Prime Minister, Opposition to wait for Attorney General’s decision on OLAF report
John Dalli in telephone conversation to Lawrence Gonzi says he will contest allegations.
In a ministerial statement read out in Parliament this evening, the Prime Minister said: "President Barroso explained that this was a decision taken by John Dalli in light of the OLAF report in regards to investigations on the actions of third parties."
Gonzi added that so far he had no copy of the OLAF report.
"President Barroso also informed me that the report will be passed over to the Attorney General who will decide whether any further action should be taken against any particular persons."
"In another phone call I had later on, John Dali told me that he will contest all allegations leveled against him but that he had decided to resign to be able to defend himself and the institution he formed part of to this day."
Gonzi also noted that the Commission issued a statement at around 5pm and he tabled a copy of the statement in parliament. He also said that Dalli himself will be issuing a statement shortly.
"The government will now proceed and nominate another person in a reasonable space of time to occupy the post of Commissioner with the same portfolio John Dalli had."
On his part, Opposition leader Joseph Muscat called for caution and said that the national interest should be given the priority. He added that the mater can be discussed in more detail once the OLAF report is at hand.
In a brief reply Gonzi said the national interest should always come first. On the OLAF report, Gonzi said he doubts whether thye report will be made available to him as he was informed by the Commission president Barroso that the normal procedure is to send the report to the AG who will then decide how to proceed.
Dalli has today announced his resignation as a member of the Commission, with immediate effect.
Dalli informed the President of the European Commission following an investigation by OLAF, the EU's antifraud office, into a complaint made in May 2012 by the tobacco producer, Swedish Match.
The company alleged that a Maltese entrepreneur had used his contacts with Dalli to try to gain financial advantages from the company in return for seeking to influence a possible future legislative proposal on tobacco products, in particular on the EU export ban on snus. As soon as the Commission received the complaint it immediately requested OLAF to investigate.
The OLAF final report was sent to the Commission on 15 October. It found that the Maltese entrepreneur had approached the company using his contacts with Dalli and sought to gain financial advantages in exchange for influence over a possible future legislative proposal on snus. No transaction was concluded between the company and the entrepreneur and no payment was made. The OLAF report did not find any conclusive evidence of the direct participation of Dalli but did consider that he was aware of these events.
The OLAF report showed clearly that the European Commission's decision making process and the position of the services concerned has not been affected at all by the matters under investigation.