Fast-food vendors at Imnarja make a 'killing' with €5 burger

Go for the real food at Imnarja, and avoid the hot dog stands!

The organisers of this year's edition of the Imnarja festival were unable to remove a fast-food vendor, whose wares generated a fair amount of complaints claiming the food being sold was undercooked.

MaltaToday is reliably informed that complainants found no form of redress from either the local council organisers or the police today, when burgers and hot dogs they purchased from the vendor 'Mr Crepes' were unsatisfactory. "I twice asked for my burger to be changed because it was still raw on the inside, and then I was refused to be given my money back: my burger cost €5," one irate caller said.

The family said they had paid €15 for two burgers and a hot dog.

The complainants said they were told by organiser Eleanor Ciantar that the vendor was not a subcontractor chosen by the organisers, but that he could not be removed from the Buskett grounds. A police officer also directed the family to lodge a report at the police station, but did not carry out checks on the vendor's public hygiene certification.

Food vendors at the Imnarja festival are generally subcontracted by the local council so as to ensure proper food handling practices, but other vendors often set up shop on the fringes of the festival.

Albert Zammit
First, I think that these fast-food vendors that have now become the in-thing in traditional festas need to be certified for their hygiene and that spot-checks should be made to them even during the festas themselves. Some of the food that is 'cooked' and re-'cooked' ad nauseam stinks ... and yet people buy it and open their mouths wide to put a whole burger or sausage in ... hmmm! Secondly, the Imnarja festival ... isn't it about time that it is regulated as far as food is concerned? I mean ... the Buskett area becomes a veritable butchery ground where rabbits are concerned and it's about time that animal rights are respected even here - at the moment, it's a free-for-all. Like many other things, I mean.