MOG reveals prospect of 260m barrels of oil in Area 4, offshore Malta

Shares in Mediterranean Oil & Gas rose today after it unveiled an independent review of its Area 4 prospects off the coast of Malta.

Mediterranean's chief executive Bill Higgs told investors today that
Mediterranean's chief executive Bill Higgs told investors today that "importantly, this independent review of the Area 4 prospects by ERC Equipoise confirms the technical evaluation of the exploration potential carried out by the company.

ERC Equipoise Ltd (ERCE) has estimated the total mean unrisked prospective resources for the prospects as 260 million barrels of oil. The four areas have been named by MOG as Hagar Qim, Tarxien, Skorba and Dalam.

Hagar Qim has a mean estimated total of 109 million barrels, Tarxien, 51 million, Skorba 47 million and Dalam 53 million.

An alternative higher risk, 'reef' model has also been proposed for Tarxien.

ERCE has estimated an additional upside of 27 million standard barrels in the event that the Tarxien prospect does prove to be a 'reef' model, the company said.

Mediterranean's chief executive Bill Higgs told investors today that "importantly, this independent review of the Area 4 prospects by ERC Equipoise confirms the technical evaluation of the exploration potential carried out by the company. Moreover, a detailed economic evaluation confirms that, if proven by drilling, the prospects identified at the Eocene/Palaeocene can be economically viable on a stand-alone basis."

Higgs said that his company was  looking forward to testing the first of these prospects with the drill bit by the end of 2013, pending completion of the farm-out agreement with Genel Energy announced in August."

The firm's subsidiary PECL entered into a farm-out agreement with Genel Energy last August to sell 75 per cent of its interest in Area 4.

The deal is conditional on approval by the Maltese authorities, which are still conducting due diligence analysis on Genmel Energy and its directors, which include former BP chief executive Tony Hayward.

The contract also provides for a grant of a minimum one year extension of the first exploration period of the Area 4 production sharing contract. Shares in the company were up 2.7%, at 14 pence in London today.

fis sena 80 Mintoff kien iggieled mal ikbar habieb l kellu ghax kien jaf l hemm iz zejt hemmhekk..... imma kemm ilha tatini il memorja kull darba li tasal elezzjoni jisemma iz zejt..... Kumbinazzjoni jew le..... J Alla inisbu id dopju li qed jghidu dawn is sinjuri ghax id dejn li ghandu il pajjiz bahar zejt biss ifejjqu
Tidher li gejja l-elezzjoni ..... l-istess tattika tas-soltu ... l-istess gideb ... l-istess stil ... imma dejjem ghan wiehed: li n-nazzjonalisti jibqghu imkahhlin mas-siggu tal-poter ghax dak hu dritt divin taghhom ..... setghu pero l-MOG isejjhu dawn l-erba bjar ismijiet differenti bhal, per ezempju, gonzipn, franco, gejpo u muljett ... kienu jkunu ismijiet ferm u ferm aktar adattati .....
General Election is approaching!!! Oil always surfaces in these days.
Priscilla Darmenia
waslet elezjoni. dejjem hemm xamma ta' zejt qabel kull elezjoni u wara l'elezjoni milli ghedna ma hemm xejn.
Looks like that the General Elections are really round the corner!!!! It's the same old gimick, the discovery of oil on the eve of the elections! And when there was the real discovery of gas in Gozo, the 3 stooges went to Gaddafi!! Guess for what?????????????