Updated | Labour government will rectify injustices in public service
Opposition MP Helena Dalli says a new Labour government will carry out audit to rectify the mismanagement of the public service.
Adds Nationalist Party statement at 4:22pm
A new Labour government will ensure that the public service is run in an efficient, transparent and accountable way, Labour MP Helena Dalli said.
"We will make the best use of the country's human resources," the Labour MP said, adding that a Labour government will carry out an audit in all government entities and departments to rectify the mismanagement of the public service.
Dalli said that people in government agencies and authorities who undeservedly have been awarded posts to the detriment of qualified personnel will be replaced once Labour is in government. .
"The Labour Party understands the people's expectations for justice to be done in government authorities and departments by ensuring that people who suffered injustices are awarded their dues. The Labour Party in government will guarantee that justice is done," Dalli said.
She however said that this does not mean that a board will be set up to evaluate injustices carried out by Nationalist Administration, in the same fashion as the 1996 Alfred Sant Labour government.
"We promise that we will listen to people's hurts and ensure that a proper redeployment of personnel is carried out," Dalli said.
The Labour Party's spokesperson on public administration added that a new government will make sure that the country utilises civil servants in the best way possible to guarantee meritocracy, accountability and efficiency.
"The redeployment of qualified persons to the right positions through the proper channels will also mean that the country takes a return for the investment in people's education and training."
Pressed on how this will be ensured, Dalli said no new structure will introduced in the civil service but a change in the management of government authorities and departments will ensure accountability in all engagements.
Speaking at a press conference Dalli cited the situation at the Transport Malta, where she said, unqualified persons were being promoted to posts they do not deserve while qualified employees were missing out or being removed unjustly from a number of posts.
Dalli described this as "psychological violence" and said that political discrimination is being practiced at TM, although she added that "Nationalist supporters who are not well connected to the inner core are also being discriminated."
Whitout quantifying the number of persons at Transport Malta who suffered such injustices, Dalli said that a good number of employees had been undeservedly promoted, at times twice in three months.
"Some employees are receiving responsibility allowances which could amount to €630 per month, although these responsibilities have been removed from them," Dalli said.
She also said that persons were being engaged in positions of trust outside the structures they are normally employed in, adding that such positions were being awarded abusively.
A Labour government will rectify such injustices, Dalli stressed, "through the redeployment of people according to their qualifications." She said contracts which have been awarded to unqualified persons, will not be renewed.
In reaction, the Nationalist Party said that Dalli's statements confirm that once Labour leader Joseph Muscat and Labour are in power "heads will roll as they deem fit."
"Muscat keeps mum, keeps his mouth shut and leaves the people in the dark. However the people around him reveal his hidden intentions and his plans if he is in power, Labour will axe people they disagree with," the PN said.
The statement added that Helena Dalli is not new at axing people, noting she was found guilty of political discrimination against Angela Callus who was replaced by Renee' Laiviera as Director of the Department for Women's Equality in 1998. Back then Dalli was Parliamentary Secretary for women's rights under the Alfred Sant Labour government.
The PN said Laiviera was Chairperson of the Labour Party commission for equality and Dalli's advisor.
It added that the Employment Commission had concluded that Callus was not recommended for the position because "the minister was happier working with Renee' Laiviera who already was a close aide hers."
Dalli's declarations were compared to the statement of another Labour MP, Gino Cauchi, the PN said.
It noted that earlier this month, Cauchi said that Labour is already in contact with persons who are interested in taking up positions at the national broadcaster, PBS, once Labour is in government.
"Muscat's Malta Labour Party confirms that it is the same party it was in the past and it has not changed. It only employs Labour die-hards," the PN added.