Nationalists take on Muscat over silence on electoral manifesto

Ministers accuse Opposition leader of lacking policies and not explaining how he intends reducing energy bills.

The Nationalists new billboard is redolent of Labour's billboard of Lawrence Gonzi covering his eyes and ears.
The Nationalists new billboard is redolent of Labour's billboard of Lawrence Gonzi covering his eyes and ears.

Justice minister Chris Said and environment and tourism minister Mario de Marco have taken Opposition leader Joseph Muscat to task over his closely guarded policies, saying the Labour leader had to explain his pledges better.

In unveiling their new billboard - 'Muscat has nothing to offer' (Muscat ma jghid xejn) - Muscat is featured covering his mouth.

"The main message is that Muscat is saying nothing about how he will create jobs, improve education, and improve health services," de Marco said.

"Everybody agrees on the importance of education, health and economic growth. The question is how can this be achieved. Everybody expects political parties to provide an answer to this, and we are asking Muscat what are his policies. The people have a right to know Labour's policies," the tourism minister added.

"For Muscat, empty policies are better than explaining how we will bring about a reduction in energy bills. He says that the solution is to go for gas, but the Nationalist government is already working on the conversion to gas and a pipeline.

"Muscat must tell us how will reduce the price of energy. He is going to need infrastructure and EU funds, and this takes years to achieve. Will he reduce social benefits and increase taxes to get money to convert the power station to gas?"

On his part, Chris Said said the PN had obtained positive results in work, education and health. "It is very easy for Muscat to criticise everything without telling people what he is going to do. He just leaves people in the dark so that once he is in government he can do what he wants with ministers that have served under Mintoff and Alfred Sant."

The justice minister stressed that people know where they stand with the PN and the successes achieved by Nationalist administrations are down to clear and sound policies.

"On the other hand, Muscat has not even given us one idea on how he intends to improve health services or increase educational opportunities," Said added.

He underlined Labour's negativity and said: "Unfortunately Muscat chooses to be negative without proposing new ideas."

De Marco added: "Silence is golden, however in politics you only remain silent if you have no polices or if your policies create fear."

Asked whether the government still enjoys a parliamentary majority, de Marco said the Nationalist administration enjoys the support of the majority of the House thanks to the coalition it has with former Nationalist MP. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.

Pressed to give a clear answer whether the government still has a majority, de Marco said: "There is no indication that we have lost the majority. Otherwise the President of the Republic or the Speaker would have taken some kind of action."

