I’ve been on the receiving end of two cabinet reshuffles – Cristina

Education Minister Dolores Cristina speaks to MaltaToday about the heartbreak of losing two ministries.

Education and Employment Minister Dolores Cristina speaks to MaltaToday about the ordeal of losing two portfolios over the period of two years.
Education and Employment Minister Dolores Cristina speaks to MaltaToday about the ordeal of losing two portfolios over the period of two years.

Interviewed by MaltaToday, Education Minister Dolores Cristina reveals how she was heartbroken to lose not one but two ministries over the course of two cabinet reshuffles, first losing Culture in 2010 to Mario de Marco, and later losing Social Policy to Chris Said earlier this year.

Following the 2008 election, Cristina was appointed as Education and Culture Minister. Two years later she was appointed as minister for Education, Employment and Family, but lost the Culture portfolio.

At the start of 2012, she experienced a second cabinet reshuffle and had Social Policy taken away from her.

"I did not just shed a tear, I wept," Cristina had publicly declared in the days after the reshuffle.

Asked whether the January 2012 reshuffle had annoyed her, the Education Minister tells MaltaToday that the current legislature has been "very lively, for me more than anyone else because I have been on the receiving end of two reshuffles."

She adds that this affected her and her staff, but "in many ways we've pulled ourselves together and put in a greater effort."

"I was never annoyed with the reshuffles," she says.

Read the full interview in tomorrow's issue of MaltaToday on Sunday.

Qed thawwadni, Sur Editur! L-ewwel qed nghidu li Kristina bkiet ghax hadulha l-Ministeri fir-reshuffles, imbghad, propju fl-ahhar naqraw li "I was never annoyed with the reshuffles" ! Jekk qatt ma iddejqet bir-reshuffles, ghalfejn bkiet mela? Hawwadni ha nifhem!
...I’ve been on the receiving end of two cabinet reshuffles – Cristina You forgot to mention the €600 weekly and other benefits to those near and dear. I have been on the receiving end for the last 25 years, which included vendidtive transfers, which include 4 transfers in 3 years, frame ups, humiliation, threats by Directors and DG. This was all because I fought for what is right and because I was a Labour supporter.
Receiving ends kellhom dawk l- familji li baqghu l-art fl-exchanges ma barra imhabba l-inkompetenza tad-dipartiment li kont'tmexxi' int!
prosit cristina. one of the best ministers.
Ms Christina, Are you bitching or complaining?
That. I'm afraid, says a lot on your inadequacy as a minister.