Pullicino Orlando says Portelli’s refusal to halt acquisition process is ‘arrogant’
Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando rubbishes claims that insistence to discuss private hospital’s acquisition rises from owner’s relationship with Richard Cachia Caruana.
Independent MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has dubbed "ridiculous" a suggestion that his request for the St Philip's Hospital acquisition to be subjected to parliamentary scrutiny was because of the owner's close ties to Richard Cachia Caruana.
"However these close ties, together with the fact that Frank Portelli used to be a Nationalist MP and the President of the party in government, make his insistence that government should plough ahead and sign the deal in spite of all of the above sound arrogant, to say the least," Pullicino Orlando said in a statement.
Frank Portelli, the owner of St Philip's, is insisting the Government should continue with its plans and sign a €12 million deal for the lease of the Santa Venera hospital in spite of opposition from Labour and two Government backbenchers.
"Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Franco Debono are transferring their hate towards Richard Cachia Caruana onto me. They know I'm Richard's friend and so they want to punish me," Portelli went on to add in comments to The Times.
Together with backbencher Franco Debono - who last Wednesday filed a motion in parliament calling on the Attorney General and the Public Accounts Committee to scrutinise acquisition process - Pullicino Orlando has supported calls for parliament to debate the issue.
"My decision for the plans to be debated in Parliament before government goes ahead and signs the €12 million deal is informed of a number of reasons," he said.
He said that once a related motion had been presented in Parliament, government would not be treating the highest institution in the country with its due respect if the issue was not debated.
"I also suggested that many taxpayers, who are ultimately the ones who are footing the bill, are asking why government is to spend millions on the rehabilitation of an abandoned private hospital when we could rehabilitate an abandoned public hospital - obviously St. Luke's - at a fraction of the price."
Pullicino Orlando said a number of related issues also required clarification: "Has a proper study been carried out in relation to the cost involved to rehabilitate a hospital which has been abandoned for years?"
Pullicino Orlando said Portelli was reluctant to allow journalists to see the state of the hospital. "It only serves to cast further doubts on this particular issue," he said.
"Had an agreement been reached last Thursday, parliament could have discussed the matter on Monday and all these issues could have been clarified prior to government formalising the deal."
Concluding his statement, Pullicino Orlando went on to quote from Shakespeare's Hamlet: "Methinks he doth protest too much".