Calm before the storm... then calm again

Storms on Monday and Tuesday, and better days for the rest of the week.

Italian meteorologists are forecasting stormy weather for Monday evening and Tuesday, before 'summer climes' return on Wednesday.

According to, Monday's weather will be partly cloudy with a sirocco wind creating some swell on the seas, with temperatures of 26-27 degrees Celcius. In the evening, the storm is expected to brew from a north-westerly direction, bringing cooler weather on Tuesday, 16 October, with strong winds and grey weather for the greater part of the day. Maximum temperature of 23ºC.

The sun will return on Wednesday, 17 October, with calmer winds and cooler temperatures of 17º for the evening. The second half of the week will see brighter and hotter days with temperatures ranging between 22º and 30ºC.