MEP Simon Busuttil to submit nomination for deputy leadership

Nationalist MEP is first to officially submit nomination for deputy leadership contest.

MEP Simon Busuttil will be running for PN deputy leader.
MEP Simon Busuttil will be running for PN deputy leader.

Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil has announced that he will be submitting his nomination for the election of deputy leader of the Nationalist Party following the vacancy created by the resignation of Tonio Borg after his nomination as member of the European Commission.

"I have decided to submit my nomination because I want to contribute to the change that the PN can bring about in the country and I want to contribute to the renewal of the party itself," Busuttil said.

The MEP, 43, is considered to be one of the PN's leading representatives since being elected MEP in 2004 and more recently, Lawrence Gonzi's special delegate to civil society.

"I believe in real change but I feel that with the Labour Party we will only get an artificial change. I want a change for the better, but I feel that with the Labour Party we will get a change for the worse. I am convinced that the PN is the best instrument for change, a real change and a change for the better for Malta and Gozo."

If Busuttil wins the deputy leadership, which contest so far has not seen any serious advances by other contenders, he will have to face the prospect of imminent elections in 2013.

"To continue to pursue this change the PN needs to win the next general election and to win this election the party needs all the help it can get. Now, more than ever. I therefore want to offer my help and I appeal to all those who can help to step forward. I am standing up to be counted and I want to work side by side by Lawrence Gonzi in delivering change," Busuttil said.

"I look forward to a tough but loyal competition for the election of PN Deputy Leader, a contest among friends, which brings out the best that the PN has to offer. I believe that this process is good for the party and good for the country."

So far, names touted for the possible candidature of the deputy leadership but as yet unconfirmed, include ministers Mario de Marco, Chris Said, Tonio Fenech and even MP Beppe Fenech Adami.

[MORE] Who will take on the golden boy?


Dr Busittil is a breath of political fresh air. He is a man of integtrity, empathetic, well-meaning, modest and unpretentious. He is nonetheless emphatic, self-confident and forceful while he lacks the sheer arrogance exhibited by so many politicians of both main political paties. However his entry into the local political scene just eight months ago on being appointed as the Prime Minister’s special delegate has come a bit too late in the day. Besides, as I am sure he realises very well, the powers vested on him are very limited and definitely inadequate to effect the required change and correct the severe damage already inflicted by the Gonzi administration.
I feel that the PL leads in progressive thinking of how a modern party should function and the PN after criticizing tends to follow. One of the greatest feats of Joseph Muscat has been to unite the party after two major recent rifts. It seems that the PN through the good offices of another forward looking EU MP is starting to push conciliatory feelers to its mavericks JPO,JM and even FD. No doubt this approach would have been noted and approved by the more loyal but unhappy tenants of their backbench and their intelligent base . It seems that Simon wants to reach out and find a new collegiate spirit in a party characterized by the arrogance and haughtiness of those who serve the throne. However I doubt whether such conciliation can be achieved without a clean sweep of some of the current ruling clique after an electoral defeat. Signs are that these throne advisers have already circumscribed what actions by SB they will tolerate given that any successful conciliation will highlight the unpopularity and point a finger at the damage they have inflicted on the party with their hegemonic attitude.
Abdullah alhrbi
"I believe in real change but I feel that with the Labour Party we will only get an artificial change. I want a change for the better, but I feel that with the Labour Party we will get a change for the worse. I am convinced that the PN is the best instrument for change, a real change and a change for the better for Malta and Gozo." What change is Simon Busuttil going to engineer if he will continue to be over ruled by the GattRCC suprematist Duo? Shouldn't Simon Busuttil take into account the threat to democracy these two pose? Or is Simon Busuttil merely happy to be the poster boy? The cheek ! you'll be getting an artificial change with the Labour Party do you now ! What could be more of a fake change then Simon Busuttil + Austin Gatt + RCC ? Oh yes because that equation was already in place at the 2008 election. so effectively SB+ AG+ RCC = GonziPN. Effectively, Simon Busuttil is really the face for non change. What he really means is that he wants things to remain the same. The instrument for a better change in Malta is a party that debunks non starters who have a proven track record in failure and whose arrogance is an affront to European democracy. So plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose my dear Simon. I suggest you acquaint yourself with Camus 'la peste ' perhaps if you want real change. It might inspire you to get to the root of the absurd problem you are part of.
Its seems to me that this episode will end up like the costa concordia tragedy?
Goodbye to power fr at least three decades PN. Simon would have been better off to be promoted to the post of EU Commissioner!!! for the next two years.
Dr. Busuttil, se tibda ddaħħak jaqaw? Insomma, jew tkompli fejn ħallejt! Staqsi lil kaċċaturi u n-nassaba bl'ittra li kont ktibtilhom qabel daħħaltu l'Malta fl'EU! Mela se tibda tatakka l-PL, insomma inthom ħlief tajn ma' tafux twaddbu! Franco Debono kixef lil gonz, li kien talbu biex jattakka kuljum lil PL! Tidher li int wieħed mill-FIDILI ta' gonzi, għax biex tidher ħelu qbadt tattakka lil PL! Nawguralek suċċess, u nispera li ma tkunx xi tellieqa waħdek, bħal tal-kap tiegħek, għax żgur tiġi l-ewwel, iżda l'aħħar ukoll!!!
I want a change for the better, but I feel that with the Labour Party we will get a change for the worse. If the labour party is that bad, I don't think you need all the help your are crying for, with your reasoning the pn can win hands down. talk, talk, talk that is what you are good for saimon. I hope that if you get to be the deputy leader, you will not be the poodle of RCC and AG, because a few days ago you have been told off and to do what you are told. good luck.
u allura gonzipn u xmun ta' birkirkara jahsbu li ghax taparsi gonzipn issa se jkun immexxi minn gonzi l-kwazi pensjonant u minn abbati iehor minn mannarinu in-nies se jibilghu l-lixka li gonzipn mhux partit immuffat, konservattiv, ankrat fl-imghoddi li gab lil malta fix-xifer tal-kollas finanzjarju b'dejn ta' kwazi hames biljun ewro .... dan hu l-bravu li qal li jekk jitla' l-partit laburista se jkollna bzonn bailout ... ma jafx dottor busuttil li kien il-partit tieghu li dejjen lil malta u gabha fixxa ... u mbaghad bil-wicc tost kollu jghid li jkollna bzonn bailout jekk jitla' joseph muscat .... jidher car li dan tela' fil-benniena ta' gideb u qerq li ilha ghal zmien twil tipproduci politikanti ma jiswew xejn li farrku lil pajjiz u jahsbu li baghathom alla biex imexxina ... hallina busu trid ... mhux ahjar tmur tiggera fl-ewropa forsi nehilsu xi ftit minnek u mic-cucati li ga bdejt tghif ... kont ghadek lanqas ftaht halqek li gonzipn stess ma bediex iwaqqghak ghac-cajt bil-famuza rikonciljazzjoni .... hallina busu trid ....
More of the same
And the PN wil go into opposotion for the next thirty years or so. He would have been better to move into Dalli's shoes.