€190 million collective agreement for ‘more efficient’ public sector signed

Lawrence Gonzi: new collective agreement will bring tranquillity and stability to public sector.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and the signatory unions to the 2012 collective agreement at Castille today.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and the signatory unions to the 2012 collective agreement at Castille today.

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech and principal permanent secretary Godwin Grima today signed a collective agreement for civil service employees, which will total €190 million in cost over the next six years.

The agreement, two years in the offing, will give public sector employees a 2.5% salary increase annually, which will globally amount to a 13% increase over the next six years.

"This is in stark contrast to what is happening in other European countries, where public service employees suffered up to 20% wage cuts in some cases. It is sustainable and this has the green light of the European Commission," Fenech said.

Members of major trade unions General Workers Union, the Union Haddiema Maqghudin, Forum, MUT, and MUMN and doctors union MAM were in attendance.

The 30,000 civil servants had been waiting for the signing of a new collective agreement since the expiry of the previous agreement in 2010. The new collective agreement which was trashed out in recent months, comes just months before the looming general election.

Government's nearly 30,000-strong workforce will not be the only ones to enjoy the pay rise but retired public servants will also see an increase in their pensions. The new agreement also includes a number of family-friendly measures including the introduction of flexitime for personal reasons and the facility to take part of the available vacation leave on an hourly basis.

Fenech said the agreement would offer stability and tranquillity for the country, in an indirect reference to claims by the Opposition of political instability troubling the country's economic performance.

The minister stressed that the agreement is transparent and gives the certainty of stability to the whole country. He added that the agreement will also introduce new measures in regards to settlement of industrial disputes and will improve structured mobility within the public services' ranks.

On his part, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi today the agreement paid witness to the responsibility of both government and unions. "Prudence and responsibility have won yet again. This agreement will give stability to the country for the next six years," Gonzi said.

"One of the reasons Malta has overcome the challenge of the international financial crisis was thanks to the preceding collective agreement and family-friendly measures that benefit 7% of the 30,000 employees covered by the preceding agreement, which will now go up to 13%."

He added that the agreement should serve as a model for the private sector to grow and follow suit in introducing more family-friendly measures.

The prime minister said that the taxpayer will expect a more efficient public sector in return for this collective agreement, paid for by public funds. Gonzi said the agreement will not only benefit the 30,000 government employees and their families, but also all citizens that make use of the public service.

Gonzi thanked the trade unions representing the 30,000 public servants for being reasonable in their demands, in the context of the current international economic scenario.

A last-minute agreement was also reached between government and the union of psychologists barely two hours before the signing of the long-awaited civil service collective agreement.

The Malta Union of Professional Psychologists (MUPP) had announced that it would not join other unions in signing the agreement, however during a press conference held in Floriana this afternoon it was announced that there was a breakthrough in the negotiations.

Caruana said that the initial difficulties emerged from differences on the sectorial agreement. Despite the two parties having been locked in discussions for the last four years, no concrete proposals were received before the press conference was called.


