Prime Minister made aware of John Dalli investigations in July

The Office of the Prime Minister reveals that it was informed of investigations on John Dalli on 5 July 2012 and cooperated with OLAF in investigations.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi (left) together with John Dalli (centre) and former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi (left) together with John Dalli (centre) and former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami.

The Nationalist government was made aware of the investigations by OLAF on former EU Commissioner John Dalli on 5 July 2012, and assisted OLAF, the EU anti-fraud unit, in its investigations, the government has announced.

Dalli stepped down as commissioner on 16 October after he was read the covering letter from an investigation by the EU's anti-fraud office OLAF, claiming there was circumstantial evidence that he was aware of an attempt by a Sliema restaurateur, Silvio Zammit, to solicit a bribe from snus producers Swedish Match, ostensibly to reverse an EU-wide ban on snuff, which can only be sold in Sweden. Dalli has denied being aware of Zammit's advances to the company.

In a statement issued at 6am on Tuesday and sent to the press, in reply to questions sent by the Times, the OPM said: "On the 5th of July 2012 he (the Prime Minister) received information from the Cabinet Secretary Dr Godwin Grima that OLAF representatives were in Malta investigating a matter related to then Commissioner John Dalli. This information was communicated by AFCOS (Anti Fraud Coordinating Services - the Malta interlocutor of OLAF) to the Cabinet Secretary but no further details were made available."

The OPM added that at a later date, Grima updated the Prime Minister and informed him that John Dalli was aware of the investigation.

"The Prime Minister called John Dalli and asked him what this investigation was about. John Dalli stated that he knew about the investigation and that the matter was being clarified by him directly with OLAF," the statement said.

In regards to the government's actions since then, the OPM said that the Prime Minister "immediately instructed the Cabinet Secretary to make sure that full cooperation was afforded to OLAF by all concerned."

It also pointed out that prior to the 17 July PN Executive Meeting, when former EU Ambassador Richard Cachia Caruana was cleared of all allegations levelled at him by MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, there was a telephone call as well as a meeting at John Dalli's request on the 19 July at 11:00am at Castille.

The OPM said: "The telephone call and the meeting dealt with his allegations regarding hacking and with allegations regarding a list of seven persons."

Speaking on One Television on Monday evening, John Dalli said that he suspects a Maltese hand was behind the whole saga, however he added that he has no proof of this. In the same interview, Dalli also noted that judging from the government's swift decision to appoint Tonio Borg as his replacement, "it seems that everything was planned."

Meanwhile, in a letter sent to the Members of the European Parliament yesterday, Dalli reiterated that he "categorically denied being aware of any negotiations or communications" that could have taken place between Maltese restaurateur Silvio Zammit and snus producer Swedish Match.

Dalli, who has always claimed he was asked to resign, said he was objecting to the way his resignation took place. For the first time today, a spokesman for the European Commission confirmed with journalists in Brussels that Dalli was asked to resign.

However, Dalli told MEPs that he had been "deprived of my right to defend myself" and he was not "even given 24 hours" to consult with his lawyers or inform family members.

"I was only given 30 minutes," Dalli said, adding that he still had no access to the OLAF report and knew nothing of what circumstantial evidence was quoted against him.

Dalli also complained that his "right of presumption of innocence" was breached by a press conference given by OLAF director Giovanni Kessler. "He repeatedly and assertively stated his conjectures, again without stating their basis," he added.

He went on to say that OLAF has not yet informed him on what evidence "they have based conjectures", adding that thus he was being denied the opportunity to defend himself.

"I categorically refute these conclusions, and am presently seeking advice on what legal action I can take to protect my reputation," Dalli said.

Sewwa bsart li ta li Svediz l-ahbar ticcekken. Ippruvajt nerga nara l-ahbar fuq il-gazetta li kienet u balecc!! tnehhiet bir-rimarki b kollox!!!!
Luke Camilleri
U mhux ghalhekk sar li sar biex jinhataris-successur ta' Gonzi...... jithol baxx, baxx Simon Busuttil jew xi midluk minn tieghu kif kien ghamel Eddie bih! Kieku mhux ghalhekk ghalfejn Gonzi , li kien jaf x'inhu ghaddej minn Lulju, ma lissen xejn u kull ma ghamel BICCA STRATEGIJA , biex (1) Jehles minn Dalli (2) Jghamel naqra re-shuffle u make-up tal-Partit ( 3) Jehles minn Tonio (4) Issib post ghal Simon Busuttil! XEJN MA JSR B'KUMBINAZZJONI ma GonziPn x'hin tkun riesqa l'elezzjoni! Nahseb li qieghed jahdem OVERTIME ,l- ex-Ambaxxatur Sfiducat, Kunsulent tal-Prim RCC bhaissa!
Luke Camilleri
ARA EDDIE kemm ilna ma narawh u nisimghu l'opinjoni tieghu! Fejnu Eddie bhalissa? Ma mars jigri id-Dar Centrali jghid li postu hemm bhal meta kien hemm il-kaz ta' RCC?
tafu tikkumentaw minghajr ma iddahhlu politika fin nofs. ejjew nuru li ahna maltin solidali ma min hu malti u jahdem ghal gid tal maltin u kontra kull malti jew barrani li jipprova jumiljana. dalli sab oppozizjoni qawwija ghad direttiva li kien se johrog u raw kif ghamlu u waqqfuh. bil ligi il gdida kien hemm min se jitleg il biljuni u dawn ghax b'sahhithom izjed ghamlu li ghamlu. u mela se noqodu nghidu li il prim ministru kien jaf u messu ghamel hekk u mhux hekk.....kemm sirna bravi f'daqqa wahda. darba alfred sant qal u nahseb li ghandu ragun li il maltin fl'ewropa MAKKU.
It is very true that in a democracy a man is deemed innocent until proven guilty. But why would OLAF go through all this trouble if they did not have solid evidence? They have a lot to lose just as John Dalli has. Why did John Dalli resign so fast if he has nothing to hide? Why did Dr Gonzi hide all this from the Maltese people? And why was Dr Gonzi so anxious to appoint his Deputy Minister as the new Mep Representative? As usual, there are a lot of questions but very few answers.
Well! Well! The worms are surfacing one by one. My original contention that the Tobacco industry must have sought the assistance of a local political/personal enemy of their " troublesome" Commissioner Dalli has far more weight to it now. Who is to say that the Tobacco industry did not turn to a very high EU official to fish out a friendly, willing EU-knowledgeable "friend" of "friends"? No wonder the constant, merciless, savage attack on Dalli in certain media quarters, whose allegiance to certain power brokers is very well known.
" the Prime Minister "immediately instructed the Cabinet Secretary to make sure that full cooperation was afforded to OLAF by all concerned." U ZGUUUUUR....U BIL-QALB.
Il-Prim Ministru kien jaf; jidher li ma hemm xejn legali hazin; kollox hu politiku u hallejniehom ihammgu lil Malta; biex fuq kollox hallew id-direttiva fuq l-ixkaffa. Ara li hareg fl-ahbarijiet li MEP Svediz kien qed ibiegh is SNUS illegalment go Brussels din jien zgur li jcekknuha. Lanqas cans jghid lil Familja.