Dan il-billboard fil-fatt mahrug b'referenza ghal David Aguis l-espert tal copycats ghax hekk kif Dr:Muscat jghid xi haga mil manifest elettorali, wara David Aguis jikkopja dak li jghid Dr:Muscat hu jghaddi l-informazzjoni lil istrategisti ta Gonzipn.
Micheal Bonanno
@Vincente Desira. L-ahmar hu l-kulur tal-haddiem. Mela demmek x'kulur hu, ahdar? U fuq kollox, dak il-kulur harguh shabek stess biex minghalihom jirridikolaw lill-PL. Issa fuq il-messagg tal-billboard. Naghti ragun lil JM li m'ghandu jghid xejn ghalissa. Kemm ilu jhambaq li jekk il-poplu jtieh fiducja u jtellghu fil-Gvern, inehhi l-problema ta' burokrazija zghida fejn jidhlu n-negozji. Din il-gimgha, allajbierek, hargu avviz legali biex din il-burokrazija titnehha ghal dawk li jridu jifthu negozju. Copycats u hallelin tal-prima klassi, barra li l-PN sar partit niexef mill-ideat.
Anette B Cassar
The Silence of the Wolves dressed as lambs: 600 Euros PER WEEK rise without even telling even their own junior members, going into Partnership for Peace without discussion of this sensitive issue in Parliament; RCC's role in this; RCC keeping ambassador status despite parliament showing him a vote of no confidence...................
Anette B Cassar
@GHAMJAILMEWT, S'issa kien hemm tal kju u dan.Mela nistenew iehor "copycat". Minghalija telett darbiet inqabad jikkopja.
@Vincente Destra: Mela mhux bhal kulurek ghax izjed ixeqqleb bejn isfar (bil-biza) u blu (ovvja ghaliex!) li kumbinazzjoni flimkien jaghmlu ahdar. Ikolli nghid illi int tixbah hafna lil DeMartino fil-kummenti tieghek....
Il-gurnata minn filghodu turik. Il-gurus tal-PN jidher li zvintaw mill-idejat. Il-PL ghandu team superjuri f'kull qasam ghal dak ta' GonziPN. The PL is outsmarting GonziPN. Ghada tidwi f'widnejn kulhadd it-twegiba li kien jaghti Eddie meta kien qal li money no problem. Kien iwiegeb nghidilkom meta nitilghu fil-gvern. Kellu ragun biex ibiegh, ghax ghalih u ghal ta' madwaru ma kellhomx problema bil-money. Il-problema giet ghal-poplu ghax illum sirna problem no money.
Dr Demarco qal li silence is golden u li min ma jitkellimx jew ghax ma jkollux policies jew inkella minhabba l-biza. Infakkar lil M. Demarco li ftit ilu kien gie mistieden mill-Kunsill Lokali ta Marsaskala. Izda M. Demarco dak in-nhar ma semma xejn dwar it-turizmu fin-naha 't isfel ta Malta. Lan qas semma kemm se ddum l-ex Jerma Palace Hotel fi stat ta telqa u abbhandun kif inhi llum u ilha hekk mill-2007. Ma qalx x'policy ghandu biex in-naha 't isfel ta Malta jgawdi mill-ftahir tat-turizmu. Dan ifrisser allura li l-Ministru Demarco m'ghandux policy dwar it-turizmu fin-naha 't isfelt a Malta je3w qed jibza minn xi haga? L-aghar haga fid-dinja meta wiehed ma jkunx konsistenti.
Qabel tissejjah l-elezzjoni zomm halqek maghluq, Joseph. Ta GonziPN kollha wara David Agius bil-copier halli kif tghid se taghmel igri, igri johorgu b'xi haga simili. Hallihom, aqtaghlhom l-ghatx bil-perzut.
Biex Gonzi jimplimenta xi haga jrid bil-fors jitkellem u jiehu parir mil-prim ministru tieghu Dr:Franco Debono ghax inkella bis-sarima ma halqu jkollu joqghod Gonzipn.
Jekk il-poplu Malti hu Ghawdxi jrid jerga jghix taht gvern dittatorjat ghandu jivvotta ghal Gonzipn pero jekk il-poplu taghna jrid min din id-dittatura ta Gonzipn allura l- ghazla wahda ghandhu li jivvotta ghal Partit Laburista partit li dejjem haseb ghal-gid tal-haddiem kollu.
1:Meta jasal il-mument il-PL se johrog il-manifest elettorali tieghu. 2:Tal-PN meta se johorgu l-manifest elettorali tieghu jew qieghed jistenna tal-PL biex jikkopja min fuqu. 3:Nirreferi ghal dak likien qal Simon Busutill fil-fatt veru li Malta titlob bailout jekk Alla hares jerga jitla PN fil-gvern ghax tant ghamlu djun kbar tasGonzipn hu l-oligarkija tieghu li l-unika triq li jmiss taht Gonzipn hu li jitlob bailout. 4: Dawn ta Gonzipn ghandhom storja xi jgorru fix-xena politika ta Malta li qatt ma kienu kapaci li jhallu l-flus fil-kaxxa ta Malta hlief djun kbar. 5: Viva Partit Laburista.
1:Meta jasal il-mument il-PL se johrog il-manifest elettorali tieghu. 2:Tal-PN meta se johorgu l-manifest elettorali tieghu jew qieghed jistenna tal-PL biex jikkopja min fuqu. 3:Nirreferi ghal dak likien qal Simon Busutill fil-fatt veru li Malta titlob bailout jekk Alla hares jerga jitla PN fil-gvern ghax tant ghamlu djun kbar tasGonzipn hu l-oligarkija tieghu li l-unika triq li jmiss taht Gonzipn hu li jitlob bailout. 4: Dawn ta Gonzipn ghandhom storja xi jgorru fix-xena politika ta Malta li qatt ma kienu kapaci li jhallu l-flus fil-kaxxa ta Malta hlief djun kbar. 5: Viva Partit Laburista.
Sewwa nemmen, li Mario Demarco hu tajjeb bhala avukat izda bhala politiku ghadu principjant ! Biex jghid li l-gvern ghad ghandu l-maggoranza, trid tkun qieghed tohlom imqajjem, meta kullhadd f'pajjizna jaf li Gonzi TILEF il-maggoranza, mhux biss meta JPO sar indipendenti. Izda wkoll meta Franco Debono ddikjara li se jivvota kontra l-budget. U lprova hadha meta ministru gie mgieghel jirrizenja. U anki kellu jirrizenja RCC !
