Sunday ‘dialogue’ meetings in preparation for Budget – Prime Minister

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi’s says new Sunday political activity format will help government gain insight to what people need to then pass on suggestions to ministers as they prepare for the budget.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi takes part in dialogue activity held in Tarxien.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi takes part in dialogue activity held in Tarxien.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's Cabinet is currently working on presenting the Budget for 2013 - a budget that would also help the electorate to decide who it wants elected in government in the coming general elections.

Addressing a political activity this morning, Lawrence Gonzi said the Nationalist Party in government was "prudently" planning the road ahead for the country.

"We are working on a budget that supports our credibility in being leaders of this country. This budget will move forward with your approval and I am confident that, in front of the moment of choice, the country will once again vote PN," Gonzi said.

"You know where you stand with us. And at the end you choose the party that has always given you a clear picture and not the party that hides its plans."

Firing up his audience, the PN leader urged the party faithful to work together: "Filled with courage, let us work because we have a lot of work to do."

Gonzi also said that the new format of the Sunday dialogue - where it's the members of the general public who make the questions - was a way by which the PN could gain insight into what the people wanted.

The new format also sees Gonzi sitting among the people - a method adopted by Labour leader Joseph Muscat during his party's congress.

"This is how dialogue is built. We talk and listen to your suggestions and ideas. Then, as a party and government we evaluate your suggestions and see what this government can afford to implement. And this way we can guarantee yet another serious budget like we had in the past," he said.

The Prime Minister made no reference whatsoever to the developments in parliament this week or to government's decision to go ahead with its plan to lease the St Philip's Hospital despite a pending motion in parliament.

He however lambasted Opposition leader Joseph Muscat for his attempts "at becoming Malta's youngest prime minister" and said that above all "no matter how much he tries to turn it around, Dr Muscat is going to freeze minimum wage".

The minimum wage tug-of-war is currently the PN's battle line against Labour, even though the latter is insisting that it will not "freeze" minimum wage as the cost of living adjustment would always be implemented.

Gonzi went on to ask what a Labour government would tear down from what the Nationalist government "has done wrong" and what it would be replaced with.  

"So far I haven't heard anything concrete from Muscat. Have you heard Muscat talk about the proposals and how he would implement measures in education, work and health? Will he build a school every year like we did?" Gonzi said.

He added that government will continue with its work in leading the country, "not only for the coming elections but for the coming years".

Gonzi took questions from three women - a mother, a working mother and a grandmother - and a father who is visually impaired.

In reply to their questions, Gonzi insisted that government would continue to invest in education and social services as to guarantee a solid future for their kids.

He said that education and social services should also be tailor-made according to the specific needs of the individuals.

