[WATCH] Government launches White Paper on digital rights to be embedded in Constitution

The government has launched a White Paper for public consultation on Constitutional amendments to include ‘digital rights’.

Austin Gatt appears flanked by parliamentary assistant Charlo Bonnici, secretariat chief Emanuel Delia and IT adviser Claudio Grech, the latter two running in the forthcoming general elections.
Austin Gatt appears flanked by parliamentary assistant Charlo Bonnici, secretariat chief Emanuel Delia and IT adviser Claudio Grech, the latter two running in the forthcoming general elections.

A White Paper to introduce ‘digital rights’ in the Constitution of Malta was launched today for public consultation by Transport, Investments and Communications minister Minister Austin Gatt and will remain available until the end of November.

A new Constitutional amendment bill was also drafted and proposed within the White Paper to remove any ambiguities on human rights in the digital world.

“This constitutional amendment is a big political statement in a highly digitised society. The rate of investment in Malta depends on how far we progress digitally. We have plans to not only become leaders in the digital world but also by entranching these rights within our constitution,” Gatt said.

“Instead of lagging behind other nations until consensus is reached on how these rights should be transposed to legislative frameworks, the Maltese Government has taken the most practical viewpoint by proposing the establishment of 'digital rights'.”

He said the bill further reflected the importance of ICT as a strategic and economic pillar.

Gatt said the debate on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) over the past months had spawned renewed interest on what rights citizens actually have online, which he said this White Paper was intended to settle.

After Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi called for the required legislation establishing new digital rights to internet access back in February 2012, the communications ministry commissioned an academic study, which proposed the enactment of a constitutional reform to establish constitutional principles that put both negative and positive obligations on the State.

In practice, every household will be given the right to a broadband connection and users can view any website as well as other online unrestricted information including political opinions and ‘legal’ material.

The right to informational freedom will permit users to share legal information through social networking sites and other ICT tools while freely expressing themselves through online forums and blogs even if anonymously.

Users will also be able to decide and control how their digital personal information is used and shared using a new concept of digital informational self-determination and privacy.

The right to digital informational self-determination will allow individuals to decide what information about themselves should be communicated to others and under certain circumstances and will include ‘directly personally identifying information’ as well as indirectly personally identifying information’ including cookies and online behaviour.

The first section, Why?, recognises the Internet as a fundamental, unprecedented tool for the promotion and enjoyment of existing fundamental human rights and freedoms. This section provides definitions of the Internet, perceptions of the internet and Malta’s role on the international spectrum.

The second part entitled ‘What?’, provides a summary of the proposed digital rights such as accessibility to the internet and information as well as basic guiding principles for restrictions of such rights on the Internet.

The ‘Where?’ section of the White Paper recommends amendment of Chapter II of the Constitution of Malta to include a new Digital Rights Principle intended to act as an overarching guiding resolution and standard.

The White Paper introducing ‘Digital Rights’ in the Constitution of Malta can be accessed here.

