Sunday Circle publishers slapped with €630,000 garnishee order from The Times
The publishers of Sunday Circle – once the flagship magazine of The Times – have been served with a €630,000 garnishee order by The Times who are seeking outstanding monies owed to Progress Press Company Ltd and Allied Newspapers Ltd.
The publishers of Sunday Circle magazine have been served with a €630,000 garnishee order by The Times who are seeking outstanding monies owed to Progress Press and Allied Newspapers Ltd.
Directors John and Peter Formosa of Network Publications, which already has a history of garnishee orders, were handed two garnishee orders signed by Judge Joseph Zammit McKeon, of €593,418.31 and €38,125.94 by a Court Marshall earlier this month.
The garnishee is said to have disrupted Network Publication’s operations, which besides the Sunday Circle also publish The Economic Update and Pocket Malta.
Network Publications are also organisers of the BOV World of Luxury Living and The Summer Living Boat Show, while also running the e-Gaming Directory.
Bank of Valletta chose to sponsor Network’s Boat show this September despite Sunday Circle’s history of garnishee orders.
Contacted last night, Allied Newspapers Ltd managing director Adrian Hillman stuck to a ‘no comment’ response regarding the future of the Sunday Circle as an insert with The Times.
Hillman however told MaltaToday that “discussions are currently underway with Network Publications regarding the garnishee order”.
Last June, Network Publications were condemned by a Court to pay Anthony Mangion the sum of €3,494.06, while Aramex (Malta) Ltd filed a suit for a €1,580.90 for defaulting over a credit agreement.
Another garnishee order was issued against Network Publications by OK Furniture Limited for the amount of €33,825 last year, while Stephen Vassallo sent the company an official letter to retrieve the sum of €3,068.
In 2010, computer supplier SG Solutions Ltd filed a suit to be paid the sum of €7,983 for default on credit, and Raymond Vella & Co Ltd filed for €7,310 over a Bill of Exchange.