Pullicino Orlando on St Philip’s deal: ‘I would have refused it’
Independent MP says St Philip’s hospital deal is ‘unbelievable’, in contempt of Parliament.
Independent MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando said a decision by the government to forge ahead with a €12 million deal for the private St Philip's Hospital, was "in contempt of parliament, the highest institution of our country."
The MP, who broke off in July from the PN parliamentary group, has raised his doubts over why the disused St Luke's Hospital has not been refurbished.
Despite a motion by Nationalist MP Franco Debono to take the deal to the Public Accounts Committee or the Auditor General, Pullicino Orlando yesterday sounded his misgivings about the government's intention to take on the 110-bed hospital.
"It would have been very easy for government, if it wanted to discuss the leasing of the hospital, to meet on Friday, or Saturday or Monday, if there suddenly was all this urgency to use the hospital. The problem of bed shortages didn't happen yesterday, it has been ongoing for years."
Pullicino Orlando said the House Business Committee would have certainly set a date for its urgent discussion. "At the end of the day government sets the agenda and parliament could have met whenever it wanted to. But it is unacceptable that government goes on with its plans as if nothing has happened. It is clear that [Debono's] motion enjoyed the support of the majority."
"Government's decision is unbelievable and I couldn't believe it when I heard it wanted to go ahead with the plans. The decision is not only in contempt of parliament but also in contempt of democracy and the people. Because even the people are asking certain questions."
The MP also said that had the Prime Minister or the finance minister approached it to discuss the matter, he would have refused it immediately. "There is a pending motion, and at the end of the day I am only one MP. I know others have raised questions. But all this unbelievable. I am astonished at this decision to ignore the calls for debate. And what I want to understand is why spend €12million just to lease the hospital when we have a public hospital (St Luke's) which needs to be improved."
The government said it will go ahead with the €12 million lease-and-buy deal for St Philip's in view of an acute bed shortage at Mater Dei Hospital.
The government insists it will only rent the hospital, but it also has a purchasing option only exercisable as from the third year. "If government decides to exercise the purchase option in the future, then prior to the signature of the deed of purchase, it will report to the Public Accounts Committee the reasons for the decision to purchase at that point in time and signature will only take place once the PAC review is completed."
Backbencher Franco Debono, who filed a motion calling for a House debate on the deal, said he had 'no comments to make" on the news. His call was supported by Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and the Opposition. "I carried out my duty, now it's up to the people to judge them."
Following the signing of the lease, the contract will be submitted to the Auditor General for a full review and evaluation of the process, which will then go to the Public Accounts Committee.