Is-Sur Delia rajtu jitkellem fuq progamm televiziv matul il-granet li ghaddew. Il-bambin jilliberana minn nies bhal dawn. Diga kellna lil Austin u dan is-Sinjur 'gdid' fil-politika wiret l-arroganza kollha li ghandu l-Ministru Gatt.
This White Paper is another attempt to save the faces of the Transport Minister and his cronies. What these people touch gets fried. I hope we can get rid of them within the next few weeks.
Luke Camilleri
Franco Debono jonqos fir-ritratt! Kollha jaharbu minnu kif jarawh gej jew meta jistiedienhom ghal konfront..... u Lawrence Gonzi maghhom! Il-bierah skappa Ciarlo Bonnici ( fir-ritratt) , Manwel Delia, jaharbu, Austin Gatt jitlaq jigri jghamel pipi... u Franco hemm jistennihom jilqghu ic-challenge tieghu fejn irrid, meta jridu u fuq liema stazzjon irridu INKLUS IL-PBS fejn jikkmandaw Loki Loo ( il-kugin ta' Asstin Gatt ) u Peppi Azzopardi ( L-EX chicken Coach ta' JPO)!
Digital Rights as proposed bu Austin 1. Though shall not falsify Police ID Cards 2. Though shall not read the emails of Joseph Muscat 3. Though shall not spy on the citizens of your country 4. Though shall not try to use government's IT resources to sabotage the pro-divorce referendum, when you yourself are in inspiration for birth control. 5. Though shall not have a communications authority whose only role is is collect taxes and look after your friends. 6. Though shall not sell the interests of your country to the commercial interests of a foreign own company, even if they give you a hefty pay check while you are still employed in a role that puts you in conflict. 7. Though shall refuse to resign, no matter how much damage you make for your country 8. Though shall collude with a foreign company, create a monopoly and sabotage the education system to promote their product 9. Though shall make sure that the son of the prime minister receives hundreds of thousands of euros per month from ministries and anyone else seeking a favour. I will stop at nine - don't want to out do Moses!
U dawn l-erba' gustuzi (inkluz dak li miskin m'ghandux biex jixtri razor ha jqaxxar dik il-lehja kerha sewda) possibbli li tghaddilhom mill-qurriegha ta' rashom li b'hekk se jiddevjaw l-attenzjoni minn fuq ix-xabla li ghandu mdendla fuq ghonqu dottor wistin gatt tal-belt? Possibbli jahsbuna daqshekk imbecilli u hmir li ma naghrfux li dan qed isir biex minghalihom inessuna l-kundanna li riesqa lejh? Mhux ahjar flok jipprova jilghabha ta' xi bravu u ta' xi professur fl-IT, jirranga minflok il-pastazata u l-qassata tal-arriva? Kemm hu facli li tfattar taparsi riforma u mbaghad meta tar li kollox mar il-bahar, tipprova taqbad ma' affarijiet ohra? Ara tithajjarx dottor gatt iddahhal fil-kostituzzjoni ta' malta li kull cittadin ghandu d-dritt ghal trasport pubbliku decenti - dik imissek iddahhal fil-kostituzzjoni !!!!!!
U dawn l-erba' gustuzi (inkluz dak li miskin m'ghandux biex jixtri razor ha jqaxxar dik il-lehja kerha sewda) possibbli li tghaddilhom mill-qurriegha ta' rashom li b'hekk se jiddevjaw l-attenzjoni minn fuq ix-xabla li ghandu mdendla fuq ghonqu dottor wistin gatt tal-belt? Possibbli jahsbuna daqshekk imbecilli u hmir li ma naghrfux li dan qed isir biex minghalihom inessuna l-kundanna li riesqa lejh? Mhux ahjar flok jipprova jilghabha ta' xi bravu u ta' xi professur fl-IT, jirranga minflok il-pastazata u l-qassata tal-arriva? Kemm hu facli li tfattar taparsi riforma u mbaghad meta tar li kollox mar il-bahar, tipprova taqbad ma' affarijiet ohra? Ara tithajjarx dottor gatt iddahhal fil-kostituzzjoni ta' malta li kull cittadin ghandu d-dritt ghal trasport pubbliku decenti - dik imissek iddahhal fil-kostituzzjoni !!!!!!
All bull! Here's an opinion from someone who has tried using Government's digital resources. All talk and very little awkward forward action. Bulls**ting galore! Another Gatt specialty.
Qal hafna u fl-istess hin ma qal xejn. Jiena, dak l-iehor,ahna, itnom u l-ohrajn kullhadd jaf x'qal fejn kolla kemm ahna ma fhimniehx x'qal fl-istess hin. Kompli hawwad kemm tiflah Dr.Gatt ghax din il White paper veru white paper ghax kollox kif kien u ha jibqa kollox kif inhu, kif qieghed jipprova jispjega turi li veru white paper vojta kienet u vojta ha tibqa. LOL. Qiesu sab l-Amerika fejn qieghed jghid li tletin sena ilu ftit kienu jafu li kullhadd sejjer ikollu Computer. Illum qeghdin nghixu 2012 mela jekk kien hemm xi nitfa hmerijja fil Kostituzzjoni ghaliex issa Ligi ta malajr Kristoferu Kolombu Austin? Meta ilna snin twal tiga bil computer quddiemna d-dar? Ara jekk tghidx li bis-sahha tieghek ghandna Computer jew tal PN, HA?
Another gimmick from the current GonziPN government. It is better if the current government adheres to much more basic human rights which are under serious threat on the eve of a general election including 1) the right to free elections which imposes on the GonziPN government the obligation to ensure that voting documents are continously updated and not based on IDs which were last issued nation wide basis in 2004; 2) the right to free public braodcasting which is run completely by GonziPN staunch supporters; 3) the right to an apolitical public service whose top structure is completely dominated by GonziPN backers appointed by an ultra political senior officer.