car parks in question were already privately administered but to this day unregulated.

The statement also accuses the Labour Party of promoting the "nationalisation" of public car parks.

The Opposition is also lambasted for opposing the tender for the management of car parks which are already privately run, the improvement of the car parks' infrastructure and the end of precarious employment of car park attendants.

Austin Gatt's ministry said Labour is against private enterprise and "wants government to control the prices and not the free market."

The ministry also pointed out that Labour had never objected to the privitisation of car parks by Labour-led local councils such as that in Hamrun. It noted that the process was undertaken without any consultation and did not protect the rights of the residents by fixing the tariffs.

"What the Labour-led Hamrun local council has done is acceptable for Labour and its allies, but what government is doing is not," the ministry said.




Igor P. Shuvalov
What this statement didn't say is what this change would mean to the driver. How much more he/she would have to pay to park his/her car, as in the name of non control by the state and the free market the Government is giving the freedom of setting the parking fees to whoever wins the contract. Yes to the free market but this does not mean that the customer is given no protection. After all this is not a matter where the customer has a free choice, he has to accept the fees set by the contractor.
tal labour ma jinbidlu QATT. iridu li il gvern ikun jikkontrolla kollox. jos muscat f'nifs wiehed jghid il jrid ihalli il business man jahdem bla xkiel u f'nifs iehor imur kontra tieghu. IDDECIEDI XI TRID U X'SE TAGHMEL SUR MUSCAT. AKTAR MA JGHADDI IZ ZMIEN AKTAR QED JINKIXFU MASKRI. LABOUR WQN'T WORK.......
Ghal kull min ghandu tikka melh f'mohhu, jidher car minn hames mitt mil 'il boghod li din il-"kjarifika" kitibha jew kitbuha flimkien dawk iz-zewg professuri b'dottorat fil-trasport intern fi gzejjer b'inqas minn nofs miljun ruh li l-ewwel qazzu lil malta kollha jiftahru x'riforma ghamlu fit-trasport pubbliku bil-migja tal-arriva ..... izda li issa li dan il-fjask, din il-paprata, din il-qassata, dan id-dizastru, din il-balbuljata ... ma' kull gurnata li tghaddi tidher aktar u aktar .... allura hawn sparixxew, inhbew, tilfu lehenhom, dabbru rashom, harbu u hallew lil commuters maltin igergru u jishtu xortihom. Imma huma ghandhom bicca xoghol ohra importanti issa tafux ... jew ahjar kellhom ... li jqassmu s-slots tal-parking lil xi bazuzlu ... imma bhas-soltu, dahal franco debono fix-xena .... u regghu sparixxew ... u ftit jiem ohra, jigu eklissati u jhalluna fi kwietna darba ghal dejjem .....