They fell from the police headquarters’ bastions: 12 foreigners, and Nicholas Azzopardi

Prime Minister announces amnesty and protection for whoever has information on what led to Nicholas Azzopardi’s death after interrogation.

Nicholas Azzopardi was found in the grounds of the Lorenzo Manchè school, beneath the bastions of the CID offices. Photo: Gilbert Calleja/Mediatoday
Nicholas Azzopardi was found in the grounds of the Lorenzo Manchè school, beneath the bastions of the CID offices. Photo: Gilbert Calleja/Mediatoday

Thirteen persons were revealed to have fallen from the bastions beneath the police headquarters' CID offices, in a reply to parliamentary question to the Prime Minister which has opened up new speculation on the Nicholas Azzopardi inquiry.

The revelation is a serious one, since it raises questions on the reason why people held in custody have attempted to jump off the bastions: especially considering that 12 of these were not Maltese nationals.

Lawrence Gonzi, who recently took charge of home affairs following the resignation of Carm Mifsud Bonnici after a no-confidence motion by the House of Representatives, said one of these cases had died, several days later in hospital - ostensibly Nicholas Azzopardi, who has died of injuries he incurred in the fall from the bastions beneath the CID offices.

According to Gonzi, police had investigated all these cases, although it is clear that - as was the case with Azzzopardi's circumstances - no media announcement was made of these alleged suicide attempts.

Nicholas Azzopardi died from injuries incurred in an alleged fall off the bastions beneath the police headquarters while in police custody in 2008. Azzopardi, who had been brought in for questioning over his estranged wife's allegations that he was abusing his daughter, claimed that he had been beaten up by his custodians, before regaining consciousness at the foot of the bastions beneath the CID offices. He died weeks later in hospital.

A first magisterial inquiry proved inconclusive as to Azzopardi's claims, but after one of his police custodians, Sergeant Adrian Lia, was sacked from the force for pocketing seized monies from drug busts, a new second inquiry into the Azzopardi incident was ordered.

The inquiry by Magistrate Antonio Vella, who held the first one, was held after Commissioner of Police John Rizzo asked the Attorney General to re-open the inquiry last March. Although concluded, it is still not published yet. A parallel government inquiry by retired judge Albert Manchè had revealed no wrongdoing by police custodians.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi yesterday announced he was ready to grant protection and amnesty to whoever was ready to come forward and testify in court over allegations that Nicholas Azzopardi had died after he was allegedly beaten up by police officers at the Floriana police headquarters on 8 April.

"The government has no other interest other than seeing the truth revealed. The aim behind these two inquiries is for the truth to surface.

"There were several comments made and we want nothing but the truth to come out. Government is ready to give protection and amnesty to whoever testifies in court and sheds light on the case," Gonzi said.

Hours before he died on 22 April, he told his family and inquiring magistrate he had been heavily beaten up by his interrogators while under arrest. His family believe Azzopardi was attacked by an officer, breaking his ribs and puncturing his lung before being thrown over the bastions or placed there deliberately.

@doha. Siehbi Apologist tal-PN, taf ghalfejn qed titkellem hekk huwx? Ghax hadd minn dawk li skond int "waqghu" jew "qabzu" ma jigi minnek. Kieku mhux hekk titkellem. Il-fatt jibqa li Nicholas Azzoppardi (Alla jtieh mitt genna) miet waqt li kien fil-kustodja tal-pulizija meta fil-gvern kien hemm il-GozniPN u meta Larenec Gonzi hu PM. Dak fatt li hadd ma jista jixhdu. U issa, lejlet elezzjoni generali, siehbek Gonzi irid jaghti amnestija! Ara veru ma tisthu minn hadd u taghmlu minn kollox biex tisirqu l-voti. Ipokresija u faccolizmu liema bhalu.
Abdullah alhrbi
This is quite unbelievable . Surely that number is 13 too many! How on earth can this be a proper state of affairs? Don't these 13 human tragedies require acknowledgement and fair justice?
Luke Camilleri
Mela qieghed issir il-Bungie-jumping hawn bla hbula u harnesses il-Habs ta' Kordin?
Who are these 12 foreigners? When did the accidents happen? What was the outcome of investigations held? Why is it that local newspapers did not say anything about them? Something is seriously wrong with both what happened and why everything was kept secrete.
Mela hemm xi 'dead zone triangle' dawk in-nahat? 14 il-persuna kollha waqghu? Nirringrazzja li Xarabank, talli izommna infurmati x'qed jigri minn taht fis-socjeta Maltija!
We are a third world country. A corrupt criminal police force. Lawcourts that believe in sharia law precepts. Dysfunctional parliament, a controlled media, censorship in our arts, crumbling health service, medieval religious leaders, substandard education system, mediocrity everywhere. We are a third world country and what's worse is we are proud of it.
the easiest way biex tehles min nies.Jekk kinu jafu bdin il problema li in nies jahasra jaqaw min fuq is sur ghax ma hadux hsieba.Il kumisarju tal pulizija Malta jejx jew go Mars.
Dan issejahlu prim ministru. Lanqas fattiga ghax ahjar minnhu. Mela dak li gara sar f'xi sekonda. Ovvjament dawn "l-incidenti" hadu tul taz-zmien. U issa jigi gonzipn jistaqsi ghal xi hadd li ghandu x'informazzjoni wara dan iz-zmien kollu. U hallina Gonz, Mela insejt li il-whistleblowers act hallejta fuq l-ixkaffa ghax apparentement ma taqbilx li tghaddiha. Imma forsi kont biezel hafna tikkrea dawk il-famuzi 20,000 postijiet tax-xoghol u ma kellekx cans?
Il familja ta Azzopardi ilha zmien titlob li issir inkjesta serja. Il gvern dejjem injor imma issa biddel id direzzjoni ghax gejja l elezzjoni. Hija haga tal kurzita kif 12 l barrani waqu minn fuq is swar meta kien fil kustodja tal pulizija
Igor P. Shuvalov
"Thirteen persons were revealed to have fallen from the bastions beneath the police headquarters' CID offices." Shouldn't be the authorities concerned be ashamed of this???
Igor P. Shuvalov
"Thirteen persons were revealed to have fallen from the bastions beneath the police headquarters' CID offices." Shouldn't be the authorities concerned be ashamed of this???
@xprun: skont min int. jekk int pl kullhadd korrott. ghamel sew il-pm ghax m'ghandu xejn kontra milli tohrog il-verita' kollha. rigward ghax waqghaw jew qabzu hafna mis-sur ma jfissirx li dawn kollha gew mitfuha mill-pulizija. nahseb xgur li kien hemm min ipprova jahrab minnhom. l'Alla tohrog il-verita' hi x'inhi imma kollox irid isir skont il-ligi u mhux kif wiehed jissoponi li gara.
U kif kull darba li jiftah halqu l-Prim sar jghid hmerija jew gidba. Issa b'din l-ahbar aktar se tikber il-"perception" tal-Maltin li l-Pulizija u l-Gvern huma istituzzjonijiet korrotti.