Ghaziz Gonzidcgpn mhux ahajar tippakja halli shabek stess jehilsu minnhek? Possibli li ma tafx li hawn eluf kbar ta' Nazzjonalist li idedejqu minnhek. Issa trid tilgahba tan-naghga mal-poplu. U dawn wara li ilhek zmien twil tghaffgu u tirrombla minn fuqhu. Insejt meta ivvotajt mill-qalb sabiex joghlew il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma. Insejt li hbejt wara dahar kulhadd iz-zieda fenomenali ta' 600 euro fil-gimgha . Insejt li lill-polu tajtu biss 1 euro u 16 cent. Insejt li ghalkemm il-poplu ivvota ghad-divorzju int ivvutajt kontra. Insejt li kellek tmur fil-kcejjen tan-nies. Insejt li il-pajjiz tfajtu finstabillita liema bhala u gejt titmejjel.Insejt li il-parlament ghamiltu tal-mickey mouse. Insejt fil-miljuni u miljuni li sparpaljat fil-vojt. Insejt li imlejtna b'dejn liema bhalu. U issa tigi qiesek haruf ha tara xi jrid il-poplu. INKREDIBBLI. Insejt li kellek tmur fil-kcejjen tan-nies. U issa wara
After twenty five years now he wants to listen to the people, the people wanted divorce You voted against, the people want to know about the deal you made with Frank Portelli you went behind our back again.The people want to know if you confessed to God your stealing 600 extra Euros.Mr. Gonzi you got eyes but you dont see, you have ears but you dont hear and yes you do have a mouth and you do talk a lot but no substance.
Dr:Gonzi f'gieh is-sewwa tibqax tidhak hu tinsulenta l-intelligenza tal-poplu ta rieda tajba, ghidilhom li l-budget ma jistax jghaddi ghax m'ghandekx maggoranza fil-parlament.Onor Dr:Franco Debono kien onest hu ragel u tiga wissiek li m'ghandekx il-maggoranza fil-parlament allura kif se tibqa tinsisti hu tghid li trid tressaq il-budget ghas- sena 2013. Tippruvax titfa l-htija fuq Dr;Franco Debono meta tigi ghal-vot tal-budget fil-parlament ghax int il-htija ta din l-incertezza li dahalt fil-pajjiz bil mod kif int mixi b'id ta dittatur mhux ta prim ministru tal-poplu kollu.
Ergajna bid-diska QADIMA tad-DJALOGU! Bhalma djaloga meta ta' lili nnifsu u lil shabu tal-Kabinett 600 Ewro fil-Gimgha zieda. Bhalma djaloga meta ta' lil Frank Portelli (alias 2BeFrank) 12-il-miljun Ewro ta' BICCA spatar fallut. Bhalma djaloga meta ddecieda li jaghti l-pakeggi kollha f'Malta u Ghawdex lil bazuzlu ta' GonziPN li ghadu ma xebgahx jehrda minn fuq dahar is-sewwieqa kollha. Bhalma djaloga meta ddecieda jibni binja tal-parlament meta eluf ta' familji Maltin qed ighixu fil-periklu tal-faqar reali. Bhalma djaloga... Hemm ghalfejn incompli? Kos veru taf: Gonzi IPACPAC BISS!
Claudette: haven't you noticed the change which you have brought about to GonziPN, in today's The Sunday Times' public opinion survey ?? GonziPN's popularity decreased !
Jekk Gonzipn jahseb li ghandu l-maggoranza warajh fil-parlament ghax ma jressaqx il-budget issa.Thabbielx rasek sur Gonz bil partit laburista fil-gvern l-ewwel haga li se jghamel u li jrahhas id-dawl u l-ilma, jeqred il-korruzzjoni li hloqt int u shabek ta l-oligarkija kif ukoll jgib is-serhan tal-mohh u terga tirrenja l-paci fostna Maltin u l-ghawdxin.Lil-poplu taghna nghidlu biex ma jaqax ghan-nasba ta l-ingann ta Gonzipn, juza l-vot bil-ghaqal meta jasal il-mument tal- prova li hu fi zgur hu li kull vot ghal-partit laburista huwa vot ta nvestiment ghal-uliedna.
Dr Gonzi. I feel ashame I voted for you..... Just after 4 years of the mater dei you notice its already small for the Maltese needs.... Nxt election I will try to vote more in sensable way
Joseph Sant
This is totally laughable. If the budget is to be presented in November as Gonzi himself has said earlier then it is already written considering it has now to be vetted by the EU before presentation in Parliament. More copied ideas following the PL Congress. Sorry GonziPN - your ideas have totally shrivelled - you have become completely irrelevant. Kindly stop wasting our time and lives if you really believe in values.
Iktar ma nisimghu jitkellem lil Gonzipn, iktar nitbieghed minnhu. Kompli hambad, pacpac u wieghed affarijiet bhal ma ghamilt fl-elezzjoni tat-2008, biex wara taghmel il-kontra jew ma taghmel xejn. Staqsu l-haddiema li gew imweghda garanziji ta' xoghol b' ittra ffirmata min Lawrence Gonzi nnifsu. Il-kredibilita nhux bil-bagit trid iggieba, imma b'dak li tghid taghmlu ghal gid tal-poplu Malti, mhux bhal ma ghamilt, zieda ta' 600 euro ghalik u ghal tal-qalba. Ghandek il-wicc tghid "You know where you stand with us. And at the end you choose the party that has always given you a clear picture and not the party that hides its plans." Ic-cans tighek tliftu. F' Novembru jew Marzu se ssib lill-poplu Malti jwarbek u ghal xejn tipprova toghli l-moral.
"You know where you stand with us." says PM Gonzi. Sure we know.....that's why we're voting Labour.
Min fejn insib nixtri kopja tal progarmm elettorali tal PN ghal l-elezzjoni li imiss? Jew ghadhom ma harguhx?
Dr Gonzi fails to or does not want to see the writing on the wall. The gap between them and pl is constantly widening and the longer he takes the bigger it gets. The people surrounding him in these meetings are all diehards and people that are scared of the past by the same PN. But these have now become a minority. Again another case of how Gonzi has lost grips on the group around him. He has not got the gall to stop this contract because it seems RCC is involved in some way. And these are all last minute desperate decisions to pay back those in credit of the party.It is scandalous that after all these years telling lies about the perfect situation of the health system we are told by the finance minister that there is a shortage of beds. Have we not been hearing this these last few years from the PL? So again who is the liar here? And your plan is so transparent that you are going to present this budget to put the blame on Debono. Be a man for once and admit you are a loser. Its so much more difficult and honourable to admit defeat then lie constantly and be arrogant and disrespectful to the people that elected you.Stop trying to shift the blame on to Muscat. You are doing politics the old way. Corruption and nepotism. He wants to try to create a new future. your tactics are outdated and old. Move on to your fabulous pensions Dr. Gonzi.
Zack Depasquale
Dr Gonzi in his Sunday speech failed to comment about the proverbial elephants in the room, the contract of St Philip’s hospital, which disgusted even the most hardened of Nationalists, along with how Dr Gonzi doesn’t enjoy a majority of seats in Parliament. I would have expected Dr Gonzi to put the Maltese people minds at rest and assure us that he has a contingency plan if or when the budget he is about to present fails in Parliament, I expected the Prime Minister to list what will be the repercussions to the Nation of Malta with a failed budget. Dr Gonzi should understand that before he is the capo of GonziPN he is the Prime Minister of a Nation and that the Nation’s interest must come first, before the interests of the clique and GonziPN. Gonzi jppacpac hafna u ma jaghmel xejn.
Dr Lawrence Gonzi - this is what Gandhi had to say on truth ON TRUTH “An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self sustained.” and on THE SEVEN SINS “Seven social sins: politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, and worship without sacrifice."
Anette B Cassar
Agius does it again. This is a copy cat of the Kungress.