Commissioners’ math – what John Dalli and Tonio Borg will earn

EC salaries are decent, but it’s the pension and transitional allowances that are sweeter.

At a European Council meeting in Brussels, Tonio Borg (right) with Lawrence Gonzi.
At a European Council meeting in Brussels, Tonio Borg (right) with Lawrence Gonzi.

Former commissioner John Dalli will be paid a monthly salary right up to 2015 before he starts receiving a retirement pension from the EU, of €9,300 a month if he does not find a job in his period.


At 45% of his €20,667.20 salary, Dalli will be paid this transitional allowance for three years or up to his retirement, which will then earn him €2,356 every month, before taxes.

The €240,000 salary for Commissioners is not bad for Europe's topmost civil servants, even though as decision-makers for a community of 500 million, their salaries pale into insignificance compared to multinational chief executives.

Having said that, Tonio Borg's forthcoming 16 months will be sufficient for him to benefit from the EC's generous pension scheme.

He will earn €20,278 a month before tax (14 marginal tax rates ranging from 8% to 45%), topped up with a residence allowance of 15% of the salary, €3,039 monthly; and a €706.71 monthly allowance.

He will leave office, unless reappointed, at the age of 57, having been paid in total €384,000 before taxes.

The upon leaving he will be paid one month's salary in the form of a resettlement allowance, and the three-year transitional allowance based on 40-45% of his salary, given his short length of service, which again will be subject to tax - at least €300,000 in total.

The transitional allowance is capped. If the former Commissioner takes up any new gainful activity, the amount of the new job's salary, added together with the allowance, cannot exceed the remuneration as a member of the Commission.

Former Commissioners are entitled to a life pension, payable from the age of 65. The pension is subject to Community tax.

Pension rights depend on the length of a Commissioner's term in office. The amount of the pension is calculated as 4.275% of the basic salary for every full year in office, which in the case of Borg will mean at least €1,155 a month.

avatar darba ikun hemm partit laburista fil gvern u kummissarju jilhaq membru parlamentari laburista x'sa tghid siehbi. dawn kollha ghal hobzhom jahsbu habib.
What utter theft. The poor worker breaking his back for a measley pay and these thieves tacking all the cream. I holpe they use their monies to pay for their sins
To say these salaries and pension entitlements are obscene would be an understatement. The EU gravy train must be derailed. The average family do not get in one year what these disgusting bloodsuckers get per month. These salaries are paid so as not to hear dissenting voices from the lot of them.The salaries are in a way just bribes for the politicians while the masses sing for their supper.
I just threw up in my mouth.
hmmmmmm..hawnhekk jidher li dawk il 500euro zieda li kien ser jizdied bil mohbi ser jiehu ferm aktar..VIVA L'EWROPA .Certissmu li ser ikollu biex ihallas il kont tad dawl u l-ilma li dawn il kontijiet huma l ghola fl-ewropa.Sinjuri tal l-ewropa tafu li f'Malta hawn min qed jghix 500euro fix xaghar..X'MISTHIJA.
minn u mejjet bil qatra, u minn u mejjet ghal qatra.
X'ma jxerrux il-bnadar tal-Unjoni Ewropea n-Nazzjonalisti?! ghaz-zghir laqx biss.....u taxxi....u kontijiet tad-dawl gholjin!!!!