AD supports calls for six-month COLA revision

Alternattiva Demokratika backs six-month COLA revision in conjunction with minimum wage increase.

Alternattiva Demokratika expressed its support of the General Workers Union (GWU) proposal to have the cost of living adjustment mechanism (COLA) adjustments every six months rather than on an annual basis.

The Green Party said this should be introduced in conjunction with an increase in the minimum wage.

AD Spokesperson for Social Policy, Angele Deguara said: "AD supports the proposal made by the General Workers Union for the Cost of Living Adjustment to be made every six months instead of annually." 

She said this would ensure that any compensation given to workers would reflect cost of living increases better.  "It would also mean that workers would start receiving any such increases in their pay packet after six months instead of a year later as the system stands at present," Deguara said. 

AD also explained that it believes that the COLA mechanism itself needs to be revised so that the way that the cost of living compensation is calculated will be more realistic.

On his part, AD Chairperson Michael Briguglio said: "The COLA revisions should take place in conjunction with an increase in the minimum wage. This should also be extended to part time and contractual workers. Such an increase would help improve the quality of life of the workers and give them more spending power."

He said such an increase would also encourage more people to enter the formal labour market, making work pay. "AD remains the only political party contesting the elections in favour of this progressive policy," Briguglio said.

Mark Fenech
U mela dan l-Avukat Arnold Cassola mhux iehor. Jitkellem fuqiex jitkellem dejjem idawwar is-suġġett kontra l-PL. Mela meta John Dalli rreżenja, s-Soċjalisti Ewropew issuġġerew li l-Kummissarju l-ġdid Malti jiħatar wara l-elezzjoni li jmis. Dan Cassola hareġ qatta bla ħabel għax qal li kien Joseph Muscat li qal lis-Soċjalisti Ewropew biex joħorġu b'dan is-suġġeriment. Meta PL caħad dan, anzi meta Tonio Borg ġie nominat u l-PL issekonda lil gonzipn, dan Cassola reġa ħareġ jattakka lil PL, għax Tonio Borg mhux tajjeb għal din il-kariga. Mela dan Cassola li propjament kważi ma jirrapreżenta lil ħadd, wiċċ jirbaħ huwa u ġejjen jirbaħ huwa wkoll. Kun naqra serju Dott. u aċċetta li kont ħażin, mhux tiġi tpaċpaċ fil-vojt biex tal-PBS jisservew bik u jagħtuk ftit spazzju basta tghid kontra l-PL. Dak bilanċ.
The greens are more advanse than the PL or PN . Look around you people, and one can notice that we are going back to the 60's70's and 80's.We are geting poorer by the day, freedom going the same way back,environment forgeted,our rights don't exsit, and more s..t.
The greens are more advanse than the PL or PN . Look around you people, and one can notice that we are going back to the 60's70's and 80's.We are geting poorer by the day, freedom going the same way back,environment forgeted,our rights don't exsit, and more s..t.