Appogg helpline recieved 11,816 calls in 2011

Family affairs minister Chris Said says that Agenzija Appogg supportline 179 received 11,816+ calls in 2011.

Supportline 179 received 418 phone calls in relation to child abuse in 2011.
Supportline 179 received 418 phone calls in relation to child abuse in 2011.

The Agenzija Appogg helpline received 11,816 phone calls in 2011, the justice and family affairs Chris Said said today in Parliament.

Said explained that the agency's volunteers received a total of 17,539 calls, of which 11,816 were genuine calls and required assistance.

Supportline 179 is a 24-hour free telephone service offered by Agenzija Appogg. It is managed by a team of professionally trained volunteers, under the supervision of Appogg professionals and has been in operation for over 15 years.

The helpline provides immediate, confidential support to callers of any age, who require assistance both in day-to-day and crisis situations. It also provides information on social welfare services and referral systems to those callers who require further assistance. Supportline 179 receives calls on situations of child abuse, domestic violence, drug, alcohol and gambling problems, among others. 

In reply to a Parliamentary question by Labour MP Silvio Parnis, Said provided detailed list of the type of calls received by the helpline. 754 calls were received in  relation to depression and 566 calls requested help over domestic abuse.

Of these, 346 callers requested help over physical domestic abuse, 180 for emotional abuse and 15 for sexual abuse. 418 calls were received over child abuse of which 117 were on physical abuse and 28 on sexual abuse.

Drug and alcohol abuse, bullying, gambling, marital issues, homeless, loneliness and family issues featured high on the list. Surprisingly only eight calls were received in relation to gay related issues, five calls were in relation to rape, eight calls on usury and 10 on unemployment.