The GonziPN Government together with the UHM and the GWU took the CIVIL for a ride. Well done! No one gives a sh.. about the workers who are always loosing from what they gained through the years. 2011 was deleted from the calendar, with the blessing of the above 3. The civil service should do its best to form their own UNION.
This collective agreement for civil service employees replaces another that expired on 31st December 2010. It has been hurriedly concluded by Government these recent months with one of the signatory unions concluding its negotiations just a couple of hours prior to the signing of the agreement. As a result of all this rush complaints have being raised by several civil servants that they were not consulted by their trade union prior to the finalisation and signing of the agreement. This amount to sheer disrespect towards workers and officials of trade unions have failied miserably in one of their fundamental responsibilities of consulsulting members on proposed changes in their work conditions. Furthermore, according to public reports, the contemplated percentage rise in salary will only cover the five year period from 1st January 2012 to 31st December 2016 so that public service employees will not be benefitting from the rise for the entire year 2011 that forms part of the 5 years covered by the agreement. What is sure is that decisions on wage increases should be rational and taken responsibly after careful consideration of the the nation’s economy. But for Gonzi money is no problem. We all know how he awarded himself and his ministers an increase of €500 a week backdated from 2008 while the remaining citizens got a measly €1.16. Gonzi has no scruples using the country’s coffers to get votes and this is nothing more than another PN vote catching pre elction bait. But why worry? After all our debt will be paid by our childrens' children or rather by the oncoming Labour Government.
In the public service there are 10% working like dogs whilst the other 90% do nothing but absolutely nothing.
All over the modern world, but most especially in debt ridden, corruption driven Europe, Governments are falling over each other to find far more cost effective and efficient ways of carrying out their activity. Not in Malta! Only one thing matters in Malta, and that is to be in power (via vote buying) so you are continuously sucking on the gravy train. I suppose we have to flesh out this nonsensical claim that we're alright whilst all the world is suffering. This dying Government must be making great efforts to damage the incoming Government ability to extract Malta from the doldrums the present lot has got us into. As they will not pay with their assets, we can only pray that God will punish them with their minds and bodies for the damage they have inflicted on us.
Ghad dawl u l-ilma m'hemmx flus: ghal dawn li aktar jippassiggaw -nehhi nurses teachers u pulizija, ghal dawn 160 miljun! Mela sew ahna fil-privat minn fil-ghodu sa fil-ghaxija- u gas dawn( u hekk ghandu ikun) tac-civil hafna jililqu qabel u ghandhom n-nofsinhar u issa had z-zieda: ghalxiex?
Maureen Attard
Lil kull min hu kontra jew qed jahseb li waslet l-elezzjoni. Ilna nistennew li jigi ffirmat dan il-ftehim mill-bidu tas-sena 2011. Grazzi li fl-ahhar wasal. Jew hawn min hu ghajjur ghalina li rbahna ghal dak li thabatna ghalih? Jien ma nappogjax lil partit li bhal issa qed jigverna, biex kulhadd ikun jaf.
Good luck lis-Civil Service kollu. Pero issa Gonzipn jrid jaghlaq halqu u mhux joqoghod jilghaba tal-iblah u jistaqsi lill Joseph minn fejn se jgib il-flus ghal dik il-haga u ghal ohra. Minbarra hekk issa ta ragun lill Joseph li dawk tal-karozzi li gew misruqa ghandhom jigu imhallsa lura flushom, Mela sewwa ghal-Gonzi dejjem insibu il-flus per ezempju dak il-kruha ta' teatru u ghal dak il-bridge li ma jaghti ghal mkien, u meta jiftah halqu Joseph, il-pampaluni ta' Gonzipn jistaqsu minn fejn se jgib il-flus.
My brother who works in the Civil Service in Middle Management find this collective agreement as an insult. 2.5% increase is just bread crumbs that fall from the master's table. Cabinet Ministers increase their wage by 1000% whilst civil servants get peanuts. No wonder they are not motivated. UHM did not even consult with its members about this deal and did not even vote for it. Sometimes you think you are living in a third world country.
Does anybody smell the odor of election aroma in the air? They might even recall the Air Malta Employees that were laid off. Election fever is starting to settle in. How about giving Dr Grech, the Ex-Gozo Ferry Ceo back his job? After all you forgave the Air Malta Captain, why not forgive the Gozo Ferry Ceo? Everybody seems to be getting a raise these days, except us second class citizens. Is that it?
berbaq tonio fenech..... hekk u b hekk mhux int ha thallas....
Xi hmieg ta' gvern .... x'disprezz tal-intelligenza tan-nies .... veru gvern miskin, patetiku, arroganti imsewwes u mherri .... NISPERA LI ISSA KIF IL-GVERN INEHHI L-CAPPING TAL-PENSJONI TAL-MAGISTRATURA, DAWN IL-UNIONS KOLLHA KEMM HUMA jaqbzu fuq gonzipn u jitolbu l-istess trattament ghall-membri taghhom ... inkella wiehed jista' jghid li gonzipn dahhalhom kollha kemm huma fi xkora u hadd minnhom ma nduna ....
Luke Camilleri
U ghal min gie FRODAT IT-TAXXA fuq ir-registrazzjoni tal karozzi ma sabx miljuni il-Kaxxier Tonio fenech?
Anette B Cassar
Dejjem nisimghuha din. Qabel l-ahhar elezzjoni kienet "more effecient health system".