5,787 persons on waiting list for ultrasound at Mater Dei

Thousands of patients on waiting lists revealed by health minister Joe Cassar who gives figures on cardiology, orthopeadic and radiology departments waiting lists at Mater Dei hospital.

In the cardiology department 353 patients are on the waiting list for a angiogram.
In the cardiology department 353 patients are on the waiting list for a angiogram.

Over 23,000 patients were on the national health service's waiting list for operations and interventions as of 9 October 2012. The figures, revealed by health minister Joe Cassar, only include the cardiology, orthopaedic and ophthalmology departments.

Cassar was answering a Parliamentary question tabled by Labour MP Anthony Agius Decelis. The minister gave a detailed breakdown of the number of patients on the waiting lists and the largest number of patients on the lists are expecting services from the radiology department.

5,787 patients await an ultrasound, 2,687 are on the waiting list for an MRI scan, another 1,476 patients are waiting for a CT scan and 782 persons are waiting for a mamography.

In the cardiology department, a further 353 patients are on the list for a angiogram. In the other departments, over 3,200 patients are waiting to have a cataract removal, while over 1,400 are on the waiting list for a knee arthroscopy.

Another 1,600 are on the waiting list for total knee replacements, 1,200 for dental services and 565 in the gynaecology department.

Recently, health authorities revealed that in the first 8 months of 2012 Mater Dei Hospital registered 30,500 operations, an increase of 1,580 over the same period last year.

In 2011, a total of 44,000 operations were performed, an increase of 2,000 operations over the previous year, and 11,000 more when compared to the last year of operation of the former general hospital, St Luke's Hospital.

Mater Dei Hospital... STATE OF THE ART. Its services...STATE OF THE FART.
Jista xi hadd jispjega kif hemm 1,200 biss jistennew appuntament ghad dental? Jekk iccempel illum, jaghtuk appuntament sena u tlett xhur ohra. Mela 4 persuni biss jaraw kulljum?
From the above statistics Mater Dei pro employees are doing a good job. But Dr.Cassar is not realizing if one of us happens to be one of those thousands of patients on the waiting list - mmmm!!! THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG.
U iva l-aqwa li ghanda sptar state of the art. X'jitnellhu li jhalli eluf ta' morda fil-kuriduri, x'jitnellhu li hemm dawk l-eluf jistennew ghal xi haga jew ohra. L-aqwa li ghanda ministru jgawdi il-fiducja ta prim ministru li tajjeb biss ghal frejjeg.
U issa, aktar ma toqrob l-elezzjoni, m'hemmx ghalfejn nghidu il-bravu psikjatra joe cassar (dak li qal li l-ministeru tal-finanzi tah xi tmien miljun ewro zejda li ma kellux bzonnhom fil-budget ta' dis-sena .... u tahomlhom lura, miskin !!!) jivventa xi ftehim ma' xi sptar privat biex forsi tinqata din il-backlog ..... u jippretendi li nghidulu kemm hu bravu u li ntuh il-vot fl-elezzjoni .....