Lil Apologisti ta' GonziPN nghidilhom: Tinkwietaw xejn l-ahwa. Meta jasal il-waqt id-dettalji kollha jinhargu. Kollox f'waqtu. Din l-ghagla kollha ghalfejn? Wara kollox il-Kbir Gonzi (li qed imexxi l-pajjiz minghajr maggoranza fil-parlament meta Malta tinsab fl-UE) ghadu mhux komdu jsaffar is-suffara. Meta jsaffarha kemm hu u kemm inthom l-Apologisti tkunu tafu, tibzghux. Lil Vincente Destra nghidlu: (1) tajjeb li ergajt tfaccajt sieheb ghax ghandek habta kif iddahhak lil kulhadd bik. U (2) Kompli ifrah bil-Lemin li faqqar lill-Ewropa. Veru ghandek biex tifrah. Ormaj bil-partit tieghek fil-gvern ftit li xejn baqghalek biex tifrah. Viva Gonzi. Viva GonziPN!
Ara veru ma' jisthux dawn in-nies! Nistaw nkunu nafu x'ser jaghmel Gonzi wara l-elezzjoni li jmiss?? GHaliex s'issa hlief isabbat saqsajh u jsaqsi x'ser jaghmel Muscat ma' ghamilx, Fuq kollox ma' hemmx ghagla, l-elezzjoni fadlilha, daqs kemm ghanda Gvern stabbli. By the way, be more creative Dr.De Marco tkunux copy cats, sissa ma' hrigtux b'idea friska li tolqot lil xi hadd bil-messag taghkhom!
No 1. Who has never told a lie should trusted in his silence (MUSCAT). No 2. Who has been caught and proved a liar should never be trusted ,once a liar always a liar (GONZI). Its up to you to make judgement on election day !
Din bicca ikkupjar ohra ta David Agius li jikkopja u qisu qatt m'hu xejn?
Of course the people know where they stand with the PN.The people didn't get what they were promised by the PN.
How more pathetic and desperate can the Nationalists get. First they copy the UK Conservative Party billboard and if that is not enough, now they are copying the PL's. They are simply out of ideas and have no clue how they are going to get out of this. The only reason they want Labour to publish their policies is so that they can copy them as well. They should name their party to Pathetic Nationalists instead.
Of course the people know where they stand with the PN.The people didn't get what they were promised by the PN.
Ara dak il-kulur fl-isfond rega' tfacca. X'kien sar minnu?. Viva Malta Libera Europea! Viva l-Lemin!
Ara dak il-kulur fl-isfond rega' tfacca. X'kien sar minnu?. Viva Malta Libera Europea! Viva l-Lemin!
Zack Depasquale
Dr Demarco has declared, quote ‘There is no indication that we have lost the majority. Otherwise the President of the Republic or the Speaker would have taken some kind of action’. In his heart of hearts does he really believe this? Does he really believe that GonziPN has not lost the majority in Parliament, when you have one MP from the government side, Dr Pullicino Orlando, that has become an independent MP and Dr Franco Debono, who humiliates the Prime Minister, Dr Gonzi on a daily basis, his latest being that Dr Gonzi has become the Hitler of Malta. Morally this Government is finished all that is needed now is the coup de grace.
ara veru zewc purcinnelli ta gonzipn it tnejn li intom.Kollox fuq ir rubini mixi, ghajdu li buffon pm biex jajat elezjoni jekk intom daqsek certi li kollox tajjeb Malta u LP mandux eddejat.
Mela issejjhet id-data ta l- elezzjoni biex il- pl johrog il- manifest elettorali? U x` inghidu ghall pn? Xi hadd jaf x` fieh il manifest elettorali taghhom? Jew mhux ser johorgu ghall elezzjoni li imiss?
N01 - Copy & Paste No2 - the guys who did this don't have any clue of how to use photoshop No3 - When the time comes Joseph will tell you EVERYTHING No4 - Dr Demarco instead of quoting Silence is Golden I suggest you listen to Down In The Sewer - by Stranglers it really suit you all!!!
Go Franza u pajjizi ohra l-manifesto elettorali johrog BISS meta tissejjah elezzjoni. Jaqw l-PN nixef mill-ideat u iridu jikkupjaw xi ftit bhal dak id-deputat taghhom li inqabad jikkopja tlett darbiet?
Igor P. Shuvalov
While criticizing Muscat 'over silence on electoral manifesto', the Nationalist Party has not published their own Manifesto...After all this is not something new, as in most of the previous elections the Nationalist Party published their manifesto after Labour has done so. "Biex tiskongra trid tkun pur."
Isabelle Borg
Better stay silent than being a copy cat. For a simple billboard Gonzipn had to copy the PL. If Muscat utters what policies the PL has surely they will copy them as well. This billboard clearly shows that Gonzipn has no fresh ideas and out dated.
Isabelle Borg
Better stay silent than being a copy cat. For a simple billboard Gonzipn had to copy the PL. If Muscat utters what policies the PL has surely they will copy them as well. This billboard clearly shows that Gonzipn has no fresh ideas and out dated.
Jistghu l-ononevoli ministri iwiegbu min fejn sab il flus il gvern ta Gonzi PN ghal 600 euro zieda fil gimgha ghalihom infushom, ghal 4 miljun euro commission ghal power station, ghal 80 miljun euro ghal dahla bla bieb u teatru bla saqaf, ghal 12 il miljun euro biex jixtri sptar St.Philips, ghal 50 miljun euro biex xtara il weghda li ghamel lil tal linja, min fejn gab il flus biex heles b'golden handshake mill haddiema ta l-Air Malta u d-Dockyards? U lista tkompli. Saffru is-suffara u tkunu tafu x'ser jaghmel il PL.Ghalissa stennew ftit.
Tajba, so true.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Why not give us the date of the election?